Shaanxinus magniclypeus Lin, 2019

Lin, Shou-Wang, Lopardo, Lara, Haase, Martin & Uhl, Gabriele, 2019, Taxonomic revision of the dwarf spider genus Shaanxinus Tanasevitch, 2006 (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae), with new species from Taiwan and Vietnam, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 19 (2), pp. 211-276 : 226-255

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-018-00389-6

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Shaanxinus magniclypeus Lin

sp. nov.

Shaanxinus magniclypeus Lin View in CoL sp. n., Northern population Figs. 10 View Fig , 11 View Fig and 12 View Fig

Type material. Paratypes: 1♂ 1♀, Taipei City, close to Lujiaoken Creek , 350 m (25° 11′ 26′′ N; 121° 34′ 32′′ E), 15.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28425, 28431) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality, 29.IV.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28432) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, New Taipei City, Wanli District, close to Masu creek , 290 m (25° 09′ 34′′ N; 121° 37′ 25′′ E), 21.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28426, 28427) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀, New Taipei City, Sanzhi District , 222 m (25° 13′ 39′′ N; 121° 31′ 28′′ E), 21.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28428, 28,433) GoogleMaps ; 3♂ 5♀, New Taipei City, Pinglin District , 371 m (24° 58′ 01′′ N; 121° 44′ 25′′ E), 24.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin ( SMF) GoogleMaps ; 3♂ 2♀, New Taipei City, Pinglin District, close to Pinglin Elementary School Yuguang , 397 m (24° 57′ 43'' N; 121° 44′ 13′′ E), 16.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin ( NMNS-7927-006 ~010) GoogleMaps .

Other material. Taipei City, close to Lujiaoken Creek , 350 m (25° 11′ 26 B N; 121° 34’ 32^ E), 15.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♀ (ZIMG-II-28434); same locality, 29.IV.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♀ (ZIMG-II-28435) ; New Taipei City, Pinglin District , 371 m (24° 58′ 01′′ N; 121° 44′ 25′′ E), 24.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♂ 4♀ (ZIMG-II-28429, 28,436, 28,437) GoogleMaps ; New Taipei City, Wanli District, close to Masu creek , 290 m (25° 09′ 34′′ N; 121° 37′ 25′′ E), 21.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♂ (ZIMG-II-28430) GoogleMaps ; New Taipei City, Pinglin District, close to Pinglin Elementary School Yuguang , 397 m (24° 57′ 43′′ N; 121° 44′ 13′′ E), 16.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♂ 1♀ ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps ; New Taipei City, Sanzhi District , 222 m (25° 13′ 39′′ N; 121° 31′ 28′′ E), 21.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin 1♀ (ZIMG-II-28438) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Clypeal groove upper and lower margins slightly away from each other in most examined specimens (9/10), in contrast to larger distance in Eastern population (see description of the latter); PC middle part as wide as distal part. Other diagnostic features refer to generic description and Eastern population.

Females differ from Eastern population in the weaker sclerotization on the posterior margin of dorsal epigynal plate. See generic description and diagnosis of Eastern population.

Description. Male (paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.4. Carapace 1.11 long, 0.85 wide. Opisthosoma 1.29 long, 0.86 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.149. Clypeal groove height: 0.007; groove-clypeal margin: 0.41. AME-groove: 0.078. L e g f o r m u l a 2> 1> 4> 3; l e g m e a s u r e m e n t s s e e Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.83. Pedipalp: patella length/ height = 1.62; femur/patella = 4.16. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.79. Carapace 1.08 long, 0.83 wide. Opisthosoma 1.68 long, 1.21 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.84. Spermathecae width: 0.29. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (10♂, 10♀).

Males (n = 10): total length: 2.33–2.57 (2.45). Carapace 1.1–1.17 (1.13) long, 0.81–0.87 (0.84) wide. AME-groove: 0.078 –0.096 (0.086). ALE-ALE: 0.136 –0.152 (0.145). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.36–0.44 (0.41). Groove height: 0– 0.019 (0.011). Tm I: 0.79–0.85 (0.82).

Females (n = 10): total length: 2.52–3.33 (2.79). Carapace 1.05–1.25 (1.13) long, 0.81–0.93 (0.85) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.25–0.32 (0.28); distance between two copulatory openings: 0.096 –0.134 (0.114). Tm I: 0.81–0.88 (0.84).

Distribution. Taiwan, Taipei City, New Taipei City.

Shaanxinus shihchoensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 13 View Fig and 14 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Chiayi County, Zhushi Township, close to Shihcho Mountain , 1181 m (23° 28′ 22′′ N; 120° 41′ 33′′ E), 5.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28439) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 9♂ 10♀, same locality and date as holotype, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (3♂ 4♀, ZIMG-II-28440, 28441, 28442; 3♂ 3♀, SMF; 3♂ 3♀, NMNS-7927-011 ~016) GoogleMaps .

