Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897: 590

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, Prado, Lívia P. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2015, Type specimens of the traditional Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant tribes deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil: Adelomyrmecini, Basicerotini, Blepharidatt ini, Crematogastrini, Formicoxenini, Lenomyrmecini, Myrmicini, Phalacromyrmecini, Pheidolini, Stegomyrmecini, Stenammini and Tetramoriini, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 55 (12), pp. 175-204 : 177-178

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Carolina (2021-04-01 12:08:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 04:30:51)

scientific name

Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897: 590


Genus Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897: 590 View in CoL

Adelomyrmex anxiocalor Longino, 2012: 11 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, HONDURAS, Olancho, 12 km N[orth of] Catacamas, 14.95307 -85.91669 ± 20 m, 13May2010 [13.v.2010], R. S. Anderson [leg.], #2010-028, 2190 m, Wet Cloud Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sift- ed leaf litter.

Adelomyrmex betoi Fernández, 2003b: 13 View Cited Treatment . Holotype: 1W, MEX [ ICO], Ver [acruz], Córdoba, Paraje Nuevo, Nacimiento, 07.viii.1969, S. [Peck] & J. Peck [leg.], #176, Trop [pical] Everg [reen] For [est], Ber [lese-Tullgren funnels] . Paratypes: 3W, MEX [ ICO], Veracruz, 4.4 mi [les] N[orth of] Huatusco, 02.viii.[19]73, A. Newton [leg.], 4200’[feet], Berl[ese-Tullgren funnels], log & leaf litter esp. hollow logs & fungi. Comment: The MZSP collection has two workers labeled as paratypes [ MEXICO, LBS, 21.v.1971, S. Peck leg., #B-204, leaf litter], but as the original publication did not mention these specimens we do not consider them as types .

Adelomyrmex bispeculum Longino, 2012: 13 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, COSTA RICA, Alajuela, 4 km ENE[East-northeast of] Monteverde, 10.31716 -84.77610 ± 10 m, 23Dec2010 [23.xii.2010], J. Longino [leg.], #7220, 1675 m, Cloud Forest   GoogleMaps , nest in clay bank.

Adelomyrmex brevispinosus Fernández, 2003: 596 in Fernández & MacKay, 2003. Paratype: 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 4 km N[orth of] Unión Juarez, Volcán Tacana, lower slopes, 18Sep1992 [18.ix.1992], R.S. Anderson [leg.], #92-109, 1950 m, Cloud Forest, litter. Junior synonym of Adelomyrmex tristani ( Menozzi, 1931) View in CoL by Longino, 2012: 32.

Adelomyrmex dentivagans Longino, 2012: 17 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 13.7 km NW[Northwest of] Metzabok   GoogleMaps , 17°11’N 91°44’W, 14Jul2007 [14.vii.2007], J. Longino [leg.], #6046-s, 540 m.

Adelomyrmex laevigatus Mackay, 2003: 600 in Fernández & MacKay, 2003. Paratypes:1W, PANAMA, Chiriqui, Volcán Hartman’s Finca,[19]95, R. Anderson [leg.], #17814, sample B, 1450 m, Wet min. Tropical Forest litter. 1W, CR[ COSTA RICA], Puntarenas Prov[ince], Monteverde, 10°18’N 84°48’W, 16Apr1989 [16.iv.1989], J. Longino [leg.], #2468-s, 1500 m, Wet Forest, ex sifted leaf litter. Not Labeled[Paratype]: 1W, CR[ COSTA RICA], Guanacaste Prov[ince], Maritza Field Stn[Station], 13.ii.[19]96, R.[S.] Anderson [leg.], #17736, sample B, 875 m, Dry Tropical, Wet Mountain, forest transition litter. Comment: The specimen #17814 from Panama should have been deposited in IAVH according Fernández & MacKay (2003), but was depos- ited in the MZSP. Also, the MZSP houses the specimen #17736, not labeled as type, but according to the original publication it is a paratype and was labeled accordingly.

Adelomyrmex longinoi Fernández, 2003b: 21 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, COSTA RICA, Heredia, Est [acion] Biol [ogical] La Selva   GoogleMaps , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 18Jun1999 [], #W/10/005, 50-150 m, INBio-OET, Bosque Primário. Missing L 1 2º to 5º tarsus, L3 3º to 5º tarsus.

Adelomyrmex marginodus Longino, 2012: 20 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, HONDURAS, Atlántida, 12 km SW[Southwest of] La Ceiba, 15.69130 -86.86076 ± 20 m, 19Jun2010 [], LLAMA #Wa-C-09- 2-17, 280 m, Tropical Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sifted leaf litter.

Adelomyrmex metzabok Longino, 2012: 22 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, Lago Metzabok, 17.12566°N 91.63088°W, 5Jun2008 [05. vi.2008], LLAMA #Wa-A-06-1-02, 570 m, Lowland Wet Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sifted leaf litter.

Adelomyrmex micans Fernández, 2003: 601 in Fernández & MacKay, 2003. Paratype: 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 4 km N[orth of] Unión Juarez, Volcán Tacana, lower slopes, 19Sep1992 [19.ix.1992], R. S. Anderson [leg.], #92-110, 2000 m, Cloud Forest , litter. Missing A 1.

Adelomyrmex nortenyo Longino, 2012: 25 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, MEXICO, Tamaulipas, Rancho del Cielo   GoogleMaps , 23.10105 -99.19233 ± 50 m, 17Jul2006 [17. vii.2006], R. S. Anderson [leg.], #2006-0005, 1200 m, Mixed Oak, ex forest litter.

Adelomyrmex paratristani Longino, 2012: 26 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, HONDURAS, Olancho, PN[National Park] La Muralla, 15.09798 -86.72081 ± 15 m, 3May2010 [03.v.2010], J. Longino [leg.], #6956, 1850 m, Oak Cloud Forest   GoogleMaps , nest in dead wood.

