Teremys Mason

Valerio, A. A. & Whitfield, J. B., 2003, A new species of the enigmatic genus Te re m ys Mason, T. hanniae, from Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Zootaxa 364, pp. 1-9 : 2-3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.156352



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scientific name

Teremys Mason


Teremys Mason

Teremys Mason, 1981 . Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 115: 42. Monotypic, type species Teremys masneri Mason.

The following generic diagnosis is modified after Mason (1981) and Whitfield et al. (2002):

Head. Basal antennal placodes of flagellum two­ranked, arrangement of medioapical flagellomeres placodes same ventrally as dorsally; glossa truncate.

Mesosoma. Pronotum with two lateral grooves; mesonotum without notaulus; pronotal lower outer corner without an upwardly projecting flange; epicnemial carinae absent; scutelum with lunulae in outline and medio posterior edge nitid; sublateral hairs on metanotum developed as a tuft; anterior margin of metanotum weakly excavated sublaterally, narrowly exposing phragma; anterior part of propodeum greatly shortened, medio­longitudinal carinae absent; areola present but sometimes poorly defined by carinae laterally and anteriorly.

Legs. Hind coxae distinctly shorter than first metasomal tergum; tarsal claws simple apically, with broader basal lobe.

Metasoma. First metasomal tergite with basal excavation, surface flat to gently arched and without medial excavation on apical half, overall shape broad and covering most of tergum, only occasionally exposing laterotergites; junction between first and second terga fused as well as junction between second and third terga, creating a caparace­like structure; first to third terga heavily sclerotized and junction between second and third terga with a broad crenulate groove; second metasomal tergum rectangular in shape and covering most of dorsal surface; hypopygium evenly sclerotized and sharply folded medially; eighth metasomal tergite of female 2– 4 x taller than long with apodeme shorter than wide; second valvifer tall, lorate and not expanded apically; ovipositor sheaths attached to second valvifer near apex on ventral side; ovipositor sheath length elongated, exerted and exposed for most of its length, setae concentrated at distal apex; ovipositor tapered throughout length; male genitalia with apex of digitus acute and directed dorsally, ventral edge strongly convex.

Wings. Forewing 3Rs proximally strong convex towards costal margin, 1M+1Rs weakly angled (20–60°), r­m absent as vein 2A; hindwing vein r present and spectral; cells 1R and 2R of approximately same width, vein 2r­m present, vein 2A absent, vein 2Cu and cu­a straight in shape; hindwing vannal lobe with a notch which separates the lobe from remainder of wing margin, distinctly convex beyond widest point; vannal fringe long, even and dense beyond broadest point of clavum.












Teremys Mason

Valerio, A. A. & Whitfield, J. B. 2003


Mason 1981
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