Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860

Pall, José Luis & Coscarón, María del Camen, 2012, The Rhopalidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Argentina, Journal of Natural History 46 (23 - 24), pp. 1441-1465 : 1452-1453

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Felipe (2021-08-14 01:53:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 00:01:41)

scientific name

Harmostes prolixus Stål


Harmostes prolixus Stål View in CoL

In http://www2.nrm.se/en/het_nrm/p/harmostes_prolixus.html

( Figure 3A View Figure 3 and Figure 4C View Figure 4 )

Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860: 37 View in CoL ; Stål 1870: 221; Walker 1872: 14; Berg 1878: 184; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 114; Pennington 1920: 16; Pennington 1922: 165; Jensen-Haarup 1924: 327; Blöte 1934: 254; Torre-Bueno 1941: 85; Harris 1942: 27; Harris 1944: 196; Viana and Williner 1972: 27; Quintanilla, Rizzo and Núñez 1981: 150; Göllner-Scheiding 1978: 284; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 128.

Studied material. Argentina: Buenos Aires: Tornquist (38 ◦ 01 ′ S, 62 ◦ 13 ′ W) GoogleMaps , José C. Paz (31 ◦ 25 ′ S, 64 ◦ 30 ′ W), Sierras de Tandíl (37 ◦ 21 ′ S, 59 ◦ 07 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Catamarca: Andalagalá (27 ◦ 34 ′ S, 66 ◦ 18 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Córdoba: Carlos Paz (31 ◦ 25 ′ S, 64 ◦ 30 ′ W) GoogleMaps , La Granja (31 ◦ 01 ′ S, 64 ◦ 15 ′ W), La Cabaña (31 ◦ 13 ′ S, 64 ◦ 24 ′ W), La Puerta (30 ◦ 53 ′ S, 63 ◦ 15 ′ W). Argentina: Entre Ríos: Gualeguay (33 ◦ 08 ′ S, 59 ◦ 19 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Jujuy: Ledesma (23 ◦ 49 ′ S, 64 ◦ 47 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Yala (24 ◦ 07 ′ S, 65 ◦ 24 ′ W), Santa Catalina (21 ◦ 57 ′ S, 66 ◦ 07 ′ W), Uquia (24 ◦ 29 ′ S, 65 ◦ 16 ′ W). Argentina: La Pampa: Catriló (36 ◦ 25 ′ S, 63 ◦ 24 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: La Rioja: Sañagosta (29 ◦ 18 ′ S, 67 ◦ 35 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Misiones: El Dorado (26 ◦ 23 ′ S, 54 ◦ 37 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Iguazú (25 ◦ 35 ′ S, 54 ◦ 34 ′ W), Montecarlo (26 ◦ 34 ′ S, 54 ◦ 45 ′ W), Apóstoles (27 ◦ 54 ′ S, 65 ◦ 45 ′ W). Argentina: Río Negro: Río Colorado (28 ◦ 59 ′ S, 64 ◦ 05 ′ W) GoogleMaps . Argentina: Salta: Juramento (25 ◦ 08 ′ S, 64 ◦ 59 ′ W) GoogleMaps , Mojón (24 ◦ 11 ′ S, 65 ◦ 45 ′ W).

Distribution. Argentina: Buenos Aires: Tornquist, José C. Paz, Sierras de Tandíl; Catamarca: Andalagalá; Córdoba: Carlos Paz, La Granja, La Cabaña, La Puerta; Corrientes; Entre Ríos: Gualeguay; Jujuy: Ledesma, Yala, Santa Catalina, Uquia; La Pampa: Catriló; La Rioja: Sañagosta; Misiones: El Dorado, Iguazú, Montecarlo, Apóstole; Río Negro: Río Colorado; Salta: Juramento, Mojón; Brazil; Bolívia; México; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay.

Remarks. These are the first records of this species for Catamarca Corrientes, Jujuy, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta and San Juan.

