Dinehichnus Lockley, dos Santos, Meyer, and Hunt, 1998

Castanera, Diego, Silva, Bruno C., Santos, Vanda F., Malafaia, Elisabete & Belvedere, Matteo, 2020, Tracking Late Jurassic ornithopods in the Lusitanian Basin of Portugal: Ichnotaxonomic implications, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (2), pp. 399-412 : 403

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.00707.2019

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Dinehichnus Lockley, dos Santos, Meyer, and Hunt, 1998


Ichnogenus Dinehichnus Lockley, dos Santos, Meyer, and Hunt, 1998

Type ichnospecies: Dinehichnus socialis Lockley, dos Santos, Meyer, and Hunt, 1998 , Boundary Butte, San Juan County, Utah; Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation ( Upper Jurassic , Kimmeridgian )

Diagnosis. —“Trackway of small- to medium-sized biped with footprints about as wide as long. Tracks quadripartite, symmetric and tridactyl with distinctive circular heel pad impression. Digit impressions consisting of single elongate oval impressions sometimes with tapered claw impression. Digit divarication (II–IV) averaging about 90°. Trackway narrow with pace angulation of about 155°. Negative (inward) rotation of digit III about 10–15° from trackway midline. Step length averaging a little more than three times foot length” ( Lockley et al. 1998).

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