Other material. Same locality and date as holotype, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (10♂ 20♀, ZIMG-II-28452, 28443~28445, 28447, 28454, 28455; 9♂ 7♀, ZMUC); Chiayi County, Fanlu Township , 324 m (23° 27′ 38′′ N; 120° 35′ 25′′ E), 5.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin, 1♂ 2♀ ( ZIMG- II-28446, 28453) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective derived from the mountain B Shihcho^ near the collecting site of the holotype.

Diagnosis. Males: clypeal groove upper and lower margins contacting at the middle; setae on upper and lower margins nearly vertically oriented ( Fig. 14d View Fig ), a feature differentiating this species from S. mingchihensis sp. n., S. makauyensis sp. n., S. curviductus sp. n., S. tsou sp. n., S. meifengensis sp. n., S. hehuanensis sp. n., S. lixiangae sp. n., S. seediq sp. n., and S. atayal sp. n. Retrolateral apical palpal tibia without short stout setae, which distinguish this species from its similar species S. shoukaensis sp. n. PC with 1-2 distal setae; tip simple, spoon-shaped; mesal apophysis absent, retrolateral apophysis present, basally situated ( Fig. 13a, c View Fig ), a combination of PC features shared only with S. shoukaensis sp. n. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum relatively strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 13d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively short ( Fig. 13e View Fig ) (see generic remarks). S. shihchoensis sp. n. can be distinguished from the morphologically similar S. shoukaensis sp. n. by the shape of PC, the ratio of AME-groove to carapace width, significantly larger in S. shihchoensis sp. n. (t test, n 1 = 10, n 2 = 7, t = 6.8512, p <0.001), and the significantly smaller ratio of groove-clypeal margin to carapace width (t test, n 1 = 10, n 2 = 7, t = − 6.2378, p <0.01).

Females: epigynal dorsal and ventral plates not extend- ed posteriorly; dorsal plate at copulatory openings extends laterally over ventral plate; copulatory ducts relatively short ( Fig. 13g, h View Fig ). Epigyne similar to S. shoukaensis sp. n.; in the latter the ventral plate extends ventrally over dorsal plate at copulatory opening, and posterior margin of dorsal plate less heavily sclerotized ( Fig. 13f View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.52. Carapace 1.16 long, 0.91 wide. Opisthosoma 1.35 long, 0.85 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.239. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.27. AME-groove: 0.161. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.86. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.62; femur/patella = 4.57. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as described in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.62. Carapace 1.1 long, 0.88 wide. Opisthosoma 1.45 long, 0.96 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.84. Spermathecae width: 0.263. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (10♂, 10♀).

Males (n = 10): total length: 2.26–2.76 (2.48). Carapace 1.05–1.28 (1.17) long, 0.82–0.96 (0.9) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.205 –0.255 (0.236). Groove height: 0–0 (0). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.25–0.3 (0.29). AME-groove: 0.14–0.17 (0.157). Tm I: 0.82–0.89 (0.85).

Females (n = 10): total length 2.5–3.04 (2.7). Carapace 1.05–1.19 (1.12) long, 0.81–0.93 (0.87) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.25–0.29 (0.27); Tm I: 0.82–0.89 (0.86).

Distribution. Taiwan, Chiayi County.

Shaanxinus shoukaensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 15 View Fig and 16 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Pingtung County, Shizi Township, close to Shouka cyclist rest house, 458 m (22°

14′ 34′′ N; 120° 50′ 42′′ E), 20.VI.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28456). Paratypes: 6♂, same locality and date as holotype, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28457~28,462); 7♀, same locality as holotype, 20.VI.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28463~28,469) .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective derived from Shouka Cyclist Rest House (Japanese: Kotobukidouge), a near the collecting site of the type specimens.

Diagnosis. Males: middle part of clypeal groove upper and lower margins contacting each other, setae on upper and lower groove vertically oriented ( Fig. 16d View Fig ), which distinguishes this species from S. mingchihensis sp. n., S. makauyensis sp. n., S. curviductus sp. n., S. tsou sp. n., S. meifengensis sp. n., S. hehuanensis sp. n., S. lixiangae sp. n., S. seediq sp. n., and S. atayal sp. n. PC with one distal seta; tip simple, spoon-shaped; mesal apophysis absent; retrolateral apophysis present, basally situated ( Fig. 15a, c View Fig ), a combination of PC features shared only with S. shihchoensis sp. n. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum relatively strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 15a View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively short ( Fig. 15e View Fig ) (see generic remarks). S. shoukaensis sp. n. can be distinguished from the morphologically similar S. shihchoensis sp. n. by the shape of PC, the significantly smaller ratio of AME-groove to carapace width, and the significantly larger ratio of groove-clypeal margin to carapace width (see significance values in S. shihchoensis sp. n. diagnosis).

Females: epigynal dorsal and ventral plates not extend- ed posteriorly; margins of copulatory openings formed by ventral plate extend mesally ( Fig. 15h View Fig ). See also generic description and diagnosis of S. shihchoensis sp. n. female.

Description. Male (holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.45. Carapace 1.14 long, 0.86 wide. Opisthosoma 1.35 long, 0.85 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.228. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.32; AME-groove: 0.126; Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.82. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.72; femur/patella = 4.87. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.44. Carapace 1.02 long, 0.81 wide. Opisthosoma 1.37 long, 0.88 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Spermathecae width: 0.25. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (7♂ 7♀).

