Parathelphusa pantherina ( Schenkel, 1902 )

Ng, Oliver K. S. Chia Peter K. L., 2006, The Freshwater Crabs Of Sulawesi, With Descriptions Of Two New Genera And Four New Species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Parathelphusidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 381-428 : 385-387

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13245646

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Parathelphusa pantherina ( Schenkel, 1902 )


Parathelphusa pantherina ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL

( Figs. 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig A-E, 36A, 37A)

Potamon (Parathelphusa) pantherina Schenkel, 1902: 522 , Pl. 10 Fig. 11-13 View Fig View Fig View Fig .

Potamon (Parathelphusa) pantherinus - Rathbun, 1905: 236.

Parathelphusa (Mesothelphusa) pantherina View in CoL - Roux, 1915: 267, 249.

Para[thelphusa] (Mesothelphusa) pantherina View in CoL - Balss, 1934: 178.

Table 1


Parathelphusa balabac Ng & Takeda, 1993 [Balabac Island, Philippines]

Parathelphusa batamensis Ng, 1992 [Batam Island, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa baweanensis Ng, 1997 View in CoL [Bawean Islands, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa bogorensis Bott, 1970 View in CoL [Java, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa cabayugan Freitag & Yeo, 2004 [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa celebensis (De Man, 1892) View in CoL [ Thelphusa ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

= Potamon (Potamonautes) celebense var. immaculata Schenkel, 1902

Parathelphusa ceophallus Ng, 1993 View in CoL [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa convexa De Man, 1879 [Java and southern Sumatra, Indonesia]

= Telphusa convexus Herklots, 1861 (nomen nudum)

=? Ozius frontalis Targioni-Tozzetti, 1872

= Parathelphusa dentipes Heller, 1862

Parathelphusa crocea ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Potamonautes) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa ferruginea Chia & Ng, 2006 View in CoL [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa linduensis ( Roux, 1904) View in CoL [ Potamon View in CoL ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa lokaensis (De Man, 1892) View in CoL [ Telphusa ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa lombokensis Bott, 1970 View in CoL [Lombok, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa maculata De Man, 1879 [Peninsular Malaysia; Singapore]

= Potamon (Parathelphusa) tridentatum var. incertum Lanchester, 1900

= Parathelphusa maculata var. lanchesteri Nobili, 1901

Parathelphusa maindroni (Rathbun, 1902) [ Potamon (Parathelphusa) ] [Sumatra, Indonesia; Peninsular Malaysia] Parathelphusa malaysiana Ng & Takeda, 1992 [Peninsular Malaysia]

Parathelphusa manguao Freitag & Yeo, 2004 [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa mindoro Ng & Takeda, 1993 [Mindoro Island, Philippines]

Parathelphusa modiglianii Nobili, 1903 [Mentawei Islands, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa nagasakti Ng, 1988 [Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia]

Parathelphusa nana Ng & Takeda, 1993 [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa nitida Ng, 1986 View in CoL [Kalimantan, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa obtusa (Bott, 1969) View in CoL [ Palawanthelphusa View in CoL ] [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa ovum Ng, 1995 [Sabah, Malaysia]

Parathelphusa oxygona Nobili, 1901 [ Sarawak, Malaysia]

Parathelphusa palawanensis (Bott, 1969) [ Palawanthelphusa ] [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa pallida ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Potamonautes) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

= Potamon (Potamonautes) celebensis var. annulipes Schenkel, 1902

Parathelphusa pantherina ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Parathelphusa) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa pareparensis (De Man, 1892) View in CoL [ Telphusa ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa parma Ng & Takeda, 1993 View in CoL [Balabac Island, Philippines]

Parathelphusa possoensis ( Roux, 1904) View in CoL [ Potamon (Potamonautes) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa pulcherrima (De Man, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Parathelphusa) ] [ Sarawak, Malaysia; Brunei] Parathelphusa quadrata Ng, 1997 View in CoL [Lombok, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa rasilis Ng & Takeda, 1993 View in CoL [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa reticulata Ng, 1990 View in CoL [ Singapore]

Parathelphusa sabari Ng, 1986 View in CoL [Kalimantan, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa saginata Ng & Takeda, 1993 View in CoL [Palawan, Philippines]

Parathelphusa sarasinorum ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Potamonautes) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa sarawakensis Ng, 1986 View in CoL [ Sarawak, Malaysia]

Parathelphusa shelfordi Nobili, 1901 View in CoL [ Sarawak, Malaysia]

Parathelphusa sorella Chia & Ng, 2006 [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa tenuipes ( Schenkel, 1902) View in CoL [ Potamon (Potamonautes) ] [Sulawesi, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa tera Chia and Ng, 1998 View in CoL [Kalimantan, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa torta Chia & Ng, 1998 View in CoL [Kalimantan, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa tridentata H. Milne Edwards, 1853 View in CoL [Sumatra, Indonesia]

= Alpheus tridens Weber, 1795 (as 3 dens) (nomen nudum)

= Cancer (Thelphusa) tridens De Haan, 1835 (preoccupied name, nomen nudum)

= Telphusa triodon Herklots, 1861 (nomen nudum)

Parathelphusa undulata Chia & Ng, 1998 View in CoL [Kalimantan, Indonesia]

Parathelphusa valida Ng & Goh, 1987 View in CoL [Sabah, Malaysia]

Parathelphusa pantherina View in CoL - Bott, 1970b: 338; 1970c: 123, Pl. 23 Fig. 75-77, Pl. 31 Fig. 94.

