Harmostes reflexus viscens (Dallas)

Pall, José Luis & Coscarón, María del Camen, 2012, The Rhopalidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Argentina, Journal of Natural History 46 (23 - 24), pp. 1441-1465 : 1453-1454

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Felipe (2021-08-14 01:53:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 00:01:41)

scientific name

Harmostes reflexus viscens (Dallas)


Harmostes reflexus viscens (Dallas) ( Figure 4D View Figure 4 )

Syromastes reflexus Say, 1831: 10 ; Stål 1870: 220; Uhler 1876: 300; Provancher 1885: 64; Lethierry and Severini 1894: 114; Banks 1910: 73; Van Duzee 1916: 14; Gibson 1917: 447; Blatchley 1926: 273; Downes 1927: 7; Blöte 1934: 254; Torre-Bueno 1941: 90; Froeschner 1942: 602; Harris 1944: 191; Hoffman 1975: 105; Göllner-Scheiding 1978: 285; Göllner-Scheiding 1983:129.

Harmostes costalis Herrich-Schäeffer, 1851: 270 View in CoL ; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 129.

Harmostes reflexus viscens Dallas, 1852: 520 ; Dohrn 1859: 31; Walker 1872: 13; Gillette and Baker 1895: 20; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 130.

Harmostes bicolor Distant, 1881: 167 View in CoL ; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 114; Gibson 1917: 447; Torre-Bueno 1941: 91; Harris 1944: 191; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 129.

Harmostes brusei Bergroth, 1913: 166 ; Bergroth 1913: 162; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 129.

Studied material. Argentina: Buenos Aires: La Plata (34 ◦ 54 ′ S, 57 ◦ 56 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Junín (34 ◦ 34 ′ S, 60 ◦ 56 ′ W), Sierras de Tandíl (37 ◦ 21 ′ S, 59 ◦ 07 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Córdoba: Villa Dolores (30 ◦ 54 ′ S, 64 ◦ 31 ′ W) GoogleMaps , La Cabaña (31 ◦ 13 ′ S, 64 ◦ 24 ′ W). Argentina: Jujuy: Pampa Blanco (24 ◦ 31 ′ S, 65 ◦ 04 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Uquia (23 ◦ 18 ′ S, 65 ◦ 21 ′ W). Argentina: San Luis: Nogolí (32 ◦ 58 ′ S, 66 ◦ 25 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Santiago del Estero: Quimilí (27 ◦ 38 ′ S, 62 ◦ 24 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Girardot (27 ◦ 37 ′ S, 62 ◦ 10 ′ W).

Distribution. Argentina: Buenos Aires: La Plata, Junín, Sierras de Tandíl; Córdoba: Villa Dolores, La Cabaña; Jujuy: Pampa Blanco, Uquia; San Luis: Nogolí; Santiago del Estero: Quimilí, Girardot; Cuba; México; North América.

Remarks. These are the first records of this species for Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Jujuy, San Luis and Santiago del Estero.

Banks N. 1910. Catalogue of Neartic Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Am Entomol Soc Philad. Viii + 103 pp.

Bergroth E. 1913. Supplementum Catalogi Heteropterorum Bruxellensis. II. Coreidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Colobathristidae, Neididae. Mem Soc Entomol Belg. 22: 125 - 188.

Blatchley WS. 1926. Heteroptera or True Bugs of Eastern North America, with Especial Reference to the Faunas of Indiana and Florida. Indianapolis. Indiana: Nature Publishing Company. 1116 pp.

Blote HC. 1934. Catalogue of the Coreidae in the Rijksmuseum van Naturalijke Historie, Part I. Corizinae, Alydinae. Zool Mededeelingen. 17: 253 - 285.

Dallas WS. 1852. List of the specimens of Hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II. London: Taylor & Francis. 369 - 592 pp.

Distant WL. 1881. Insecta, Rynchota: Hemiptera-Heteroptera, volume I. London: F. Goodman and O. Salvin (editors) Biologia Centralis-Americana. i - xx + 462 pages. 89 - 168 pp. 39 plates.

Dohrn FA. 1859. Catalogus Hemipterorus. Stettin: Herrcke und Lebeling. 112 pp.

Froeschner RC. 1942. Contibutions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. II. Coreidae, Aradidae, Neididae. Am Midl Natural. 27: 591 - 609.

Gibson EH. 1917. The genus Harmostes Burm. (Coreidae, Heterop.) Entomol News. 28: 439 - 450.

Gillette CP, Baker CF. 1895. A preliminary list of the Hemiptera of Colorado. Bull Col Agric Exp Stat. 31 (Technical Series 1): 1 - 137.

Gollner-Scheiding U. 1978. Revision der Gattung Harmostes Burm., 1835 (Heteroptera, Rhopalidae) und einige Bermerkungen zu den Rhopalinae. Mitt Zool Mus Berlin. 54: 257 - 311.

Gollner-Scheiding U. 1983. General-katalogue der Familie Rhopalidae (Heteroptera). Mitt Zool Mus Berlin. 59: 37 - 189.

Harris HM. 1944. A new Harmostes, with a provisional key and checklist to the species (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae). Iowa St Coll J Sci. 18: 191 - 197.

Hoffman RL. 1975. The insects of Virginia: N ° 9. Squash, broad-headed, and scentless plant bugs of Virginia (Hemiptera: Coreidea: Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae). Res Div Bull. 105, Virginia: Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ., Blacksburg. 52 pp.

Lethierry L, Severin G. 1894. Catalogue General des Hemipteres. Volumes 1 - 3. Bruxelles and Berlin: F. Hayez. 2: 1 - 277.

Provancher L. 1885. Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada et Particulierement de la Province de Quebec. Volume 3. Cinquieme Order les Hemipteres. Nat Can, 1 - 64, plate 1 - 5 pp.

Say T. 1831. Descriptions of New Species of Heteropterous Hemiptera of North America. Indiana: New Harmony. p. 310 - 368.

Stal C. 1870. Enumeratio Hemipterorum: Bidrag till en foreteckning ofver alla Hittils kanda Hemiptera, jemte systematiscka meddelanden. Parts I - V. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademiens Handlingar. Part I. 9: 1 - 232.

Torre-Bueno JR de la. 1941. Help notes toward a revision of the genus Harmostes Burm. 1835. Bull Brooklyn Entomol Soc. 36: 82 - 101.

Uhler PR. 1876. List of Hemiptera of the region of the Mississippi River, including those collected during the Hayden explorations of 1873. Bull Uni Sta Geol Geog Sur Terr. 1: 269 - 361.

Van Duzee EP. 1916. Check List of the Hemiptera (excluding the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America North of Mexico. NY Entomol Soc, New York, 110 pp.

Walker F. 1872. Catalogue of the Specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. 8 parts. London: British Museum. Part 5. 1 - 202 pp.

Gallery Image

Figure 4(A–J). (A) Niesthrea (Corizus) pictipes; (B) Harmostes procerus; (C) H. prolixus; (D) H. reflexus viscens; (E) H. serratus; (F) Jadera haematoloma; (G) J. sanguinolenta; (H) Niesthrea sp.; (I) Xenogenus gracilis; (J) X. pituratum.











