Uropoda csuzdii, Kontschán, 2007

Kontschán, J., 2007, Uropodina Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) From Venezuela, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (4), pp. 335-346 : 342

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585300

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Uropoda csuzdii

sp. nov.

Uropoda csuzdii sp. n.

( Figs 12–15 View Figs 12–15 )

Holotype: female ( UROTY043 ). Venezuela, Andes, Parque Nacional La Culata , dry subparámo around the headwaters of Rio Mucujun, above El Escorial, La Culata, 01.04.2005, N 08º45.32, W 71º03.33, 3180 m.a.s.l., from moss and soil from stream shore, leg. CS. CSUZDI & D. MURÁNYI GoogleMaps . Paratype: female ( UROTY044 ), locality and data same as the holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology: This species is dedicated to Dr. CSABA CSUZDI, who collected the soil materials in


Diagnosis: Ventral shield with several smooth and setiform setae. Peritreme U-form. Genital shield of female without ornamentation and scutiform. Dorsal shield with several smooth setiform setae and without ornamentation. Marginal shields are not fused on posterior part of dorsal side of idiosoma.

Female. Idiosoma oval, 620–610 µm long, 540–530 µm wide (n=2).

Male, deuteronymph and protonymph unknown.

Dorsal side ( Fig. 12 View Figs 12–15 ): Dorsal and marginal shields without ornamentation, marginal shields are not fused on posterior part of dorsal side of idiosoma. All marginal and dorsal setae short, smooth and setiform.

Ventral side ( Fig. 13 View Figs 12–15 ): Sternal and ventral shields without ornamentation. All sternal setae smooth and filiform and shorter than smooth and setiform ventral setae.

Genital shield large, scutiform and without ornamentation and process, placed between coxae 2 and 4.

Stigma placed between coxae 2 and 3, peritreme U-form ( Fig. 14 View Figs 12–15 ).

Gnathosoma ( Fig. 15 View Figs 12–15 ): Corniculi horn-like, laciniae, long with short hairs on apical part. Hypostomal setae h1 long, smooth and setiform, h2 short, smooth and setiform, h3 short, with serrate margin, h4 short with three short spines on apical part. Epistoma, tritosternum and chelicerae not clearly visible.

Remarks: The species new species is similar to Uropoda (Cilliba) australis HUŢU, 1987 . The most important distinguishing character is that the poststigmatid part of the peritreme of the new species is narrower than that of Uropoda (C.) australis .


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)













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