Atopopompilus robusticarinatus Yang & Ma, 2023

Yang, Tingmei, Li, Qiang & Ma, Li, 2023, Review of Atopopompilus (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from China, with description of one new species and an updated key to the world species, Zoologia (e 23029) 40, pp. 1-10 : 3-9

publication ID 10.1590/S1984-4689.v40.e23029

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Atopopompilus robusticarinatus Yang & Ma

sp. nov.

Atopopompilus robusticarinatus Yang & Ma , sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 4A, B View Figure 4 18606485-5C83-45B4-A247-7C9AEC29755B

Material examined. Holotype: CHINA, male, Yunnan, Jinghong, Tropical Botanical Garden, rainforest, 21°91’N, 101°27’E, 606 m, Malaise trap, coll. Yong-sheng Pu (YNAU). Paratypes: CHINA. 55 males, Yunnan, same locality as holotype, 20.III-2.VII.2019 (43 males), 11.IV-15.VII.2021 (12 males), coll. Yong-sheng Pu ( YNAU) ; 4 males, Yunnan, Jinghong, Menghai, Guanggang Village , 21°49’N, 100°29’E, 1526 m, Malaise trap, 13.I-15.II.2021, coll. Yong-sheng Pu ( YNAU) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Tibet, Lingzhi, Motuo, Beilong Village , 26°50’N, 78°25’E, 29.VII.2014, coll. Ting-jing Li ( YNAU) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. The new species clearly differs from A. daedalus daedalus ( Bingham, 1896) and other congeners by the following characteristics: the new species: facial carina stout and high( Fig. 1B View Figure 1 ); each flagellum short, A4–12 obviously serrated, A1: A2: A3: A4: A5: A8: A12: A13 = 10: 3: 11: 10: 11: 9: 7: 8 ( Fig. 1E View Figure 1 ); posterior margin of pronotum arcuate, obviously angulate in middle ( Fig. 1F View Figure 1 ); SGP slender, with clear elevation medially, apical margin slightly emarginated medially ( Fig. 1L View Figure 1 ); paramere of squama slender, slightly exceeding 1/4 of digitus, with long, dense setae at inner sides; digitus strongly enlarged apically, subscoop-shaped; width of aedeagus apically 0.5 × digitus width ( Fig. 4A, B View Figure 4 ). In A. daedalus daedalus ( Bingham, 1896) : facial carina slightly stout and slightly high ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ); flagellum long, A6–12 slightly arc-shaped bulged, A1: A2: A3: A4: A5: A8: A12: A13 = 10: 3: 16: 15: 14: 13: 11: 13 ( Fig. 3G View Figure 3 ); posterior margin of pronotum slightly arcuate, not angulate in middle ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 ); SGP stout, not elevated medially, apical margin not emarginated medially ( Fig. 3J View Figure 3 ); paramere of squama slightly stout, far exceeding 2/3 of digitus, with long, denser setae at inner sides; digitus at apical 3/4 slightly enlarged, thinner at base 1/4; width of aedeagus apically almost equal to digitus ( Fig. 4C, D View Figure 4 ).

Description. Male (Measurements of the holotype are given in parentheses). Body length 8.6–11.5 (10.5) mm; forewing 7.3–11.0 (9.9) mm. Body black; mandible apically dark brown; subapical 1/3 of mandible and all tarsal claws reddish brown; antennae ventrally (except scape) reddish; labium, labial palpus and maxillary palpus yellow brown; apical margin of clypeus with one narrow, light brown band; clypeus (except black spot basally and band apically), facial carina, inner orbital mark, outer orbital stripe, ventral spot of antennal scape, one band (interrupted medially) at posterior margin of pronotum, spur and spot on dorsal surface of hind tibia at basal 1/4 yellow ( Fig. 1A–D, F View Figure 1 ); wings light brown, hyaline with infuscate margins; in forewing, MC, SMC2, SMC3, DC1 at basal, and junction of subbasal cell and subdiscal cell with brown spots generally ( Fig. 1H View Figure 1 ); tergum VII sometimes with one white spot; metasoma with blue-purple reflections in certain light.

Body extensively covered with silvery pubescence ( Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ); upper frons and vertex covered with dense, long, brown setae, setae length equal to thickness of scape approximately, setae on lower frons, gena and propleuron relatively sparse, as long as thickness of scape; metanotum medially, postnotum medially, along center to declivity and posterior corner of propodeum with dense, long and curved, silvery setae; tergum I, and sterna I-VI covered with sparse, grey-white and brown short setae.

Head: In frontal view( Fig. 1B View Figure 1 ), mandible bidentate apically, outer tooth large and inner one small; clypeus slightly convex basally, width of clypeus: length = 26:12, clypeus with several small punctures, anterior margin widely prominent, nearly truncate; facial carina stout and high, but not extending beyond frontoclypeal suture; frontal line fine, extending to anterior ocella; frons with scattered punctures medially; inner orbits of eyes gently converged above, sub-parallel below; eyes width slightly less than half width of frons; in dorsal view ( Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ), ocelli in acute triangle and slightly convex; vertex slightly raised medially; OOD:OD:POD:OCD = 7:2:4:8; in lateral view ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ), gena strongly narrowed, width of gena: eyes in middle = 4:15; antennae stout and long( Fig. 1E View Figure 1 ), A4–12 obviously serrated, near basal 1/3 distinctly angulate ventrally, apical 2/3 grey, densely covered with short, black spines ventrally, A4–12 with larger and shallow depression dorsally, A1:A2:A3:A4:A5:A8:A12:A13 = 10:3:11:10:11:9:7:8, A3:aw = 11:4; A13:bw = 8:2.

