Hoplandrothrips formosae sp. n., 2024

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 45-46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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scientific name

Hoplandrothrips formosae sp. n.

sp. nov.

Hoplandrothrips formosae sp. n.

( Figs 31–33 View FIGURES 29–42 , 187–196 View FIGURES 187–196 )

Female (macroptera). Distended body length: 3.5–4.4mm. Body uniformly dark brown. Fore tibiae brownish yellow, mid and hind tibiae brownish, slightly paler distally, tarsi brownish yellow. Antennal segments I and II dark brown, segment III dark brown, outer apex scarcely paler, segments IV and V brown with basal 1/3 yellow, segment VI largely yellow, with extreme base yellowish, segments VII and VIII brown. Fore wings shaded with pale brown. Prominent body setae pale. Head ( Fig. 187 View FIGURES 187–196 ) 1.4–1.6 times as long as wide, 1.50 times in holotype; dorsal surface distinctly sculptured with fine reticulation, but reticles weaker behind posterior ocelli. Cheeks weakly rounded and incised just behind eyes, serrate, each with three small but stout setae arising onto small tubercles. Postocular setae dilated, much longer than eyes, 185μm apart from each other in holotype. Eyes bulged, 0.32 times as long as head in holotype; distance between posterior ocelli almost as long as diameter of an ocellus, or a little shorter, 26μm apart from each other in holotype. Antennae ( Figs 189 & 190 View FIGURES 187–196 ) about 2.0 times as long as head; segment VIII distinctly constricted basally, pedicellate; segment III 1.9 –2.0 times as long as wide, with four sense cones; segment V longer than segment III, with distinct apical neck, usually longer than 3.0 times as long as wide (3.12 times in holotype). Mouth cone scarcely reaching prospinasternum; maxillary stylets retracted to postocular setae. Pronotum 0.5–0.6 times as long as head, 0.54 times in holotype; dorsal surface sculptured with transverse reticulation posteriorly, weakly sculptured anteriorly and laterally; five pairs of major setae capitate, am and aa subequal in length, pa the longest, 0.80–0.84 times as long as median length of pronotum in holotype. Mesopresternum ( Fig. 195 View FIGURES 187–196 ) divided into three plates. Metanotum ( Fig. 193 View FIGURES 187–196 ) sculptured with longitudinal reticulation, median pair of setae acute, 60–63μm long, 45–65μm apart from anterior margin, 130μm apart from each other in holotype. Metathoracic sternopleural sutures present, but vestigial. Fore wing with 15–22 duplicated cilia, 19–21 in holotype; three sub-basal setae ( Fig. 194 View FIGURES 187–196 ) dilated, S1 and S2 subequal, S3 longer than S2. Pelta ( Fig. 193 View FIGURES 187–196 ) bell-shaped. tergite IX S1 and S2 setae slightly dilated, shorter than tube, S1 shorter than S2. Tube ( Fig. 196 View FIGURES 187–196 ) 0.52 times as long as head, 1.93 times as long as wide in holotype, almost tapering; terminal setae longer than tube.

Measurements (holotype female in μm). Body length about 4100 (distended). Head length 395, from anterior margin of eyes 355, width across eyes 244, maximum width across cheeks 263; eyes length 126, width 82; diameter of posterior ocelli 28–30; postocular setae 140–150. Antenna total length 790, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 75 (60), 65 (45), 115 (59), 133 (55), 128 (41), 96 (32), 73 (27), 57 (17). Pronotum length 215, width 408. Setae on prothorax: am 65–76, aa 72, ml about 80, pa 170–180, epim 110–120, cox about 50. Fore wing length 1500. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 80–100, S2 100–110, S3 125. Tergite IX setae: S1 175–180, S2 190–195. Tube length 205, maximum width 106; terminal setae 230.

Male (macroptera). Distended body length 2.7–4.2mm. Colour very similar to female, but tibiae paler, yellow to brownish yellow, cheek setae brownish; abdominal sternite VIII with no pore plate; tube 0.45–0.53 times as long as head; tergite IX S2 setae shorter than 1/2 length of S1. Large male: head ( Fig. 188 View FIGURES 187–196 ) more than 1.8 times as long as wide, cheeks each with some well-developed stout spine like setae; prothorax enlarged; fore legs enlarged, fore coxa distinctly angulate behind coxal setae, with two stout spine like setae; fore femur ( Fig. 192 View FIGURES 187–196 ) enlarged, with two apical inner tubercles, fore tibia with a sub-basal inner tubercle, fore tarsal tooth stout; pronotal aa and am setae subequal in length, am slenderer and sharply pointed; fore wing with 22–24 duplicated cilia. Small male: head about 1.5 times as long as wide, cheek setae small; fore femur not enlarged, but with two distinct apical inner tubercles, fore tibia with a very small sub-basal tubercle; pronotal am dilated, much shorter than aa; fore wing with 13–15 duplicated cilia.

Measurements (paratype large/small males in μm). Body length 4150/2700 (distended). Head length 455/310, from anterior margin of eyes 405/285, width across eyes 230/200, maximum width across cheeks 245/210; eyes length 135/100, width 75/70; postocular setae 160–165/130–135. Antenna total length 820/610, segments I–VIII length as follows: 80/55, 70/55, 135/92, 145/106, 135/100, 103/78, 75/60, 58/50. Pronotum length 290/155, width 460/298. Setae on prothorax: am 230–235, aa 200–205/80–82, ml 195–200/73–76, pa 225–230/120–125, epim 160–180/85–95, cox 40–50/55. Fore wing length 1650/1080. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 50 /72–75, S2 45 /60, S3 35 /65. Tergite IX setae: S1 204–206/150, S2 85–88/62–65. Tube length 215/163, maximum width 110/85; terminal setae 250/185.

Type series. Holotype: macropterous female, Taiwan, Nantou Hsien, Nanshanchi , on dead leaves and branches, 30.iii.1984, TN & SO . Paratypes: Taiwan, 4 females and 2 males, collected together with holotype; Chiai Hsien, Kuantzulin , 2 females and 1 male, on dead leaves and branches, 1.iv.1993, TN & SO .

Remarks. H. formosae is the largest species in this region and included in the ryukyuensis -group. It is somewhat similar to H. ryukyuensis from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the followings: body larger, 3.5–4.4mm in female (2.3–3.0mm in female in ryukyuensis ); antennal segment III darker, largely dark brown; antennal segment V usually longer than segment III; pronotal sculpture weaker; fore wings usually with more than 15 duplicated cilia. Especially, antennal segment V of formosae is slender (more than 3.0 times as long as wide in female) and with distinct apical neck, though that of ryukyuensis is shorter (less than 2.5 times as long as wide in female) and with no apical neck. It is also similar to H. quinqueconus sp. n. also from Taiwan, but formosae has four sense cones on antennal segment III, whereas quinqueconus has unusually five sense cones.


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