Males (n = 7): total length: 2.15–2.49 (2.29). Carapace 1– 1.14 (1.07) long, 0.76–0.86 (0.8) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.189 – 0.228 (0.205). Groove height: 0–0 (0). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.28–0.32 (0.3). AME-groove: 0.098 –0.126 (0.114). Tm I: 0.82–0.89 (0.84).

Females (n = 7): total length: 2.42–2.66 (2.44). Carapace 0.89–1.04 (0.99) long, 0.75–0.83 (0.79) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.21–0.26 (0.24). Tm I: 0.84–0.88 (0.86).

Remarks. At the collecting site of the male specimens of this new species, male specimens of S. hirticephalus sp. n. and S. magniclypeus sp. n. were also found. Due to the close morphological similarity between males of S. shihchoensis sp. n. and S. shoukaensis sp. n., and the confidence in the matching of sexes of the former species. The tentative matching of the five female specimens at this location with males of S. shoukaensis sp. n. was based on similarity of epigyne morphology and ratio between lengths of legs I and II to females of closely related species S. shihchoensis sp. n. This matching has been corroborated by mtDNA data.

Distribution. Taiwan, Pingtung County

Shaanxinus hirticephalus Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 17 View Fig and 18 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Hualien County, Fuli Township , 22.III.2015, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28470) . Paratypes: 1♂, Pingtung County, Shizi Township, close to Shouka cyclist rest house, 458 m (22° 14′ 34′′ N; 120° 50′ 42′′ E), 20.VI.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28471) GoogleMaps ; 2♂ 2♀, Pingtung County, Shizi Township, close to Shouka cyclist rest house, 458 m (22° 14′ 34′′ N; 120° 50′ 42″ E), 22.III.2015, tree branch beating, in subtropical broadleaved forest, leg. S.- W. Lin (ZIMG-II- 28472, 28474~28,476) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Hualien County, Yuli Township, close to Chikeshan , 750 m (23° 23′ 13′′ N; 121° 22′ 53′′ E), 19.VI.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28473) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is derived from the Latin B hirtus,^ meaning hairy, and cephalic, referring to the unique long-haired region on the prosoma behind the ocular region. This name is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males: clypeal groove upper and lower margins not contacting each other; setae in groove vertically oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. mingchihensis sp. n., S. makauyensis sp. n., S. curviductus sp. n., S. tsou sp. n., S. meifengensis sp. n., S. hehuanensis sp. n., S. lixiangae sp. n., S. seediq sp. n., and S. atayal sp. n. Area between ocular region and carapace furrow with long setae, a unique feature among Shaanxinus species ( Fig. 18a View Fig ). PC with one distal seta; tip narrow; mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis absent ( Fig. 17a, c View Fig ), a unique combination of PC features. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum relatively weakly curved ( Fig. 17a View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus long ( Fig. 17e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: longer setae also present on respective region on prosoma as in males, but not as long ( Fig. 17e View Fig ). Epigynal dorsal and ventral plates not extended posteriorly; copulatory ducts relatively long ( Fig. 28g, h View Fig ) (see generic description).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.53. Carapace 1.17 long, 0.96 wide. Opisthosoma 1.37 long, 1.04 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.176. Clypeus hirsute, no central anterior glabrous region; groove height: 0.123; groove-clypeal margin: 0.35; AME-groove: 0.123. Leg formula 2> 4> 1> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.88. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.8; femur/patella = 4.95. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 3.36. Carapace 1.22 long, 0.97 wide. Opisthosoma 2.14 long, 1.5 wide. Leg formula 2> 1> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.89. Spermathecae width: 0.23. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (5♂).

Males (n = 5): total length: 2.49–2.85 (2.6). Carapace 1.12– 1.31 (1.2) long, 0.93–1.06 (0.98) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.169 – 0.197 (0.179). Groove height: 0.054 –0.123 (0.075). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.34–0.44 (0.39). AME-groove: 0.123 –0.141 (0.133). Tm I: 0.82–0.88 (0.86).

Distribution. Taiwan, Hualien County, Pingtung County.

Shaanxinus mingchihensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 5d–f View Fig , 12 View Fig , 19 View Fig and 20 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Yilan County, close to Minchih Forest Recreation Area , 1112 m (24° 38′46′′ N, 121° 27′ 44′′ E), 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28477) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 4♀, same locality and date as holotype, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28483~28486) GoogleMaps ; 3♂ 2♀, Yilan County, Qilan , 893 m (24° 36′ 37′′ N; 121° 29′ 15′′ E), 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28478~28482) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective referring to the locality wherefrom the type material of this species was collected.

Diagnosis. Males: clypeal groove upper and lower margins contacting at the middle in most specimens examined (5/6);

setae on upper and lower groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n., and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC with one distal seta; tip narrow; mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis in middle position of PC (see Fig. 19c View Fig ), a combination of PC features shared only with S. makauyensis sp. n. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 19d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively short ( Fig. 19e View Fig ) (see generic remarks). See diagnosis of S. makauyensis sp. n.