Material examined. – Lectotype: dried male (36.0 x 28.0 mm) ( NMB 21 View Materials b), Lake Matano , South Sulawesi, coll. Sarasin, 1901 . Paralectotypes: 4 males (largest 42.4 x 31.2 mm) ( NMB 21 View Materials a), same data as lectotype. Others : 1 male (51.5 x 39.0 mm) ( ZRC 2000.2540 View Materials ), Lake Matano, about 2 km southeast of Matano , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 29 Jan.1991 ; 2 females ( ZRC 2000.2541 View Materials ), Lake Matano, about 2 km southeast of Matano , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat & A. Werner, 18 Mar 1989 ; 1 female ( ZRC 2000.2542 View Materials ), Lake Matano, south coast, west of Soroako , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 18 Jun.1988 ; 1 male, 1 female ( ZRC 2000.2543 View Materials ), Lake Matano outlet, South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 1995 ; 1 male, 2 females ( ZRC 2000.2544 View Materials ), Lake Matano, South Coast, west of Soroaka , South Sulawesi, coll. M. Kottelat, 18 Jun.1988 ; 1 female ( MZB 060 View Materials ), Sulawesi, coll. B. Koeramai, 7 Oct.1909 ; 1 female ( ZRC 2000.1706 View Materials ), Lake Matano Cliff , South Sulawesi; 2 ° 28'59.1"S 121 ° 17'12.9"E, coll. C. D. Schubart et al., 16 Jan.2000 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 4 females ( ZRC 2000.1705 View Materials ) , 1 male, 1 female ( MZB 1495 View Materials ), Lake Matano, southwest coast near Matano , under roots and logs on sand, South Sulawesi, 2 ° 27'41.5"S 121 ° 13'6.3"E, coll. C. D. Schubart et al., 24 Jan.2000 GoogleMaps ; 1 male ( MNHB 27375 ), Lake Matano , South Sulawesi, 02 ° 30.49'S 121 ° 19.96'E, coll. M. Glaubrecht & T. von Rintelen, 12 Aug.1999 GoogleMaps ; 1 male ( MNHB 27374 ), Lake Matano , South Sulawesi, 2 ° 28.44'S 121 ° 15.78'E, coll. M. Glaubrecht & T. von Rintelen, 15 Aug.1999 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. – Carapace flat, spotted in life, dorsal surfaces smooth; cervical groove shallow, narrow; H-shaped central depression pronounced. Epigastric and postorbital cristae continuous, sharp, subparallel to frontal margin; outer edge of cristae almost reaching anterolateral margin, stopping just before base of first epibranchial tooth. Front with slight depression, entire; frontal median triangle distinct, complete, ventral sides recessed. External orbital angle broadly triangular, outer margin almost straight, about 2 times length of inner margin, first and second epibranchial teeth distinctly triangular. Posterolateral regions lined with oblique striae. Suture between thoracic sternites 2 and 3 almost complete, gently concave towards buccal cavity to almost straight. Palm of chelipeds inflated, fingers shorter then palm, pollex and dactylus pigmented black throughout half the length towards tip. Ambulatory legs relatively long, second pair longest. Dorsal margin of merus smooth, without distinct subterminal spine. Male abdomen reaching imaginary line joining anterior edges of cheliped bases, T-shaped, segment 6 distinctly longer than segment 7; lateral margins of segment 7 gently concave; lateral margins of segment 6 subparallel, gently sinuous. G1 slender, relatively straight, directed upwards, outer margin almost straight, proximal part not clefted; distal part tapering. G2 with well developed distal segment, about 0.6 times length of basal segment.

Distribution. – Lake Matano, South Sulawesi.

Remarks. – Parathelphusa pantherina was first described by Schenkel (1902) from seven male specimens from Lake Matano. In his paper, Schenkel (1902) did not specify a holotype. Bott (1970c) in his monograph, designated a male specimen 36.0 by 28.0 mm as the lectotype. He also noted that together with the same lot (NMB 21a) as the lectotype, there was also a paralectotype female. This second bit of data is confusing. Listed in the Basel Museum catalogues under NMB 21a are five male specimens of Parathelphusa pantherina , and a physical check by the first author at NMB verified this. According to the catalogue cards, of these five males, one specimen was the one selected by Bott (1970c) as the lectotype and was subsequently relabelled NMB 21b. The rest are therefore paralectotypes. However, for some some inexplicable reason, this lectotype male is now dried while the rest of the specimens are still in alcohol.

Of all the species of Parathelphusa found in Sulawesi, P. pantherina is the only one which is as distinctly spotted. Dark-red rosettes extend from the carapace to the ambulatory legs, and this pattern is even discernible in long preserved specimens. This character, along with its flat carapace and distinctive slender, relatively straight G1 easily differentiates it from all its congeners in Sulawesi.














Parathelphusa pantherina ( Schenkel, 1902 )

Ng, Oliver K. S. Chia Peter K. L. 2006

Parathelphusa pantherina

Bott, R 1970: 338
Bott, R 1970: 123

Parathelphusa (Mesothelphusa) pantherina

Roux, J 1915: 267

Potamon (Parathelphusa) pantherinus

Rathbun, M 1905: 236

Potamon (Parathelphusa) pantherina

Schenkel, E 1902: 522
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