Drymeia ziegleri, Sorokina & Pont, 2022

Sorokina, Vera S. & Pont, Adrian C., 2022, The genus Drymeia Meigen, 1826 (Diptera: Muscidae) in Kyrgyzstan: new records and new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 823, pp. 158-172 : 164-167

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2022.823.1825

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scientific name

Drymeia ziegleri

sp. nov.

Drymeia ziegleri View in CoL sp. nov.


Figs 2–5 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig


The new species is close to Drymeia vicana (Harris, 1780) , which also has 4 postsutural dorsocentral setae, prealar absent and densely long-haired eyes. However, D. ziegleri is a larger black species with thin, elongate proboscis, mid femur slightly curved ventrally and with 3 short ventral spines closer to the middle, a row of long anteroventral setae on the apical ⅔ and a row of very long posteroventral setae; the male has the anepimeron and katepimeron bare; hind femur without long and strong posteroventrals; hind tibia with a small ventral apical prong, without apical posteroventral seta.


The species epithet is a patronym in honour of the dipterist Dr Joachim Ziegler (Berlin) who collected the holotype.

Type material

Holotype KYRGYZSTAN • ♂; Naryn Oblast , Inner Tien Shan, Baidui Mtn Range, slope N of Kalmak-Anshun Pass, NE of Lake Song Köl (Сон Кёль); 41°54′53′′ N, 75°25′40′′ E; 3420 m a.s.l.; 31 Jul. 2009; J. Ziegler leg.; ZMHU. GoogleMaps

Paratypes KYRGYZSTAN • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; ZMHU GoogleMaps 1 ♂; “ Tien-Shan , verkh. r. B. Naryn ” [Tien-Shan, upper reaches of B. Naryn River, ~ 41°44′ N, 77°53′ E, 3500 m a.s.l.]; 27 Aug. 1964; R. Zlotin leg.; ZMUM GoogleMaps .



MEASUREMENTS. Body length 6.8–8.2 mm; wing length 5.4–6.5 mm.

HEAD. Ground-colour black. Eye densely long-haired. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial, face, gena and lower occiput brownish-grey pruinose. Fronto-orbital plates not touching, separated by a narrow frontal vitta. Frons at narrowest point 3 × as wide as diameter of anterior ocellus. 16–18 pairs of frontal setae, including interstitials, reaching almost to anterior ocellus. Antenna black, postpedicel 1.5× as long as wide. Arista appearing almost bare, longest hairs much shorter than its basal diameter. Parafacial at level of insertion of arista slightly wider than or equal to width of postpedicel, hardly narrowing below. In lateral view, lower facial margin not projecting forward beyond level of antennal base. Gena broad, depth below lowest eye-margin equal to or slightly broader than length of postpedicel, densely setose and with a group of upcurved setae on anterior part of genal dilation. Palpus black. Proboscis thin, elongate, prementum dusted but subshining.

THORAX. Ground-colour black. Scutum matt, black, brownish-grey dusted. Ground-setulae long and dense. Pleura black, subshining. Acrostichals indistinct, the presutural setulae in 4–5 irregular rows. Dorsocentrals 2+4. Prealar seta absent. Notopleuron densely setulose. Prosternum bare. Anepimeron and katepimeron bare. Scutellum black and dusted in anterior view.

LEGS. Black. Fore tibia with 0–1 posterodorsal and 2–3 posteroventral setae in middle. Fore tarsomere 1 with a row of posteroventral setulae on apical third. Mid femur slightly curved ventrally, with a row of long anteroventral setae on apical ⅔, the setae in middle part of femur directed upwards and slightly shifted on to anterior surface, apical setae directed downwards; with 3 short ventral spines closer to middle; with a row of very long posteroventral setae, 2.3–2.5 × as long as diameter of femur, except in apical and basal quarters where long setae are absent. Mid tibia without long strong anterior setae; 6–7 posterodorsals; 4–5 posteroventrals. Hind femur without posteroventrals but with a tuft of fine long setae on basal half of posterior surface; with a row of anteroventral setae that become longer and stronger on apical third. Hind tibia with a row of long, strong posterodorsals on basal half; with a row of anterodorsals, strong and long on basal half, short and erect on apical half; 4–6 anteroventrals and 4–5 posteroventrals in middle; without preapical setae, except 1 short anteroventral seta on small ventral apical prong. Hind tarsomere 1 with 2 short ventral setae at base.

WING. Brown, blackish at base. Basicosta and tegula black. Costa with weak spinules, without costal spine. Calypters and margins light yellow. Knob of haltere black.

ABDOMEN. Ground-colour black. When viewed from behind, tergites 3–5 with brown dusted lateral spots. Sternite 1 bare.

TERMINALIA. Not dissected.




Palaearctic: Kyrgyzstan.


Russia, Moscow, Moscow State University


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy



















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