Mimela jolyi, Limbourg, 2016

Limbourg, Pol, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Rutelinae IV (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 38, pp. 1-42 : 1-42

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272672

publication LSID


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scientific name

Mimela jolyi

sp. nov.

Mimela jolyi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1-2 View Figs 1-2 , 5-7)

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Ghana, Awutu , Accra, XI.1999, Leg. C. Joly] ( RBINS).

Paratype ♂: [ Côte d’Ivoire, Mont Toukoui , 17-24.XII.2009, Leg. P. Boireau] ( PCPB) .



Measurements and ratios ♂ (n = 2): LT = 19 – 19.5 mm, lB = 10mm; LB/lB: 1.23 – 1.28; LP/lP: 0.59; LE/lE: 1.77 – 1.78.

Body: laterally convex, bent, abdomen convex; deep green except lateral margins of pronotum and pygidium red pinkish; basal part of underside of head, underside of femora and abdomen reddish, shining with strong greenish metallic reflection.

Head: clypeus relatively trapezoidal, totally and strongly reflexed, totally vermiculate like disc of vertex, rounded deep points on sides; frons unpunctuated in the middle; antennae 9- segmented, club as long as funicle.

Thorax: pronotum relatively rectangular, broader than long, laterally parallel from base to angle, convergent in anterior half; anterior angles surpassing posterior margin of eyes; all margins carinate except anterior margin; disc with short separated rounded points, strongly vermiculate on lateral margins; median line; impressed point on lateral margins; scutellum triangular with rounded sides, disc unpunctured, sides with puncture like disc of pronotum; apex of prosternal process rounded.

Elytra: longer than broad; epipleura complete; costa obsolete, with short shallow separated rounded points; striae slightly marked, formed by a line of short shallow separated rounded points; humeral calli obsolete, apical calli slightly marked.

Pygidium: triangular and carinate along anal plate, strongly projecting postero-ventrally, totally and strongly vermiculate.

Hairs: upper side with short and long erected isolated brownish setae on lateral margins of pronotum; underside with sparse long erected brownish setae on abdomen and on femora; close longer erected yellowish setae on sides of metasternum; long erected brownish setae on margins of pygidium.

Legs: protibiae narrowed and bidentate, apical tooth pointed; larger claw of anterior tarsi widened, cleft and flattened; larger claw of median tarsi elongate, narrow and cleft; larger claw of posterior uncleft.

Aedeagus: in lateral view, parameres slightly sinuate ventrally, apex of parameres straight; in dorsal view, apex of parameres slightly broader than base; in ventral view, median lobe angular in middle part; short erected setae on ventral part and apex of parameres.

Female: unknown.

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. Dedicated to Mr. Claude Joly ( Jurbise , Belgique), who collected the holotype .

DISTRIBUTION. Ghana and Ivory Coast.

BIOLOGY. The holotype specimen of M. jolyi sp. nov. was collected on Awutu hills in coastal zone, topography is characterized by isolated and slightly elevated (50-100m) hills “inselbergs” formed by granite and phyllite and covered with degraded forests and big silk-cotton-tree ( Ceiba pentandra L. Gaertn. ) on the top; geographical coordinates: latitude 5.49.90; longitude - 0.52.90 (pers. com. C. Joly).

The species was collected in the months November to December.

DIAGNOSIS. Mimela jolyi sp. nov. is extremely similar to M. rufoprasina Ohaus, 1902 but can be distinguished as follows:


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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