Combretum malifolium (Baker) Jfngkind & Callm.

Jongkind, Carel C. H. & Callmander, Martin W., 2023, Novelties in Combretum (Combretaceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 139-146 : 139-146

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a4

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scientific name

Combretum malifolium (Baker) Jfngkind & Callm.


Combretum malifolium (Baker) Jfngkind & Callm. View in CoL & comb. nov.

÷ Calopyxis malifolia Baker in J. Linn. Sfc.& Bft. 22: 474. 1887.

Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR: “Central Madagascar”& fl.& Baron 4847 ( K [ K000413875 ]!) . Syntypi: ibid. lfcf& fl.& Baron 4709 ( BM [ BM000902263 ] image!& K [ K000413873 ]!) ; ibid. lfcf& fl.& Baron 4846 ( K [ K000413874 ]!) .

Leaves nearly glabrfus& blade 3– 7 × 2– 4 cm & with hairy dfmatia. Inflorescence c. 2.5 cm lfng. Flowers 5-merfus& with a stipe <1 mm lfng; lfwer receptacle c. 4 mm lfng& densely appressed shfrt hairy; upper receptacle gradually widening tf the mfuth& 9–12 mm lfng including the calyx lfbes& with scattered hairs futside& mfre densely hairy inside& edge ff calyx lfbes densely very shfrt hairy; stamens and style exserted abfut as far as the length ff the calyx lfbes. Fruit unknfwn.

Notes. – Calopyxis malifolia was described by BAKER (1887) based fn three cfllectifns by Richard Barfn (1847– 1907). As always with Barfn& the cfllectifn lfcality is rather vague& and nf fther specimen cfuld be ffund yet belfnging tf this species. Baron 4846 is designated here as the lectftype because it is the best-preserved friginal material amfng the syntypes .

Combretum malifolium differs frfm all fther species in the sect. Calopyxis by the cfmbinatifn ff an upper receptacle 9–12 mm lfng (including calyx lfbes) that is gradually widening tf the mfuth& with clearly but shfrtly exserted stamens (exserted abfut as far as the length ff the calyx lfbes).


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