Parathelphusa celebensis (De Man, 1892 )

Ng, Oliver K. S. Chia Peter K. L., 2006, The Freshwater Crabs Of Sulawesi, With Descriptions Of Two New Genera And Four New Species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Parathelphusidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 381-428 : 393-395

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13245646

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scientific name

Parathelphusa celebensis (De Man, 1892 )


Parathelphusa celebensis (De Man, 1892) View in CoL

( Figs. 8-11 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 14 View Fig A-E)

Rigal & P. Sollier, 25 Jul.1989; 2 males ( ZRC 2000.2563 View Materials ) , Gua Sallune, Maroanging, Tacipi , Watampone ( Bone ), South Sulawesi, coll. P. Leclerc & L. Deharveng, 30 Jul.1989; 1 male (29.3 x 23.2 mm) , 1 female (35.7 x 27.8 mm) ( ZRC 1985.2102 View Materials - 2103 View Materials ) , Sungai Bantimurung, Maros , South Sulawesi, 5 ° 02'S 119 ° 40'E, coll. 13 Oct.1981; 5 males, 7 females ( ZRC 2000.2564 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , 2 males, 2 females ( MZB 1485 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , Sungai Tandung at Bateng, 15 km mark on road from Palopo to Rantepao , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 12 Jun.1988; 1 female, 1 juvenile ( ZRC 2000.2565 View Materials ) , Sungai Maliko, Kab. Donggala , Central Sulawesi, coll. unknown, 9 Jun.1983; 3 males ( ZRC 2000.2566 View Materials ) , Desa Kolukka, 4 km south of Bone on the road to Palopo , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat & A. Werner, 10 Mar.1989; 2 females ( ZRC 2000.2567 View Materials ) , Sungai Nanggala at Marante, Desa Tondung , Kec. Rantepao , Kab. Makale , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 12 Jun.1988; 1 male, 3 females ( MZB 1187 View Materials ) , Sungai Ladongi , South Sulawesi, 3 ° 54'S 121 ° 14'E, no other data; 1 male (38.7 x 25.3 mm) ( MZB 012 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , Gua Assuloang, gallery entrance, Balocci, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, 4 ° 55'46.9"S 119 ° 40'42"E, coll. A. Bedos, 17 Aug.2001; 1 female (33.4 x 25.4 mm) ( MZB 008 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , Gua Malopiye, Kabupaten Barru , South Sulawesi, coll. I. Andayani, 4 Aug.2001; 1 female (43.0 x 33.3 mm) ( MZB 0005 View Materials ) , Gua Salomatie, Batupute , BONE, South Sulawesi, 4 ° 47'05"S 119 ° 56'28.4"E, coll. L. Deharveng & C. Rahmadi, 14 Aug.2001; 1 juvenile GoogleMaps male ( ZRC, ex MZB 0007 View Materials ), Gua Samanggi (S.20), Samanggi, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, 5 ° 1'30.5"S 119 ° 40'39"E, coll. I. Andayani & A. Bedos, 31 Jul.2001; 1 female GoogleMaps Telphusa celebensis De Man, 1892: 297 (part), Pl. 17, Pl. 18 Fig 7 View Fig .

Telphusa celebensis View in CoL - Henderson, 1893: 385.

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense - Ortmann, 1897: 305, 309.

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebensis - Schenkel, 1902: 528, Pl. 10 Fig. 9 View Fig , 13a View Fig ; Rathbun, 1905: 198.

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902: 531 .

Potamon celebense - Roux, 1904: 568.

Potamon celebense var. immaculata - Roux, 1904: 566.

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebensis immaculata - Rathbun, 1905: 199.

Paratelphusa (Mesotelphusa) celebensis - Roux, 1915: 247, 249.

Para-Meso-thelphusa celebensis - Balss, 1937: 178.

Parathelphusa (Mesotelphusa) celebensis View in CoL - Bott, 1970b: 338; Bott, 1970c: 127, Pl. 24 Figs. 85-87, Pl. 31 Fig. 95.

Parathelphusa celebensis View in CoL - Ng, 1988b: 23.