Mesosoma: In dorsal view, width of pronotum: length = 50:15, posterior margin angular, pronotum conspicuously shorter than mesoscutum ( Fig. 1F View Figure 1 ); notaulus and parapsidal line of mesoscutum clearly visible ( Fig. 1F View Figure 1 ); scutellum obviously raised; metanotum moderately raised medially, with dense, small punctures and one oblique furrow sublaterally ( Fig. 1G View Figure 1 ); postnotum with one longitudinal median groove and one transverse stripe medially, laterally with sparse, oblique stripes and dense, small punctures ( Fig. 1G View Figure 1 ); length of metanotum:postnotum = 7:2; dorsal surface of propodeum covered with dense, small punctures, punctures at apex slightly larger than basal ones, curved slope forming one shallow depression medially and posteriorly, posterior margin in middle with one longitudinal elevation, and elevation area densely covered with fine, transverse wrinkles ( Fig. 1G View Figure 1 ); in lateral view, mesopleuron scattered with small punctures, metapleuron without punctures, lateral surface of propodeum with inconspicuous, shallow and small punctures.

Wing: in forewing ( Fig. 1H View Figure 1 ), length of pterostigma: 2r-rs = 3:8; length of marginal cell: marginal cell removed from wing tip = 45:25; SMC2:SMC3 = 20:20 on vein M, 12:8 on vein Rs; SMC2 receiving crossvein 1m-cu at apical 1/3, SMC3 receiving crossvein 2m-cu nearly at apical 1/2; vein M and vein cu-a of hindwing nearly coincides at intersection of vein M + CuA ( Fig. 1I View Figure 1 ).

Legs: femur-tibia length (dorsal surface) of fore, mid and hind legs = 45–30, 50–46, 60–62; fore leg with T1:T2–4 = 24:22, fore tibia with three unequal length spines at ventro-outer side, one short spine at 1/3 of inner base, T1 with three short, equidistant spines on ventro-outer side, T2–4 with 2–4 small spines at apical tarsus; fore claws asymmetrical, inner claw modified, outer ray slender and pointed, strongly curved nearly 90 degrees at base 1/3, inner ray short and stout, finger-shaped, outer claw bifid, inner tooth pointed; mid and hind claws bifid, apical inner tooth truncate; length of longer spur of hind legs: T1 = 45:31 ( Fig. 1J View Figure 1 ).

Metasoma: widest at posterior margin of GT1, thence gradually narrowed apically; sides of sterna 6 prominent in angular shape laterally, truncate medially, forming U shape, area close to angulate prominence with two small U-shaped depressions inwards ( Fig. 1K View Figure 1 ).

SGP and genitalia: SGP narrowing apically, slightly concave in middle at apical margin, gradually broadened towards base, subbasal area widest, with clear elevation in middle, densely covered with short setae laterally and apically ( Fig. 1L View Figure 1 ); paramere of squama slender, slightly exceeding 1/4 of digitus, with dense, long setae at inner side, obvious gaps between setae; digitus strongly enlarged apically, with irregular, sparse and short setae apically and medially; aedeagus half as wide as digitus apically ( Fig. 4A, B View Figure 4 ).

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Oriental region: China (Yunnan, Tibet).

Etymology. The name robusticarinatus originates from the Latin word “robust” (= stout) and “carinatus ” (= ridge), referring to the facial carina of male stout and high.

Atopopompilus daedalus daedalus ( Bingham, 1896) View in CoL Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4C, D View Figure 4

Pompilus daedalus Bingham, 1896: 429 View in CoL . Lectotype female,


Atopopompilus daedalus View in CoL : Day, 1974: 66, comb. nov., female and male.

Anoplius styrus Cameron, 1903: 327 View in CoL . Holotype male. INDIA

(BMNH); synonymized by Day, 1974: 66.

Ceropales pruinosa Cameron, 1905: 415 View in CoL . Lectotype male (not female, as originally stated), INDIA (UM, Oxford); synonymized by Day, 1974: 66.

Anoplinellus javanus Haupt, 1935 View in CoL (in Schulthess ans Haupt 1935): 318. Lectotype female, JAVA (NM, Basle) View in CoL ; synonymized by Day, 1974: 66.