Adelomyrmex quetzal Longino, 2012: 28 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, GUATEMALA, B[aja] Verapaz , 7.5 km S[outh of] Purulha, 15.1989 -90.2 ± 11700 m, 26May1991 [26.v.1991], R. S. Anderson [leg.], #91-026, 1630 m, Cloud Forest, forest litter.

Adelomyrmex robustus Fernández, 2003b: 26 View Cited Treatment . Holotype: 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 8 mi [les] N[orth of] Pueblo Nuevo, Solistahuacán, 26[-27]. viii.1973, A. Newton F. [leg., 6000 feet, leaf litter, forest floor]. Paratypes: 1G 3W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 8 mi [les] N[orth of] Pueblo Nuevo   GoogleMaps , Solistahuacán   GoogleMaps , 26-27.viii.1973, A. Newton [leg.], 6000’[feet], leaf litter, forest floor. Dealate   GoogleMaps gyne. 6W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 2.1 km NW[Northwest of] Pueblo Nuevo   GoogleMaps , Solista- huacán, Yerbabuena Preserve   GoogleMaps , 23.ix.1992, R. S. Anderson [leg.], #92-114, 2070[2100] m, liq[uid of] Ambar Forest   GoogleMaps . One worker missing L1, L6 4º and 5º tarsus. 2W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 5 km E[ast of] Rayón   GoogleMaps , 23.xii.1991, P.S. Ward [leg.], #11581-8. One   GoogleMaps worker missing L6 4º and 5º tarsus. 1W, MEXICO, Chiapas, 5 km E[ast of] Rayón   GoogleMaps , 17°13’N 92°58’W, 23.xii.1991, P.S. Ward [leg.], #11581-8, 1700 m, Montane Rainfor[est], sifted litter (leaf, mold, rotten wood). Comment: The MZSP houses thirteen workers labeled as paratypes, but according to the original publication they are not part of the type series [4W, MEXICO, San Luis de Potosí, 14 min. Xilitla,, A. Newton leg., 4800 feet. 9W, MEXICO, San Luis de Potosí, 14 min. Xilitla,, A. Newton leg., 4800 feet, leaf & log litter, non cunif, liquid of Ambar Forest. One worker missing A1 funiculus; one worker missing post-petiole, gaster; one worker missing L1 tibia and tarsi; one worker missing L5 3º to 5º tarsus; one worker missing L6 trochanter to tarsus; one worker missing L4 trochanter to tarsus].

Adelomyrmex samoanus Wilson & Taylor, 1967: 77 View in CoL . Paratypes: 2W, W[ESTERN] SAMOA, S[outh of] Upolu , Poutasi, 2.2.56[02.ii.1956], T. E. Woodward [leg.], #MCZ[C] 31112, Leaf Mold Rainforest. One worker missing post-petiole, gaster; one worker missing A2, L4 femur to tarsi. 1W, W[ESTERN] SAMOA, N[orth of] Upolu, Utumapu, 17.i.[19]56, T. E. Woodward [leg.], #MCZ[C] 31112, 400’[feet].

Adelomyrmex striatus Fernández, 2003b: 29 View Cited Treatment . Holotype: 1W, BRAZIL, Amazonas , 24 km NE[Northeast of] Manaus , Rio Branco Rd [Road], Ig [arapé, Small Creek] Marianil, 22Aug1962 [22. viii.1962], W.L. Brown [leg.], #M-13. Paratype: 1W, [ BRAZIL], AM[Amazonas], km 24 NE[Northeast of] Manaus, Rio Branco Rd [Road], Igarapé [Small Creek] Marianil, 22.viii.1962, W.L. Brown [leg.], #M-13.

Adelomyrmex vaderi Fernández, 2003b: 33 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, COLOMBIA, Cundinamarca, Medina, [ Gazaunta river ], Q.[Creek] Cristalina, 08.iii. [19]97, F. Escobar [leg.], 1750 m.

Comment: The MZSP ant collection houses one worker from COLOMBIA, Santander, Encino, Reserva Natura Cachalú, 06°04’N 73°07’W, 20.iii.1999, E.L. Gonzalez leg., 2000 m, Winkler #9, labeled as paratype of Adelomyrmex longispinosus . However, the name Adelomyrmex longispinosus has never been published, and this specimen is listed also as examined material of Adelomyrmex tristani ( Menozzi, 1931) by Fernández, 2003b, which is currently recognized as a senior synonym of Adelomyrmex brevispinosus Fernández, 2003: 596 ( Fernández & MacKay, 2003) by Longino, 2012: 32. We do not consider it as paratype.

EMERY, C. 1897. Formicidarum species novae vel minus cognitae in collectione Musaei Nationalis Hungarici, quas in Nova Guinea, colonia germanica, collegit L. Biro. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, 20: 571 - 599.

FERNANDEZ, F. 2003 b. Revision of the myrmicine ants of the Adelomyrmex genus-group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Zootaxa, 361: 1 - 52.

FERNANDEZ, F. & MACKAY, W. P. 2003. The myrmicine ants of the Adelomyrmex laevigatus species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology, 41: 593 - 604.

LONGINO, J. T. 2012. A review of the ant genus Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897 in Central America. Zootaxa, 3456: 1 - 35.

MENOZZI, C. 1931. Contribuzione alla conoscenza del Microgenton di Costa Rica. III. Hymenoptera - Formicidae. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura, Portici, 25: 259 - 274.

WILSON, E. O. & TAYLOR, R. W. 1967. The ants of Polynesia. Pacific Insects Monograph, 14: 1 - 109.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo









