Agrilus (Agrilus) cteniasiformis, Curletti & Sakalian, 2009

Curletti, Gianfranco & Sakalian, Vladimir, 2009, Sixteen new species of Agrilus Curtis, 1825 from East Africa (Coleoptera, Buprestidae), ZooKeys 24 (24), pp. 1-29 : 2-3

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Plazi (2020-04-27 09:09:05, last updated 2023-11-01 11:01:39)

scientific name

Agrilus (Agrilus) cteniasiformis

sp. nov.

Agrilus (Agrilus) cteniasiformis View in CoL , sp. n.

Figs 1, 2

Type specimens. Holotype ♁: “C Kenya, Simba (02°08´S – 37°34´E), 1050 m, 31.10.2005, G. Curletti & V. Sakalian leg.” GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 ♁ and 1 ♀ with same locality and date as holotype. Th e holotype is deposited in IZBAS and the paratypes in GCCI.

Description of holotype. Body slender, subparallel, bronze colored dorsally; ventral side metallic black, frons dark green, elytra with very sparse and short white pubescence.

Head with medial sulcus and longitudinal striae on vertex and upper portion of frons; width of vertex between eyes 0.37 mm; frons protruding at upper portion; medial and lower portions of frons dark green, rugose; lower portion of frons, clypeus and genae with short, dense, white pubescence; eyes feebly convex; antennae short, barely reaching upper portion of eyes; antennomeres 4–11 wider than long, triangular.

Pronotum widest at anterior third; anterior margin bisinuate, carinate; anterior pronotal lobe distinct; lateral margins slightly curved before latero-posterior angles; latero-posterior angles rectangular; prehumeral pronotal carinae arched, extending from latero-posterior angles to just before lateral margin at middle of pronotum; marginal and submarginal carinae subparallel, not coalescent; discal sculpture consisting of very distinct transverse striae.

Scutellum small, anterior margin rounded; transverse carina present; apical projection short.

Elytra subparallel, width across humeri almost as wide as pronotal base; elytra widest at posterior third; humeral depressions deep and wide; apices narrowly separately arcuate, serrated; elytra with short, uniform, white pubescence; discal elytral sculpture consisting of transverse wrinkles.

Figure |. Agrilus (Agrilus) cteniasiformis , sp. n. (dorsal view).

Underside. Prosternal lobe robust, regularly arcuate. Prosternal process narrowed between procoxae, apical projection long and acutely pointed. Ventrites with uniform, short, golden pubescence; apex of last ventrite truncate. Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ).

Description of paratypes. Females differ from males in the rounded and bordered apex of the last ventrite and the bronze-colored frons.

Size. Length 3.00– 3.40 mm (holotype 3.30 mm); width 0.85–0.95 mm (holotype 0.90 mm).

Differential diagnosis. The new species is closely related to Agrilus (Agrilus) ctenias Théry, 1934 from Mozambique. It differs from this species by its bronze rather than emerald green color and smaller size.

Etymology. The specific epithet denotes the similarity of the new species and A. ctenias .

Remarks. Collected from yellow sticky traps placed on branches of Acacia sp.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Aedeagus Agrilus (Agrilus) cteniasiformis, sp. n. (dorsal view). Scale: 1 mm.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