Material examined. CHINA. 1 female, Beijing: Heishan Village , 40°21’N, 116°18’E, 3.IX.2009 GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Guangxi: Laibing, Jinxiu, Dayao Mountain , 24°11’N, 109°59’E, 20.VII.2015, coll. Hai-xia Lu ( YNAU) GoogleMaps ; 3 females, 3 males, Yunnan: Dali Ancient Town, Congyuan Village , 25°8’N, 102°44’E, 2. V GoogleMaps .2006, coll. He-sheng Wang ( YNAU); 3 females, Yunnan: Dali, Yongping , 41°33’N, 113°34’E, 20.VIII.2003, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 4 females, 1 male, Yunnan: Dehong, Luxi, Fapa Town , 24°26’N, 98°35’E, 10.VIII.2005, coll. He-sheng Wang ( YNAU) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Yunnan: Honghe, Hekou, Qiaotou Village , 22°52’N 104°7’E, 30.X.2006, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 10 females, Yunnan: Jinghong, Menghai, Bulang Mountain , 21°45’N, 100°26’E, 1677 m, Malaise trap, 17.V-14.IX.2018, coll. Yong-sheng Pu ( YNAU) GoogleMaps ; 6 females, Yunnan: Jinghong, Menghai, Guanggang Village , 21°49’N, 100°29’E, 1526 m, Malaise trap, 22.IV-22. VI GoogleMaps .2018, coll. Yong-sheng Pu ( YNAU); 1 female, Yunnan: Jinghong, Tropical Botanical Garden , rainforest, 21°91’N, 101°27’E, 606 m, Malaise trap, 15. V-18. VI .2018, coll. Yong-sheng Pu ( YNAU); 2 females, Yunnan: Kunming, Heilong Pool , 25°8’N, 102°45’E, 28. V GoogleMaps .2002, coll. Xing-yan Wang ( YNAU); 24 females, 1 male, Yunnan: Kunming, Yunnan Agricultural University , 30.VIII-15.IX.2020, coll. YNAU ; 1 female, Yunnan: Puer, Longtan Village , 23°5’N, 101°35’E, IX.2007, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 3 females, Yunnan: Wenshan, Maguan, Gulinjing Village , virgin forest, 22°48’N 103°57’E, 1495 m, Malaise trap, VI-IX.2017, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 4 females, Yunnan: Wenshan, Maguan, Miechang Village , junction of river, virgin forest and secondary forest, 22°54’N, 104°02’E, 1345 m, Malaise trap, V GoogleMaps .2017, coll. YNAU; 1 female, Yunnan: Wenshan, Maguan, Muchang Town , secondary forest, 22°56’N, 104°11’E, Malaise trap, VII.2017, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 8 females, Yunnan: Wenshan, Maguan, Pojiao , Mafang Village , junction of farmland and virgin forest, 23°06’N, 104°20’E, 1551 m, Malaise trap, 3.VI-15.IX.2017, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Yunnan: Zhaotong, Huanghua, Qinggang , 27°59’N, 103°33’E, 21.VIII.2007, coll. YNAU GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Yunnan: Dali, Shimen Village , 25°41’N, 100°9’E, 3. V GoogleMaps .2006, coll. Ming Luo ( YNAU); 1 male, Guangdong: Nanling , 24°41’N, 112°59’E, 5.VI-7. VI GoogleMaps .2021, coll. Zai-fu Xu. LAOS. 1 female, Pakse : 15°7’N, 105°48’E, 17. VI GoogleMaps .2016, coll. Liang Wang ( YNAU).

Description. Female. Body length 12.0– 18.5 mm; wings strongly fuscous throughout with infuscate margins and blue-purple reflections in certain light ( Fig. 2J, K View Figure 2 ); propodeum (except sloping posterior declivity) fairly closely covered with blackish and silvery hairs ( Fig. 2H View Figure 2 ); metanotum medially and postnotum medially with dense, long, curved and silvery setae ( Fig. 2H View Figure 2 ); propodeum (except sloping posterior declivity) with dense aciculate protuberant ( Fig. 2H View Figure 2 ); MID about 0.5 X TFD ( Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ); OOD: OCD = 9:6 ( Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ). SMC 2: SMC 3 = 27:30 on vein M, 17:12 on vein Rs ( Fig. 2J View Figure 2 ).

Male. Body length 10–14.5 mm; clypeus (except black spot basally), facial carina, inner orbital mark, outer orbital stripe, ventral spot of antennal scape, and one band (interrupted medially) at posterior margin of pronotum yellow ( Fig. 3B, C, F View Figure 3 ); wings light brown, hyaline with infuscate margins ( Fig. 3E View Figure 3 ); facial carina slightly stout and slightly high ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ); flagellum long, A6–12 slightly arc-shaped bulged ( Fig. 3G View Figure 3 ); posterior margin of pronotum slightly arcuate, not angulate in middle ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 ).

Distribution. Oriental region: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Nepal, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan); Palearctic region: China (Beijing).


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Atopopompilus robusticarinatus Yang & Ma

Yang, Tingmei, Li, Qiang & Ma, Li 2023

Atopopompilus daedalus

Day MC 1974: 66

Anoplinellus javanus

Day MC 1974: 66

Ceropales pruinosa

Day MC 1974: 66
Cameron P 1905: 415

Anoplius styrus

Cameron P 1903: 327

Pompilus daedalus

Bingham CT 1896: 429
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