Scaphochlamys biru Meekiong (2015: 37)

Hin, Ooi Im, Kalu, Meekiong & Yeng, Wong Sin, 2017, A review of Scaphochlamys (Zingiberaceae) from Borneo, with description of eleven new species, Phytotaxa 317 (4), pp. 231-279 : 258

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.4.1

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scientific name

Scaphochlamys biru Meekiong (2015: 37)


14. Scaphochlamys biru Meekiong (2015: 37) View in CoL . ≡ Borneocola biru (Meekiong) Sam in Sam et al. (2016: 46). Type:— MALAYSIAN BORNEO. Sarawak: Kuching Division, Matang Wildlife Centre, mixed dipterocarp forest, on the forest floor, sandy clay soil, 21 May 2014, K. Meekiong, G. Angela, M. Mas Izzaty & C.A. Noor Ain MK s.n. (holo SAR!, iso HUMS!), Figure 14 View FIGURE 14

Terrestrial, perennial, rhizomatous herbs, to c. 35 cm tall. Rhizome creeping slightly on ground, c. 5 mm in diameter, externally brownish green, internally yellowish brown. Elements 0.5–7 cm apart, 1-foliate, juvenile up to 3-foliate; petiole 10–25 cm long, canaliculate, medium green with scattered tiny white dots, glabrous, base pulvinate, greenish white; leafless sheaths c. 4, 0.7–3.5 cm long, medium green, sparsely pubescent, drying with age; leaf sheath c. 0.8 cm long, membranous, greenish white, glabrous, drying with age; ligule obscure; lamina 7–10 × 3.5–4 cm, ovate to lanceolate, chartaceous, margin slightly undulate, base sub-truncate to slightly rounded, apex acute to acuminate; adaxial surface slightly glossy, bright light green to medium green, glabrous, midrib sunken, lateral veins inconspicuous; abaxial surface light green, sparsely pubescent, midrib raised, main lateral veins slightly visible. Inflorescence 5.5–7 cm long, emerging from near leaf base inside sheaths, tightly congested, comprised of c. 3, 2-flowered cincinni borne on a peduncle, flowering spirally from base to apex; peduncle 3–4 cm long, light green with dense tiny white dots, glabrous, covered by sheaths; bract c. 3, c. 20 × 4 mm, spirally arranged, lanceolate, membranous, sparsely pubescent, light green, apex acute, each subtending c. 2 flowers, drying from apex with age, floral odour reminiscent of torch-ginger ( Etlingera elatior ) tissues; bracteole c. 2, 5–15 mm long, shorter than bracts but barely distinguishable from bract, light green to greenish white; flowers 3.5–4 cm long, floral odour mild lemon grass-like; calyx 8–10 mm long, brownish white, sparsely pubescent, apex acute; floral tube 2.5–3 cm long, white, sparsely pubescent; corolla lobes c. 10 mm long, lanceolate, yellowish white, glabrous, apex acute, hooded; staminodes c. 5 mm long, linear to slightly oblanceolate, adaxial surface covered with glandular hairs, yellowish white, apex obtuse to truncate; labellum 11–13 × 9–11 mm, spathulate, adaxial surface covered with glandular hairs, white at base and violet till apex with a light yellow median band, apex 2-lobed, indented c. 2.5 mm, lobes sometimes slightly overlapping; stamen c. 5 × 1.5 mm, covered with glandular hairs, white; filament c. 1 mm long; anther thecae c. 3.5 mm long, spurred c. 0.5 mm basal at one side, crest c. 0.5 mm long; stigma less than 1 mm long, club-shaped with 2 dorsal knobs, ostiole ciliate, forward facing; style c. 3.5 cm long, white, sparsely pubescent; ovary c. 2 mm long, 1-locular, light green, densely pubescent at 2 / 3 from apex; epigynous glands 2, c. 2 mm long, free, needle-like, white. Fruit c. 12 × 4 mm, dehiscent capsule, elongated ovoid, whitish green (white translucent cuticle-like pericarp enclosing green seed), sparsely pubescent, subtended by marcescent bracts. Seeds c. 10 × 3 mm, slightly elongated ovoid, glabrous, green; aril c. 4 mm, lacerate, brownish white; perisperm white.

Distribution and ecology: — North western Borneo, Sarawak, Kuching Division, Bau district to Matang district occurring on podzolic black soil over sandstone in gallery forest or ridge top kerangas (tropical heath) forest, 30–90 m elevation.

Additional specimens examined:— MALAYSIAN BORNEO. Sarawak: Kuching Division , Bau, Gunung Buan, 01°33’28.9”N, 110°08’35.2”E, 92 m, 21 November 2013, I.H. Ooi & T. Jepom OIH75 (SAR) GoogleMaps ; Gunung Buan , 01°33’28.9”N, 110°08’35.2”E, 92 m, 26 July 2014, I.H. Ooi & J. Davidson OIH256 (SAR) GoogleMaps ; Sungai Adis , 01°33’12.8”N, 110°09’33.1”E, 14 January 2014, I.H. Ooi & K. Jeland OIH87 (SAR) GoogleMaps ; 01°33’12.8”N, 110°09’33.1”E, 26 July 2014, I.H. Ooi & J. Davidson OIH255 (SAR); Matang , Sungai Rayu, 01°36’40.0”N, 110°09’48.0”E, 24 July 2014, I.H. Ooi OIH254 (SAR) GoogleMaps ; Matang , Sungai Rayu, 01°37’N, 110°10’E, 26 April 2004, A.D. Poulsen 2309 (E) GoogleMaps .

Conservation status:—Least Concern (LC). This species is widespread and locally abundant throughout its range, much of which is within protected areas.

Discussion:—Recollection of S. petiolata from the type locality, Gunung Singai, Bau, Sarawak, revealed that S. petiolata is restricted to above 400 m on Gunung Singai, an isolated sandstone massif, and the more widespread lowland entities belong to S. biru (first author, pers obs.). Scaphochlamys biru differs from S. petiolata by the inconspicuous lateral veins on the leaf lamina (vs. not conspicuous slightly raised main lateral veins).

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