Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius)

Pall, José Luis & Coscarón, María del Camen, 2012, The Rhopalidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Argentina, Journal of Natural History 46 (23 - 24), pp. 1441-1465 : 1456-1457

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Felipe (2021-08-14 01:53:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 00:01:41)

scientific name

Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius)


Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius) View in CoL

Lygaeus hyalinus Fabricius, 1794: 168 ; Fabricius 1803: 201; Billberg 1820: 69; Dohrn 1859: 31; Stål 1868: 68; Walker 1872: 22; Stål 1873: 98; Uhler 1876: 300; Ferrari 1878: 62; Jakovlev 1879: 62; Puton 1881: 116; Distant 1882: 169; Provancher 1885: 65; Puton 1886: 18; Reuter 1888: 541; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 117; Distant 1902: 416; Kirkaldy 1902: 170; Matsumura 1905: 16; Barber 1906: 271; Oshanin 1906: 220; Kirkaldy 1907: 146; Baker 1908: 243; Banks 1910: 72; Oshanin 1912: 25; Horváth 1916: 6; Van Duzee 1916:14; Gibson 1919: 90; Barber 1929: 22; Butler 1923: 114; Seabra 1925: 25; Stichel 1925: 428; Blatchley 1926: 279; Readio 1928: 189; Matsumura 1931: 1193; Blöte 1934: 257; Barber 1939: 402; Costa Lima 1940: 93; Seabra 1941: 15; Torre-Bueno 1941: 286; Froeschner 1942: 603; Harris 1942: 360; Kiritshenko 1948: 286; Zimmermann 1948:45; Kiritshenko 1951: 315; Dupuis 1953: 73; Lindberg 1953: 52; Priesner and Alfieri 1953: 36; Miller 1956: 58; Putshkov and Putshkova 1956: 218; Putshkova 1957: 44; Wagner 1961: 142; Putshkov 1962: 115; Kerzner and Jaczewski 1964: 817; Chopra 1967: 375; Hoffman 1975: 44; Göllner- Scheiding 1976: 189; Hoberlandt 1977: 79; Froeschner 1981: 91; Tamanini 1981: 154; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 61.

Corizus gracilis Herrich-Schäeffer, 1835a: 127 View in CoL ; Herrich-Schäffer 1835b: 75; Dallas 1852: 528; Costa 1853: 71; Dohrn 1859: 31; Signoret 1859: 88; Walker 1872: 19; Ferrari 1874: 141; Reed 1899: 46; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 62.

Corizus truncatus Rambur, 1839: 144 ; Stål 1865: 117; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Rhopalus bengalensis Dallas, 1852: 528 View in CoL ; Dohrn 1859: 31; Walker 1872: 23; Stål 1873: 98; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 116; Distant 1902: 417; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 61.

Merocoris maculiventris Spinola, 1852: 170 ; Signoret 1859: 105; Stål 1870: 224; Walker 1872: 22; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 118; Reed 1899: 47; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 62.

Rhopalus ruber Dallas, 1852: 525 View in CoL ; Dohrn 1859: 31; Stål 1870: 225; Walker 1872: 21; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 119; Chopra 1973: 447; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Merocoris microtomus Spinola, 1852: 171 ; Signoret 1859: 105; Stål 1870: 224; Walker 1872: 22; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 118; Reed 1899: 48; Berg 1900: 86; Göllner- Scheiding 1983: 62.

Corizus quadrilineatus Signoret, 1859: 90 View in CoL ; Signoret 1859: 561; Stål 1870: 225; Walker 1872: 21; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 119; Reed 1899: 48; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 62.

Corizus variegatus Signoret, 1859: 123 View in CoL ; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Corizus siculus Signoret, 1859: 91 View in CoL ; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Rhopalus lugens Stål, 1859: 240 View in CoL ; Signoret 1859: 92; Stål 1870: 222; Walker 1872: 23; Berg 1878: 188; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 118; Pennington 1922: 167; Göllner- Scheiding 1983: 62. In

Rhopalus victoris Mulsant and Rey, 1870: 123 View in CoL ; Ferrari 1874: 141; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Corizus viridicatus Uhler, 1876: 404 View in CoL ; Lethierry and Severin 1894: 117; Van Duzee 1916: 14; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Corizus (Liorhyssus) lugens Berg, 1878: 188 View in CoL ; Pennington 1920: 16.

Corizus lugens Lethierry and Severin, 1894: 118 View in CoL .

Corizus scotti Distant, 1913: 148 View in CoL ; Bergroth 1913: 163; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 63.

Corizus imperialis Distant, 1918: 170 View in CoL ; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 62.

Corizus pronotalis Distant, 1918: 170 View in CoL ; Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 62.

Distribution. Argentina: Corrientes; Patagonia.

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