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates not extended posteriorly; copulatory ducts relatively short ( Fig. 19g, h View Fig ) (see generic description and diagnosis of S. makauyensis sp. n.).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.67. Carapace 1.14 long, 0.93 wide. Opisthosoma 1.54 long, 0.91 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.17. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.32; AME-groove: 0.11. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.63; femur/patella = 4.69. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.77. Prosoma: 1.08 long, 0.85 wide. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.85. Opisthosoma 1.77 long, 1.01 wide. Spermathecae width: 0.26. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (4♂, 6♀) plus two non-type male specimens.

Males (n = 4): total length: 2.7–2.78 (2.74). Carapace 1.14– 1.22 (1.18) long, 0.92–0.94 (0.93) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.167 – 0.195 (0.186). Groove height: 0–0.011 (0.003). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.29–0.33 (0.31). AME-groove: 0.105 – 0.127 (0.117). Tm I: 0.85–0.88 (0.87).

Females (n = 6): total length: 2.85–3.29 (3.01). Prosoma: 1.1–1.25 (1.16) long, 0.83–0.93 (0.88) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.25–0.3 (0.27). Tm I: 0.82–0.89 (0.86).

Distribution. Taiwan, Yilan County, close to Mingchih and Qilan.

Shaanxinus makauyensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 21 View Fig and 22 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Yilan County, Qilan , 893 m (24° 36′ 37′′ N; 121° 29′ 15′′ E), 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28487) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♀, same locality and date as holotype, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28490) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀, Yilan County, close to Minchih Forest Recreation Area , 1112 m (24°38′ 46′′ N, 121°27′ 44′′ E), 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.- W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28488, 28,489) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective formed after the Makauy Ecological Park, whence the holotype of this species was collected.

Diagnosis. Males: morphologically nearly identical to S. mingchihensis sp. n., but with two distal setae on PC, and the tip of PC slightly broader ( Fig. 21a, c View Fig ; refer to diagnosis of S. mingchihensis sp. n.).

Females: morphologically almost identical to S. mingchihensis sp. n., but with CD extending more laterally ( Fig. 21g, h View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.55. Carapace 1.11 long, 0.87 wide. Opisthosoma 1.43 long, 0.87 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.175. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.27; AME-groove: 0.105. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.67; femur/patella = 4.72. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 3.29. Prosoma: 1.15 long, 0.9 wide. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Opisthosoma 2.2 long, 1.5 wide. Spermathecae width: 0.27.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (2♂, 2♀).

Males (n = 2): total length as holotype, while the second male specimen lacks opisthosoma. Carapace 1.05; 1.11 long, 0.87; 0.88 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.175; 0.181. Groove height: 0; 0. Groove-clypeal margin: 0.27; 0.27. AME-groove: 0.105; 0.111. Tm I: 0.85; 0.90.

Females (n = 2): total length: 2.84; 3.29. Prosoma: 1.05; 1.15 long, 0.81; 0.9 wide. Spermathecae width: 0.24; 0.27. Tm I: 0.87; 0.89.

Distribution. Taiwan, Yilan County, close to Mingchih and Qilan.

Shaanxinus lixiangae Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 23 View Fig and 24 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Yilan County, close to Minchih Forest Recreation Area , 1112 m (24° 38′ 46′′ N; 121° 27′ 44′′ E), 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28491) GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1♀, Yilan County, Qilan , (22° 55′ 53′′ N; 121° 10′ 41′′ E) 17.IV.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.- W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28492) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is formed from the name of S-W. Lin’ s mother, Li-Xiang Huang, who helped with collecting.

Diagnosis. Males: Clypeal groove upper and lower margins contacting each other, setae on upper and lower groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n. and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal seta absent; tip narrow; mesal apophysis distally situated, these two PC features distinguish this species from S. mingchihensis sp. n. and S. makauyensis sp. n.; retrolateral apophysis present, locat- ed in middle-distal position of PC ( Fig. 23a, c View Fig ). Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 23d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 23e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates slightly extend- ed posteriorly; copulatory duct relatively long ( Fig. 23g, h View Fig ) (see generic description).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.58. Carapace 1.17 long, 0.91 wide. Opisthosoma 1.40 long, 0.8 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.194. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.34; AME-groove: 0.116. Leg formula 1-2-4-3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.84. Pedipalp: patella length/ height = 1.67; femur/patella = 4.55. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 3.17. Carapace 1.23 long, 0.95 wide. Opisthosoma 1.92 long, 1.37 wide. Leg formula 1-2-4-3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.89. Spermathecae width: 0.27. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Distribution. Taiwan, Yilan County, close to Mingchih and Qilan.

Shaanxinus curviductus Lin sp. n.

