Antillocladius venequatoriensis, Humberto F. Mendes, Trond Andersen & Ole A. Saether, 2004

Humberto F. Mendes, Trond Andersen & Ole A. Saether, 2004, A review of Antillocladius Saether, 1981; Compterosmittia Saether, 1981 and Litocladius new genus (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae), Zootaxa 594, pp. 1-82 : 54-57

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scientific name

Antillocladius venequatoriensis

sp. nov.

Antillocladius venequatoriensis View in CoL new species

( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 A–F)

Type material: Holotype male, VENEZUELA: Aragua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Rancho Grande, 10°21.047'N, 67°41.198'W, 16–18.ix.1999, about 1000 m a.s.l., sweep net & light trap, T. Andersen ( MIZA, slide mounted in Canada balsam). Paratypes: 2 males, as holotype ( ZMBN); Aragua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Curva Regressiva on road to Choroni, 5 males, 23.ix.1999, 1200 m a.s.l., light trap, T. Andersen ( ZMBN). ECUADOR: Provincia Pichincha, Setor Palmeras, unión Rios Guajalito y Bricador, Bosque Protector Rio Guajalito 0 0 14.925'N, 78 48.193'W, 1 male, 4–10.ii.2000, 1900 m a.s.l., light trap. F.M. Quesada ( ZMBN).

Diagnostic characters: The male imago can be separated from other members of the genus by having numerous setae in apical half of wing membrane; setose squama; costa weakly extended; acrostichals starting in front, all scalpellate; long virga ; anal point long, nearly triangular with pointed apex and moderately strong lateral setae ; and inferior volsella relatively small and rounded.

Etymology: The name refers to the countries where the species has been taken, Venezuela and Ecuador.

Male (n = 6).

Total length 2.01–2.21, 2.15 mm. Wing length 1.23–1.44, 1.36 mm. Total length / wing length 1.54–1.63, 1.57. Wing length / length of profemur 2.30–2.42, 2.37. Coloration brown, thorax dark brown, tarsi of all legs light brown.

Head. AR 0.98–1.05, 1.01; ultimate flagellomere 526–572, 557 µm long. Temporal setae 8–11, 9; including 2–5, 3 inner verticals; 2 outer verticals and 3–4, 4 postorbitals. Clypeus with 10 setae . Tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump as in Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 A; tentorium 125– 139, 131 µm long, 8–11, 9 µm wide at sieve pore; stipes 120–126, 122 µm long; 32–40, 36 µm wide. Palpomere lengths in µm: 22–25, 23; 35–38, 37; 90–96, 93; 85–97, 93 (4); 120– 135, 129 (4). Third palpomere with 3–4 sensilla clavata subapically; longest 10–15, 13 µm long.

Thorax ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 B). Antepronotum with 2–3, 3 setae . Dorsocentrals 9–17, 13; acrostichals 9–14, 12, all scalpellate starting close to antepronotum; prealars 4–6, 5. Scutellum with 7–10, 8 setae .

Wing ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 C). VR 1.37–1.61, 1.48. Costal extension 40–68, 54 µm long. Brachiolum with 1 seta; R with 11–15, 13 setae ; R1 with 11–14, 13; R4+5 with 20–27, 23; M with 4–7, 6; M1+2 with 40–56, 46; M3+4 with 16–26, 21; Cu1 with 9–12, 10; and An with 10–15, 12 setae . Wing membrane with 122–163, 149 setae in cell r4+5; 81–94, 87 setae in m1+2; 39–43, 41 setae in m3+4; and 15–25, 21 in cu and an together. Squama with 5–7, 6 setae .

Legs. Spur of front tibia 45–52, 50 µm long; spurs of middle tibia 30–33, 31 µm and 29–33, 30 µm long; spurs of hind tibia 28 µm and 47–54, 51 µm long. Width at apex of front tibia 35 µm; of middle tibia 30–33, 32 µm; of hind tibia 38–40, 39 µm. Hind tibial comb with 12 setae ; shortest seta 18–25, 21 µm long; longest seta 27–38, 33 µm long. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs as in Table 11 View TABLE 11 .

Hypopygium ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 D–F). Anal point 58–63, 61 µm long; 40–44, 42 µm wide at base; with 15–27, 24 strong lateral setae ; void of microtrichia except at base. Laterosternite IX with 3–6, 5 setae . Phallapodeme 83–97, 88 µm long. Transverse sternapodeme arcuate, with rounded oral projections; 96–113, 104 µm long. Virga 58–61, 59 µm long. Gonocoxite 163–168, 165 µm long; with long, low inferior volsella. Gonostylus 94–123, 101 µm long; megaseta 7–10, 8 µm long. HR 1.37–1.73, 1.62; HV 1.86–2.27, 2.15.

TABLE 11. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs of Antillocladius venequatoriensis new species.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR BV SV BR
p1 526– 600, 564 568– 668, 624 508– 572, 539 260– 272, 269 166– 184, 177 60–112, 107 39– 56, 41 0.86– 0.91, 0.87 2.62– 2.91, 2.87 2.16– 2.22, 2.18 2.9–3.9, 3.3
p2 540– 644, 565 532– 636, 556 260– 300, 273 132– 156, 136 104– 125, 120 49–92, 87 40– 52, 48 0.47– 0.53, 0.51 3.95– 4.27, 4.07 3.96– 4.12, 4.05 3.4–4.3, 3.8
p3 624– 664, 645 673– 744, 683 388– 416, 390 212– 234, 224 156– 172, 161 78–92, 81 39– 56, 47 0.56– 0.58, 0.57 3.32– 3.35, 3.34 3.38– 3.42, 3.39 4.0–4.7, 4.4

Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola Francisco Fernandez Yepez


Museum of Zoology at the University of Bergen, Invertebrate Collection















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