Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson, 1859

Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur, 2021, An annotated and illustrated checklist of the porcelain crabs of Panama (Decapoda: Anomura), Zootaxa 5045 (1), pp. 1-154 : 102-103

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scientific name

Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson, 1859


Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson, 1859 View in CoL

Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson 1858: 227 View in CoL (nomen nudum); Stimpson 1859: 74; Haig 1956: 26; Haig 1962: 176; Gore 1982:

17; Rodríguez et al. 2005: 564; Lira et al. 2012: 26, fig. 3B; Ferreira & Melo 2016: 187, fig. 2G; Ferreira & Tavares 2017:

556, fig. 5E, F; Poupin 2018: 150. Porcellana cessacii A. Milne-Edwards 1878: 229 . Petrolisthes cessacii . —A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier 1900: 346; Chace 1956: 14, fig. 4A–E; Gore 1974: 710, fig. 4; Rickner

1975: 163. Not Petrolisthes marginatus .— Haig 1957b: 10; Haig 1960: 25, 47, pl. 20, fig. 1 [= Petrolisthes haigae Chace, 1962 ]. Petrolisthes armatus . — Miers 1881: 432 [not Petrolisthes armatus ( Gibbes, 1850) ].

Material examined. None.

Previous records from Panama. Gore (1982); Ferreira & Tavares (2017, same material as in Gore 1982).

Distribution. West Atlantic: USA (Florida), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama (Golfo de San Blás), Cuba, Puerto Rico, N, E and S Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil (Fernando de Noronha and Trindade e Martin Vaz) ( Gore 1982; Ferreira & Melo 2016; Diez & Lira 2017; Ferreira & Tavares 2017; Poupin 2018). Central Atlantic: Ascension I. ( Miers 1881, as P. armatus ; Manning & Chace 1990; De Grave et al. 2017). East Atlantic: Senegal to Ghana, Cape Verde Is., Equatorial Guinea ( Annobon I.) (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier 1900, as P. cessaci ; Chace 1956, as P. cessaci ; Ferreira & Tavares 2017).

Ecology. Intertidal and subtidal, known depth range: 0–15 m; typically under rocks, in tide pools and in reef crevices ( Ferreira & Melo 2016; Ferreira & Tavares, 2017; Poupin 2018).

Remarks. All records of P. marginatus from the eastern Pacific, including Panama ( Haig, 1957b; 1960), were later re-assigned to P. haigae by Chace (1962). Based on records throughout the Atlantic Ocean, P. marginatus appears to be confined to the more offshore and oceanic conditions, for instance, being the only species found on exposed shores of Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean ( Manning & Chace 1990; De Grave et al. 2017). In the Caribbean Sea and Brazil, P. marginatus was reported mainly from offshore islands and archipelagos, or exposed shores of larger islands ( Ferreira & Tavares 2017; Poupin 2018). The single Panamanian record of P. marginatus is based on a specimen from the Gulf of San Blás (Guna Yala) examined by Gore (1982) and Ferreira & Tavares (2017).

The colour pattern of P. marginatus from the Central Atlantic ( Ascension I.) was described by Manning & Chace (1990) as “mottled brick red, with eystalks, articulating membranes and dactyls of walking legs scarlet; ventral surface uniformly scarlet”. Ferreira & Tavares (2017) published two colour photographs of a specimen from Trindade, a remote island off eastern Brazil. In this specimen, the carapace has a light lilac-pinkish background, covered with numerous magenta dots; the P2–P4 carpi and propodi are dark magenta; the ventral surface is uniformly magenta, except for one large, white, rounded spot on the Mxp3 coxa. The colour pattern of the Caribbean appears to be similar to that of the Brazilian specimens (see black-and-white photograph in Lira et al. 2012).














Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson, 1859

Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur 2021

Petrolisthes marginatus

Haig J. 1962: 176
Haig, J. 1956: 26
Stimpson, W. 1859: 74
Stimpson, W. 1858: 227
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