Figs. 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig , 4 View Fig , 12 View Fig , 25 View Fig and 26 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Hsinchu County, Beipu Township, near Wujhishan , 517 m (24° 39′ 01′′ N; 121° 05′ 24′′ E), 17.VI.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28493) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 7♂ 8♀, same locality and date as holotype, leg. S.- W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28494~28500, 28521~28,528) GoogleMaps ; 2♂ 3♀, Miaoli County, Taian Township , 1004 m (24° 22′ 17′′ N; 120° 56′ 09′′ E), 10.VII.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps ; 5♂ 2♀, same locality, 21.VII.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin (5♂ 1♀, NMNS-7927-017 ~021, 023; 1♀, SMF) GoogleMaps . 1♂, Hsinchu County, Chienshih Township, close to Litungshan , 1523 m (24° 41′ 20′′ N; 121° 18′ 35′′ E), 15.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin ( SMF) GoogleMaps ; 2♂

4♀, same locality, 23.VII.2017, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28501, 28,502, 28,530 ~28,533) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality, 20.V.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28529) GoogleMaps .

Other material. Miaoli County, Taian Township , 1004 m (24° 22′ 17′′ N; 120° 56′ 09′′ E), 21.VII.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin, 28♂ 32♀ (13♂ 9♀, ZIMG-II-28508~28,519, 28,503, 28,537; 5♂ 8♀, SMF; 5♂ 8♀, ZMUC; 5♂ 7♀, NMNS-7927-022 , 024 ) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 10.VII.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin, 8♂ 16♀ (ZIMG-II-28504~ 28,507, 28,536) GoogleMaps ; Hsinchu County, Chienshih Township, close to Litungshan , 1523 m (24° 41′ 20′′ N; 121° 18′ 35′′ E), 23.VII.2017, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin, 1♂ 2♀ (ZIMG-II-28520, 28,538) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is derived from the Latin B curvus,^ meaning curved, and duct, referring to the especially sinuous spermophore in male palps. This name is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males: clypeal groove upper and lower margins close to or contacting each other, setae on the upper part of the groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n. and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal seta absent, mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis situated in the middle of PC ( Fig. 25a, c View Fig ). Spermophore in tegulum on retrolateral side strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 25d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 25e View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Differences to the similar species S. tsou sp. n. see diagnosis of the latter.

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates extended posteriorly; copulatory ducts relatively long, trajectory similar to S. hehuanensis sp. n., can be distinguished from the latter species by it lesser curvature and the wider distance between ducts on both sides ( Fig. 25f–h View Fig ). Carapace width significantly smaller than S. hehuanensis sp. n. (t test, n 1 = 10, n 2 = 10, t = − 10.658, p <0.001, see data below). Morphology indistinguishable from S. tsou sp. n. (see diagnosis of the latter).

Description. Male (holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.61. Carapace 1.16 long, 0.91 wide. Opisthosoma 1.43 long, 0.89 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.198. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0.006; groove-clypeal margin: 0.26; AME-groove: 0.13. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.86. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.62; femur/patella = 4.3. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.93. Carapace 1.12 long, 0.86 wide. Opisthosoma 1.85 long, 1.22 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.89. Spermathecae width: 0.26. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (18♂, 18♀).

Males (n = 18): total length: 2.35–2.8 (2.61). Carapace 1.12–1.26 (1.2) long, 0.87–0.97 (0.93) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.186 –0.216 (0.198). Groove height: 0–0.01 (0.002). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.26–0.35 (0.31). AME-groove: 0.111–0.16 (0.137). Tm I: 0.79–0.89 (0.86).

Females (n = 18): total length: 2.4–3.02 (2.76). Carapace 1.08–1.16 (1.13) long, 0.82–0.95 (0.86) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.26–0.3 (0.28); Tm I: 0.79–0.9 (0.86).

Distribution. Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County. Shaanxinus tsou Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 27 View Fig and 28 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Chiayi County, Zhushi Township, close to Shihcho Mountain , 1181 m (23° 28′ 22′′ N; 120° 41′ 33′′ E), 5.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical secondary broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28539) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♂ 7♀, same location and date as holotype, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28540~28547) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is derived from Tsou, a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe living in the collecting area of the holotype. This is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males: this species is morphologically similar to S. curviductus sp. n., but they differ in the shape of PC tip ( Fig. 27a, c View Fig ), and the distance between the tooth on LER and ARP, longer in S. tsou sp. n. (0.15; 0.16) than in S. curviductus sp. n. (0.11–0.13 (0.12), SD <0.01).

Females: morphologically indistinguishable from S. curviductus sp. n., but phylogenetic inferences from both 28S and COI sequence data grouped the three sequenced females from near Shihcho Mountain with the male of S. tsou sp. n., forming a monophyletic group distinct from the clades comprising S. curviductus sp. n. representatives. Therefore, females collected from this site are all regarded as conspecific to S. tsou sp. n. males.

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.59. Carapace 1.19 long, 0.93 wide. Opisthosoma 1.42 long, 1 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.22. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.29. AMEgroove: 0.16; Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.9. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.54; femur/patella = 4.65. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.93. Carapace 1.2 long, 0.98 wide. Opisthosoma 1.72 long, 1.13 wide. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.85. Spermathecae width: 0.29. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (2♂, 7♀)

Males (n = 2): total length: 2.59; 2.63. Carapace 1.19; 1.26 long, 0.93; 0.96 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.22; 0.24. Groove height: 0; 0. Groove-clypeal margin: 0.29; 0.29. AME-groove: 0.158; 0.161. Tm I: 0.86; 0.9.

