PUCADELPHYOIDEA, Muizon & Ladevèze, 2022

Muizon, Christian de & Ladevèze, Sandrine, 2022, New material of Incadelphys antiquus (Pucadelphyda, Metatheria, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Bolivia reveals phylogenetic affinities with enigmatic North and South American metatherians, Geodiversitas 44 (22), pp. 609-643 : 612

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/geodiversitas2022v44a22

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scientific name


superfam. nov.

Superfamily PUCADELPHYOIDEA n. superfam.


The superfamily Pucadelphyoidea n. superfam. includes two clades, the family Pucadelphyidae and an unnamed clade defined below. The Pucadelphyidae include the following genera: Pucadelphys Marshall & Muizon, 1988 ; Andinodelphys Marshall & Muizon, 1988 ; Mizquedelphys Marshall & Muizon, 1988 , Itaboraidelphys Marshall & Muizon, 1984 .

The unnamed clade includes, in addition to Incadelphys Marshall & Muizon, 1988 the following genera: Aenigmadelphys Cifelli & Johanson, 1994 , Marmosopsis Paula Couto, 1962 , and Szalinia Muizon & Cifelli, 2001 . As discussed in the phylogeny section below, we favor the topology resulting from the analysis with implied weighting of characters, which retrieved the four genera in a clade. However, we are reluctant to formally name this clade because we consider that Jaskhadelphys should be included in the taxon list (which we did not) but with substantial new and more complete specimens than the single maxillary fragment with M2-M3 known so far. If Jaskhadelphys was to be included in this clade (what is so far highly uncertain), then the resulting clade should be the family Jaskhadelphyidae ( Muizon 1992) .

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