Material examined. – Lectotype: young male (18.8 x 15.2 mm) ( RMNH D 2385 About RMNH ), Luwu district , Palopo, South Sulawesi, coll. M. Weber, Feb-Apr.1889 . Paralectotype: 1 female (26.6 x 20.9 mm) ( RMNH D 2385 About RMNH ), same data as lectotype. Others : 1 male (33.3 x 26.1 mm) (lectotype of Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902 ), 2 males ( NMB 23 View Materials IVa) (paralectotypes of Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902 ), Enrekang , South Sulawesi, coll. Gesch & Sarasin, 1901 ; 1 male, 1 female ( NMB 23 View Materials IVb) (paralectotypes of Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902 ), Tiamba , South Sulawesi, coll. Gesch & Sarasin, 1904 ; 2 males ( NMB 23 View Materials b), Malawa spring, near Bowonglangi , South Sulawesi, coll. Gesch & Sarasin, 1904 ; 1 male ( NMB 23 View Materials c), Kalaena , South Sulawesi, coll Gesch & Sarasin, 1901 ; 2 females ( ZRC 2000.2561 View Materials ), Malawa, between Watampone ( Bone ) and Maros , underground river, South Sulawesi, coll. L. Deharveng, 12 Jul.1988 ; 1 female ( ZRC 2000.2562 View Materials ), Kabupaten Maros, above Bantimurung Waterfall , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 7 Jun.1988 ; 2 males ( ZRC 1990.487 View Materials - 488 View Materials ), Luwang Langacina, Bengo, Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. D. ( MZB 0009 View Materials ), Gua Lampisu , Lampisu , Camba , Kabupaten Maros, South Sulawesi, coll. C. Rahmadi, 13 Aug.2001 ; 1 male (26.1 x 20.1 mm) ( ZRC, ex MZB 0011 View Materials ), Sungai of Gua Saripa, Samanggi, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, 5 ° 02'35.2"S 119 ° 42'9"E, coll. A. Bedos, 10 Aug.2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 juvenile female ( MZB 0015 View Materials ), Gua Assuloang, gallery entrance, Balocci , South Sulawesi, 4 ° 55'46.9"S 119 ° 40'42"E, coll. C. Rahmadi, 17 Aug.2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 juvenile male (15.4 x 12.1 mm) ( MZB 0017 View Materials ), Gua Assuloang, gallery entrance, Balocci , South Sulawesi, 4 ° 55'46.9"S 119 ° 40'42"E, coll. C. Rahmadi, 17 Aug.2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 female (38.1 x 28.3 mm) ( MZB 2002.0002 View Materials ), Sungai Pattunuang, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. in rat trap, 27 Apr.2002 ; 1 juvenile female ( MZB 2002.0003 View Materials ), Fish Cave, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. Y. R. Suhardjono & C. Rahmadi, 27 Apr.2002 ; 1 juvenile male ( MZB 2002.0004 View Materials ), Fish Cave, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. Y. R. Suhardjono & C. Rahmadi, 27 Apr.2002 ; 1 female ( MZB 2002.0005 View Materials ), spring at Samanggi, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. C. Rahmadi, 29 Apr.2002 ; 1 male ( MZB 2002.0012 View Materials ), Sumur Jodoh, Cagar Alam Karaenta, Kecamatan Camba , Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. C. Rahmadi, 1 May.2002 ; 1 juvenile male ( MZB 2002.0013 View Materials ), Sumur Jodoh, Cagar Alam Karaenta, Kecamatan Camba , Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. C. Rahmadi, 1 May.2002 ; 1 juvenile ( MZB 2002.0014 View Materials ), Sumur Jodoh, Cagar Alam Karaenta, Kecamatan Camba , Kabupaten Maros , South Sulawesi, coll. C. Rahmadi, 1 May.2002 .

Diagnosis. – Carapace convex, dorsal surfaces smooth; cervical groove shallow, but distinct; H-shaped central depression pronounced. Epigastric and postorbital cristae continuous, sharp, subparallel to frontal margin; outer edge of cristae not reaching anterolateral margin, stopping before base of second epibranchial teeth. Front almost straight, entire; frontal median triangle distinct, but dorsal ridged margin absent. Anterolateral margin slightly serrated, external orbital angle broadly triangular, outer margin almost straight, about 2.8 times length of inner margin, first and second 2 and 3 incomplete, almost straight. Palm of chelipeds slightly inflated, fingers shorter than palm, pollex not pigmented black but dactylus pigmented black throughout length. Ambulatory legs relatively short, second pair longest. Dorsal margin of merus slightly cristate, without distinct subterminal spine. Male abdomen reaching imaginary line joining anterior edges of cheliped bases, T-shaped, segment 6 distinctly longer than segment 7; lateral margins of segment 7 gently concave; lateral margins of segment 6 subparallel, gently sinuous. G1 slender, relatively straight, directed upwards, outer margin gently sinuous along distal two-thirds, proximal part without cleft; distal part sharply tapering. G2 with well developed distal segment, about 0.6 times length of basal segment.

Distribution. – South Sulawesi and the southern parts of Central Sulawesi, bordering South Sulawesi.

Remarks. – Parathelphusa celebensis was first described by De Man (1892) from 10 male and 17 female specimens from Palopo and Luwu, Sulawesi. In his paper, he provided a detailed description and detailed figures of P. celebensis , but he did not designate a holotype. Bott (1970c) subsequently examined topotypic material from Luwu, and added a detailed diagnosis and photographs. These papers, together with our re-examination of type material and a large topotypic series collected from Palopo (ZRC 2000.2564, ZRC 2000.2566), now allow us to provide a detailed diagnosis of P. celebensis s. str..