Females (n = 7): total length: 2.6–3.25 (2.85). Carapace 1.06–1.24 (1.15) long, 0.84–0.97 (0.91) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.27–0.3 (0.29). Tm I: 0.85–0.9 (0.87).

Distribution. Taiwan, Chiayi County.

Shaanxinus hehuanensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 2b View Fig , 12 View Fig , 29 View Fig and 30 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Nantou County, Ren-ai Township, next to Yuanfeng parking lot, 2763 m (24° 07′ 04′′ N; 121° 14′ 13′ ′ E), 18.VI.2014, bush branch beating, in alpine grassland close to coniferous forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28562) . Paratypes: 8♂ 8♀, same locality and date as holotype, bush branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (2♂ 2♀, ZIMG-II-28563, 28564, 28570, 28571; 2♂ 2♀, SMF; 2♂ 2♀, ZMUC; 2♂ 2♀, NMNS-7927-033 ~036) . 1♂ 2♀, Hualien County, Xiulin Township, close to Mount Hehuan , 2674 m (24° 10′ 42′′ N; 121° 18′ 14′′ E), 18.VI.2014, tree branch beating, on lower broad-leaved tree in coniferous forest, leg. S.- W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28565, 28572, 28573) GoogleMaps .

Other material. Same locality and date as holotype, 18.VI.2014, bush branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin, 3♂ 3♀ (ZIMG-II-28566~28568, 28574, 28575, 28577). Hualien County, Xiulin Township, close to Mount Hehuan , 2674 m (24° 10′ 42′′ N; 121° 18′ 14′′ E), 18.VI.2014, tree branch beating, on lower broad-leaved tree in coniferous forest, leg. S.-W. Lin, 1♂ 1♀ ( ZIMG- II-28569, 28576) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective derived from Mount Hehuan, a mountain near the collecting site of the holotype specimen.

Diagnosis. Males: carapace size similar to S. meifengensis sp. n., both species significantly larger than remaining species described here. Clypeal groove upper and lower margins close to or contacting each other, setae on upper and lower part of groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n. and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal setae absent; retrolateral apophysis prominent, smaller than S. atayal sp. n., close to PC tip but less distal than in S. meifengensis sp. n. ( Fig. 29a, c View Fig ; see description and figures of S. atayal sp. n. and S. meifengensis sp. n.). Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 29d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 29e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates extended posteriorly; copulatory ducts trajectory similar to S. curviductus sp. n., can be distinguished from the latter by its proximity in the middle of the vulva ( Fig. 29f–h View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 3.15. Carapace 1.49 long, 1.2 wide. Opisthosoma 1.72 long, 1.2 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.206. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0.006; groove-clypeal margin: 0.4. AME-groove: 0.159; Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.88. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.78; femur/patella = 4.85. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 3.49. Carapace 1.47 long, 1.16 wide. Opisthosoma 1.96 long, 1.51 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0. 9. Spermathecae width: 0.35. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (10♂, 10♀).

Males (n = 10): total length: 3.05–3.42 (3.23). Carapace 1.4–1.6 (1.51) long, 1.1–1.25 (1.2) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.195 – 0.227 (0.209). Groove height: 0–0.021 (0.004). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.38–0.42 (0.4). AME-groove: 0.141 –0.185 (0.16). Tm I: 0.82–0.91 (0.88).

Females (n = 10): total length: 3.27–3.95 (3.53). Carapace 1.31–1.62 (1.47) long, 1–1.22 (1.14) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.32–0.4 (0.35). Tm I: 0.87–0.92 (0.9).

Distribution. Taiwan, Nantou County, Hualien County, close to Mount Hehuan.

Shaanxinus seediq Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 31 View Fig and 32 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Nantou County, Ren-ai Township , next to Highland Experimental Farm , National Taiwan University, 2151 m (24° 05′ 18′′ N; 121° 10′ 23′′ E), 19.II.2017, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28578) GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1♂ 1♀, same locality as holotype, 18.VI.2014, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28579, 28,580) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Hsinchu County, Chienshih Township, close to Litungshan , 1523 m (24° 41′ 20′′ N; 121° 18′ 35′′ E), 15.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin ( ZIMG- II-28581) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same location and collecting method, 20.V.2014, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28582) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is derived from Seediq, a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe living in the collecting area of the holotype. This is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males: clypeal groove upper and lower margins not contacting each other, setae on upper and lower groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n. and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal seta absent; tip narrow; mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis prominent, distally situated, parallel to PC tip ( Fig. 31a, c View Fig ), which is unique among congenerics. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum strongly curved, Sshaped ( Fig. 31d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 31e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates extending posteriorly; posterior area of ventral plate elevated more than dorsal plate; dorsal plate contrastingly lighter ( Fig. 31f View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 2.3. Carapace 1 long, 0.81 wide. Opisthosoma 1.37 long, 0.77 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.14. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0.02; groove-clypeal margin: 0.25; AMEgroove: 0.10. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.82. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.54; femur/patella = 4.23. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.7. Carapace 1.09 long, 0.85 wide. Opisthosoma 1.68 long, 1.08 wide. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Spermathecae width: 0.33. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on male and female type material (2♂ 3♀).

Males (n = 2): total length: 2.3; 2.58. Carapace 1; 1.11 long, 0.81; 0.88 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.144; 0.172. Groove height: 0.012; 0.017. Groove-clypeal margin: 0.25; 0.31. AMEgroove: 0.101; 0.102. Tm I: 0.82; 0.85.

Females (n = 3): total length: 2.7–2.86 (2.77). Carapace 1.02–1.09 (1.06) long, 0.81–0.84 (0.83) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.3–0.33 (0.31). Tm I: 0.87–0.88 (0.88).

Distribution. Taiwan, Nantou County, Hsinchu County.

Shaanxinus meifengensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 33 View Fig and 34 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Nantou County, Ren-ai Township, next to Highland Experimental Farm, National

Taiwan University , 2151 m (24° 05′ 18′′ N; 121° 10′ 23′′ E), 3.V.2014, tree branch beating, in temperate broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28548). Paratypes: 4♂ 5♀ GoogleMaps , same locality and date as holotype, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (2♂ 3♀, ZIMG-II-28549, 28550, 28555~28557; 2♂ 2♀, SMF); 5♂ 5♀ GoogleMaps , same locality as holotype, 18.VI.2014, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin (2♂ 2 ♀, ZMUC; 3♂ 3 ♀, NMNS-7927 -025 ~ 027, 029~031) .

Other material. Same locality and date as holotype, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin, 7♂ 8♀ (ZIMG-II-28551, 28553, 28554, 28558~28561); same locality as holotype ,

18.VI.2014, tree branch beating, leg. S.-W. Lin, 17♂ 23♀ (1♂, ZIMG-II-28552; 6♂ 8♀, SMF; 5♂ 7♀, ZMUC; 5♂ 8♀, NMNS-7927-028 , 032 ) .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective derived from B Mei-Feng,^ the Chinese name of Highland Experimental Farm, National Taiwan University.

Diagnosis. Males: carapace size similar to S. hehuanensis sp. n., both significantly larger than remaining species described here. Clypeal groove upper and lower margins close to or contacting each other, setae on upper and low- er groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n., and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal setae absent; tip wide; mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis prominent, distally situated ( Fig. 33a, c View Fig ; see also diagnoses of S. hehuanensis sp. n. and S. atayal sp. n.). Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum relatively strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 33d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 33e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates greatly extending posteriorly, unique among congenerics ( Fig. 33f–h View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 3.17. Carapace 1.46 long, 1.17 wide. Opisthosoma 1.77 long, 1.14 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.189. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height 0.003; groove-clypeal margin: 0.37; AME-groove: 0.14. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.87. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.77; femur/patella = 4.66. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 3.19. Carapace 1.23 long, 0.97 wide. Opisthosoma 1.88 long, 1.74 wide. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.89. Spermathecae width: 0.35. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on type material (10♂, 10♀).

Males (n = 10): total length: 2.87–3.25 (3.07). Carapace 1.37–1.53 (1.43) long, 1.12–1.2 (1.15) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.175 –0.195 (0.185). Groove height: 0–0.013 (0.003). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.32–0.38 (0.36). AME-groove: 0.12–0.15 (0.13). Tm I: 0.86–0.91 (0.88).

Females (n = 10): total length: 2.94–3.47 (3.18). Carapace 1.23–1.47 (1.33) long, 0.97–1.1 (1.05) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.34–0.39 (0.36). Tm I: 0.87–0.92 (0.9).

Distribution. Taiwan, Nantou County.

Shaanxinus atayal Lin sp. n.

Figs. 12 View Fig , 35 View Fig and 36 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Hsinchu County, Chienshih Township, close to Litungshan , 1523 m (24° 41′ 20′′ N; 121° 18′ 35′′ E), 20.V.2014, tree branch beating, in subtropical broad-leaved forest, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28583) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 7♀, same locality and date as holotype, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28587~28,593) GoogleMaps ; 3♂ 1♀, same locality, 23.VII.2017, leg. S.-W. Lin (ZIMG-II-28584~ 28,586, 28,594) GoogleMaps .

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is a noun in apposition, derived from Atayal, a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe living in the collecting area of the type specimens.

Diagnosis. Males: carapace size relatively large, smaller than S. meifengensis sp. n. and S. hehuanensis sp. n. Clypeal groove upper and lower margins contacting each other, setae on upper and lower groove laterally oriented, which distinguishes this species from S. rufus , S. magniclypeus sp. n., S. hirticephalus sp. n., S. shihchoensis sp. n., S. shoukaensis sp. n., and S. tamdaoensis sp. n. PC distal setae absent; tip wide; mesal apophysis present; retrolateral apophysis prominent, larger than S. hehuanensis sp. n., distally situated, but less distal than S. meifengensis sp. n. Figs. 29a, c View Fig , 33a, c View Fig and 35a, c View Fig ; see also diagnoses of S. hehuanensis sp. n. and S. meifengensis sp. n.). Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum relatively strongly curved, S-shaped ( Fig. 35d View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus relatively long ( Fig. 35e View Fig ) (see generic remarks).

