Lyreidus brevifrons Sakai, 1937

Muñoz, Isabel, García-Isarch, Eva & Cuesta, Jose A., 2021, Annotated and updated checklist of marine crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Mozambique supported by morphological and molecular data from shelf and slope species of the “ MOZAMBIQUE ” surveys, Zootaxa 5056 (1), pp. 1-67 : 16-18

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Plazi (2021-10-19 07:27:05, last updated 2024-11-25 18:47:24)

scientific name

Lyreidus brevifrons Sakai, 1937


Lyreidus brevifrons Sakai, 1937 View in CoL

( Figure 4A View FIGURE 4 )

Material examined. Stn. 40, 190m, ♂ 22.1× 38.3mm; ♂ 25.2× 44.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ07/1898); M07, Stn. 41, 44 m, ♂ 21.3× 37.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ07/1906), M08, Stn. 6, 428m, ♂ 19.9× 32.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1798); M08, Stn. 32, 458m, ♂ 24.5× 43.6mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1770); M08, Stn. 33, 530m, ♂ 19.5× 34.8mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1782-1), 16S ( MZ 424919 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434766 View Materials ) , ♂ 17.8× 30.5mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1782-2), 16S ( MZ 424920 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434767 View Materials ) ; M08, Stn. 78, 392m, ♂ 23.9× 41.7mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1771), 16S ( MZ 424921 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434768 View Materials ) .

Habitat and distribution. Species distributed throughout Japan, the South China Sea, west of the Philippines and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ( Sakai 1976), Madagascar, Reunion Island ( Poupin 2010; Ribes 1989) and New Caledonia ( Poupin 2010).

Results and remarks. Our specimens agree well with the descriptions and figures in Goeke (1985). Eight specimens were collected during March and April of M07, M08 and M09, at depths between 190 and 530m. These records confirm the presence of L. brevifrons in Mozambican waters, and extend its depth range to deeper waters up to 530m.

Colouration observed. Orange-brown, with the gastric and intestinal areas a little clearer, almost orange. Ambulatory legs were dorsally orange coloured, not homogeneous, with some clearest and pale patches, almost white. The ventral side of the specimens, legs and chelae were very pale, between rose and pale orange. Antennules and ocular peduncles were orange dark. A wide white line separates the gastric and branchial areas, and a big clear spot in both sides of the branchial area was observed in some individuals.

DNA barcodes. For 16S three equal sequences of 424, 500 and 507 bp were obtained, that fit 100% with a sequence of L. brevifrons from Taiwan ( KM 983394 View Materials ), a complete mitochondrial genome obtained by Shi et al. (2015). The three COI sequences represent two haplotypes, differing in two mutations, and fit 98.58 and 98.91% (nine and seven mutations), respectively with the COI sequence of the same specimen of L. brevifrons from Taiwan ( KM 983394 View Materials ).

Family RANINIDAE De Haan, 1839 [in De Haan, 1833 –1850]

According to Davie et al. (2015a), this family includes ten genera and 40 species. Only the genera Cosmonotus (White) , Notopus (De Haan) , Ranina (Lamarck) and Raninoides (H. Milne Edwards) have been cited off Mozambique ( Emmerson, 2016b,c).

Davie, P. J. F., Guinot, D. & Ng, P. K. L. (2015 a) Systematics and classification of Brachyura. In: Castro, P., Davie, P. J. F., Guinot, D., Schram, F. & Von Vaupel Klein, J. C. (Eds.), Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea, 9 C (I), Decapoda: Brachyura. Part 2. Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 1049 - 1130. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 9789004190832 _ 021

Emmerson, W. D. (2016 b). A guide to, and checklist for, the Decapoda of Namibia, South Africa and Mozambique. Vol. 2. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 645 pp.

Goeke, D. G. (1985) Decapod Crustacea: Raninidae. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Serie. A, Zoologie, 133, 205 - 228.

Haan, W. de (1833 - 1850) Crustacea. In: von Siebold, P. F. (Ed.). Fauna Japonica sive Descriptio Animalium, quae in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batava Imperium Tenent, Suscepto, Annis 1823 - 1830 Collegit, Noitis, Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustravit. Lugduni-Batavorum, Leiden, pp. 1 - 243.

Poupin, J. (2010) Biodiversite de l'Indo-Pacifique tropical francais 2514 especes de crustaces decapodes et stomatopodes. Rapport scientifique de l'Institut de Recherche de l'Ecole Navale. 76 pp.

Ribes, S. (1989). Les Raninidae du sud-ouest de l'ocean Indien (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Series 4, Section A, 11 (4), 905 - 919.

Sakai, T. (1976) Crabs of Japan and the adjacent seas. Vol. 1. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo, 773 pp.

Shi, G., Cui, Z., Hui, M., Liu, Y., Chan, T. - Y. & Song, C. (2015) The complete mitochondrial genomes of Umalia orientalis and Lyreidus brevifrons: The phylogenetic position of the family Raninidae within Brachyuran crabs. Marine Genomics, 21, 53 - 61. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. margen. 2015.02.002

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. A, Lyreidus brevifrons, ♂ IEO-CD-MZ08/1771; B, Raninoides crosnieri, ♂ IEO-CD-MZ07/1910; C, Calappa africana, ♀ IEO-CD-MZ08/1815; D, C. africana, ♂ IEO-CD-MZ08/1797; E, Mursia africana, ♂, IEO-CD-MZ08/1797; F, Mursia aspera, ♂ IEO-CD-MZ07/1903 (preserved); G, Mursia flamma, ♀ IEO-CD-MZ07/1904; H, Mursia sp, ♂ IEO-CD- MZ09/1775. Scale bars: 1cm.


Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences


Kotel'nich Museum