Berg C. 1878. Hemiptera Argentina: Ensayo de una monografia de los Hemipteros Heteropteros y Homopteros de la Republica Argentina. An Soc Cient Arg. 6: 179 - 192.

Blote HC. 1934. Catalogue of the Coreidae in the Rijksmuseum van Naturalijke Historie, Part I. Corizinae, Alydinae. Zool Mededeelingen. 17: 253 - 285.

Gollner-Scheiding U. 1978. Revision der Gattung Harmostes Burm., 1835 (Heteroptera, Rhopalidae) und einige Bermerkungen zu den Rhopalinae. Mitt Zool Mus Berlin. 54: 257 - 311.

Gollner-Scheiding U. 1983. General-katalogue der Familie Rhopalidae (Heteroptera). Mitt Zool Mus Berlin. 59: 37 - 189.

Harris HM. 1942. Notes on Harmostes, with descriptions of some new species (Hemiptera: Corizidae). J Wash Acad Sci. 32: 27 - 32.

Harris HM. 1944. A new Harmostes, with a provisional key and checklist to the species (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae). Iowa St Coll J Sci. 18: 191 - 197.

Jensen-Haarup AC. 1924. Hemipterological notes and descriptions III. Entomol Medd. 14: 323 - 338.

Lethierry L, Severin G. 1894. Catalogue General des Hemipteres. Volumes 1 - 3. Bruxelles and Berlin: F. Hayez. 2: 1 - 277.

Pennington MS. 1920. Lista de los Hemipteros Heteropteros de la Republica Argentina. Primera parte. Pentamoidea- Coroidea. Buenos Aires: Physis. 1 - 16 pp.

Pennington MS. 1922. Notas sobre Coreidos argentinos (conclusion). Buenos Aires: Physis. 5: 125 - 170.

Quintanilla RH, Rizzo HF, Nunez AS. 1981. Catalogo preliminar de hemipteros hallados en la provincia de Misiones (Argentina). Rev Fac Agr. 2: 145 - 161.

Stal C. 1860. Bidrag till Rio Janeiro-Traktens Hemipter-fauna. Parts I and II. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Part I. 2: 1 - 84.

Stal C. 1870. Enumeratio Hemipterorum: Bidrag till en foreteckning ofver alla Hittils kanda Hemiptera, jemte systematiscka meddelanden. Parts I - V. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademiens Handlingar. Part I. 9: 1 - 232.

Torre-Bueno JR de la. 1941. Help notes toward a revision of the genus Harmostes Burm. 1835. Bull Brooklyn Entomol Soc. 36: 82 - 101.

Viana MJ, Williner GJ. 1972. Evaluacion de la fauna entomologica y aracnologica de las provincias cuyanas. Primera comunicacion. Acta Sci, ser entomol. 5: 1 - 29.

Walker F. 1872. Catalogue of the Specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. 8 parts. London: British Museum. Part 5. 1 - 202 pp.

Gallery Image

Figure 3(A–D). (A) Geographical distribution of species of genus Harmostes in Argentina: H. affinis, H. apicatus, H. corazonus, H. gravidator, H. imitabilis, H. insitivus, H. procerus, H. prolixus, H. reflexus viscens, H. serratus. (B) Geographical distribution of species of genus Jadera in Argentina: J. haematoloma, J. sanguinolenta. (C) Geographical distribution of species of genus Xenogenus in Argentina: X. gracilis, X. picturatum. (D) Geographical distribution of species of genus Niesthrea in Argentina: N. agnes, N. pictipes.

Gallery Image

Figure 4(A–J). (A) Niesthrea (Corizus) pictipes; (B) Harmostes procerus; (C) H. prolixus; (D) H. reflexus viscens; (E) H. serratus; (F) Jadera haematoloma; (G) J. sanguinolenta; (H) Niesthrea sp.; (I) Xenogenus gracilis; (J) X. pituratum.