Females: epigyne dorsal and ventral plates extended posteriorly ( Fig. 35f–h View Fig ), but less than S. meifengensis sp. n. ( Fig. 33f–h View Fig ).

Description. Male (Holotype, ZIMG): total length: 3. Carapace 1.32 long, 1.04 wide. Opisthosoma 1.7 long, 1.04 wide. ALE-ALE: 0.198. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0; groove-clypeal margin: 0.33; AME-groove: 0.138. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.88. Pedipalp: patella length/ height = 1.6; femur/patella = 4.55. Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female (Paratype, ZIMG): total length: 2.89. Carapace 1.22 long, 0.96 wide. Opisthosoma 1.69 long, 1.27 wide. Leg formula 1> 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.89. Spermathecae width: 0.31. See diagnosis and generic description for somatic features and epigyne morphology.

Variation. Measurements based on 4 male and 7 female paratypes.

Males (n = 4): total length: 2.34–3 (2.6). Carapace 1.21– 1.32 (1.29) long, 0.98–1.04 (1.02) wide. ALE-ALE: 0.187 – 0.201 (0.196). Groove height: 0–0.004 (0.001). Groove-clypeal margin: 0.33–0.37 (0.34). AME-groove: 0.106 – 0.141 (0.13). Tm I: 0.85–0.88 (0.87).

Females (n = 8): total length: 2.72–3.16 (2.93). Carapace 1.14–1.22 (1.18) long, 0.9–0.95 (0.92) wide. Spermathecae width: 0.28–0.33 (0.3). Tm I: 0.84–0.9 (0.88).

Distribution. Taiwan, Hsinchu County.

Shaanxinu s tamdaoensis Lin sp. n.

Figs. 5g –i View Fig , 6 View Fig , 37 View Fig and 38 View Fig

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Vietnam, Vin Phuc Province , Tam Dao National Park, 800-1100 m (21° 28’ N; 105° 38′ E), H. Malicky leg. 19.V-13.VI.1995, J. Wunderlich vend. 2008 ( SMF). GoogleMaps

Derivatio nominis. The specific name is an adjective, derived from Tam Dao National Park, the collecting site of the holotype.

Diagnosis. Male: clypeal groove upper and lower margins not contacting each other; setae on upper and lower groove slightly laterally oriented. PC distal seta absent, tip simple, not widened; mesal and retrolateral apophyses absent ( Fig. 37d View Fig ), a combination of PC features unique among congenerics. Spermophore in retrolateral tegulum slightly curved ( Fig. 37a View Fig ) (see generic remarks). Embolus extremely long ( Fig. 37e View Fig ; see generic remarks).

Description. Male (Holotype, SMF): total length: 2.76. Carapace 1.19 long, 0.9 wide. Opisthosoma 1.6 long, 1.11

wide. ALE-ALE: 0.194. Clypeus hirsute, central distal region glabrous; groove height: 0.012; groove-clypeal margin: 0.25; AME-groove: 0.1. Leg formula 1 = 2> 4> 3; leg measurements see Appendix Table 10; Tm I: 0.91. Pedipalp: patella length/height = 1.78; femur/patella = 5.45. Median membrane present, with long papillae ( Fig. 37a, b View Fig ). Palpal features and prosomal modifications as in diagnosis and generic description.

Female: unknown.

Distribution. Vietnam.

Micro-CT investigation on male prosomal modification and palp

In all three inspected species, relatively homogenous grey areas were found on virtual sections, adjacent to the cuticle and clearly distinguishable from muscle tissues and eyerelated structures ( Fig. 5c, f, i View Fig ). Similar structures were not found in the corresponding area in other dwarf spider species without prosomal modifications (S-W.L., L.L., and G.U., unpublished). The distribution of these tissues resembles that of some Oedothorax species, of which the nuptial-gift-producing glands have been identified through histological sections and transmissive electron microscopy ( Michalik and Uhl 2011). Therefore, we assume that the tissues found here produce nuptial gifts. The distribution of these tissues seems correlated with surface areas of dense setae (compare Fig. 5a, d, g View Fig with Fig. 5b, e, h View Fig ). Canals penetrating the cuticle are visible on the clypeal area, which connect the setae and the secretory tissue, in especially high density at the clypeal groove ( Fig. 5c, f, i View Fig ). In the S. tamdaoensis sp. n. sample collected in 1995 and the S. rufus sample collected in 1997, slight disconnection was observed between the cuticle and muscle tissues, but the glandular tissues remain tightly connected to the cuticle, probably due to their robust structural continuity through the cuticular canals ( Fig. 5c, i View Fig ).

Configuration of S. tamdaoensis sp. n. male palpal structures in an artificially expended palp is shown in Fig. 6 View Fig . Dorsal part of lateral extension of radix was fitted into distal margin of palpal tibia; ventral part was fitted to paracymbium; anterior scaly part of radix, anterior radical process and paracymbium tip held the embolus, with the distal part of embolus protruded. Embolus is presumably held by LER in an unexpanded palp, like the case in other Shaanxinus species (see discussion below).


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen













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