While P. celebensis and P. pallida are superficially very similar, they can most easily be distinguished by the form of the anterolateral margin. In P. celebensis , the epibranchial teeth, while relatively low, are usually discernible, and separated from each other by clear notches. In the few cases where one side of the carapace have some of the teeth lower than normal, the remaining teeth are distinct or the teeth on the other carapace side are typical for the taxon. In P. pallida , the teeth on the anterolateral margin are very low, with the notches between them shallow, the margin often appearing almost entire. In addition, the branchial regions of P. celebensis are more swollen than those of P. pallida , especially when observed frontally and the specimens of similar size and sex ( Fig. 10B View Fig , 11B View Fig vs. Fig. 12B View Fig ). Most significantly, the structures of their G1s are different, with that of P. celebensis ( Fig. 14 View Fig A-D) more slender and the distal part more tapering compared to P. pallida ( Fig. 14 View Fig F-I). The large series of specimens of both species are our disposal confirms the usefulness of these features. Occasionally, the form of the anterolateral teeth may be very low in P. celebensis (e.g. Fig. 11A View Fig ) and cannot be used to effectively separate the two species, but in such cases, the more swollen form of the carapace and G1 structure are still diagnostic. In addition, the two species do not seem to have completely overlapping ranges, with P. celebensis occuring mainly in the southern parts of Sulawesi, whilst P. pallida is present in the central areas around the Malili lake system.

Bott (1970c: 128) apparently did not examine the type series of P. celebensis . We examined two lots labelled as types in the RMNH. One lot, RMNH D 2585, contains a male and a female which agree very well with the other specimens from the type locality we have seen and matches our present definition of the species. The male specimen is still a juvenile but its G1 structure, although immature, agrees well with what is described and figured here for the species. The other lot, RMNH D 1285, with only one relatively small female, is problematic. It is clearly not P. celebensis as defined here and with regards to its carapace and ambulatory leg features, is actually much closer to P. lokaensis ! This specimen (RMNH D 1285) is here referred to that species.

Bott (1970c) regarded P. crocea ( Schenkel, 1902) and P. pareparensis (De Man, 1892) as junior synonyms of P. celebensis . However, on examining the type material of P. crocea and additional specimens, we find that it differs from P. celebensis in several key aspects (see discussion for P. crocea ) and should be regarded as a valid species. As for P. pareparensis , from the diagnostic description and figures of the carapace by De Man (1892), and examination of a good series of material from around Parepare (type locality) and Maros, we have no doubt it is also a good taxon (see discussion for P. pareparensis ). Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902 , on the other hand, after examining the type specimens, is similar to P. celebensis in all essential features, even in the form of the G1. We thus follow Bott (1970c) in regarding it as a junior synonym of P. celebensis . Bott (1970c: 128) had selected a lectotype male for Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata , and although he did not give any measurements of this specimen in his text, the specimen he selected, a male 33.3 by 26.1 mm, had been separated from the rest of the type material in the Basel Museum on his instructions. It is here regarded as the lectotype of the taxon ( Fig. 11 View Fig ).

The record of Ng (1988b) of P. celebensis collected from caves in Maros is maintained. The carapace features of these specimens ( Ng, 1988b) agree well with the concept of the species as presently defined. The eye cornea of these specimens is well developed, easily differentiating them from the cavernicolous P. sorella , new species ( Fig. 24A, B View Fig ). There is a complete suture between thoracic sternal segments three and four in these specimens. In smaller specimens of P. celebensis , this suture is very faint and indistinct but becomes increasing more distinct in larger crabs. In P. sorella , however, the suture between sternal segments two and three is incomplete. Parathelphusa celebensis is thus merely a facultative cavernicole.


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis














Parathelphusa celebensis (De Man, 1892 )

Ng, Oliver K. S. Chia Peter K. L. 2006

Parathelphusa celebensis

Ng, P 1988: 23

Parathelphusa (Mesotelphusa) celebensis

Bott, R 1970: 338
Bott, R 1970: 127


Balss, H 1937: 178

Paratelphusa (Mesotelphusa) celebensis

Roux, J 1915: 247

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebensis immaculata

Rathbun, M 1905: 199

Potamon celebense

Roux, J 1904: 568

Potamon celebense var. immaculata

Roux, J 1904: 566

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebensis

Rathbun, M 1905: 198
Schenkel, E 1902: 528

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata

Schenkel, E 1902: 531

Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense

Ortmann, A 1897: 305

Telphusa celebensis

Henderson, J 1893: 385
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