Hoplandrothrips aseanae sp. n., 2024

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 38-39

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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scientific name

Hoplandrothrips aseanae sp. n.

sp. nov.

Hoplandrothrips aseanae sp. n.

( Figs 21–23 View FIGURES 15–28 , 144–153 View FIGURES 144–153 )

Female (macroptera). Distended body length: 1.6–2.0mm. Body bicoloured with red hypodermal pigments, largely yellow and minutely brown. Head yellow, with genal areas behind eyes brownish. Thorax yellow, pterothorax scarcely darker laterally. Abdomen largely yellow, segment II brownish antero-laterally, segments V and VI often scarcely shaded with brown antero-laterally; tube brown, with base and apex somewhat paler. Antennal segments I– II and VII – VIII light brown, segments III – VI bicolourous, largely light brown with bases yellowish, segment III usually a little paler than segment IV, often yellow. Fore femora yellow, weakly shaded with brown exteriorly, mid and hind femora brown, with bases and apices yellowish; tibiae and tarsi yellow. Fore wing shaded with grey, with three banded pale areas at base, middle and apex. All prominent setae clear. Head ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 144–153 ) longer than wide, 1.18 times as long as wide in holotype, dorsal surface sculptured fully with indistinct polygonal reticulation, reticles weaker at base, ocellar region with fine reticulation. Cheeks rounded, distinctly constricted at anterior ends, serrated, each with a few small setae, without stout sub-basal setae. Postocular setae a little shorter than eyes, not close together, expanded. Eyes 0.38 times as long as head in holotype; distance between posterior ocelli shorter than diameter of an ocellus, posterior ocelli in contact with eyes, 17μm apart from each other in holotype. Antennae ( Figs 150 & 151 View FIGURES 144–153 ) about 2.0 times as long as head; segment VIII pedicellate, long and distinctly constricted at base; segment III short, about 1.8 times as long as wide, almost as long as segment IV, with three sense cones. Maxillary stylets retracted to postocular setae, not reaching eyes. Pronotum weakly reticulate posteriorly, a little longer than 1/2 length of head; five pairs of prominent setae elongate, expanded; am well-developed, almost as long as aa, aa and epim subequal in length, but epim a little longer than aa in holotype. Ferna and mesopresternum weak ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 144–153 ), divided into two lateral large triangles and a small median area. Metanotum ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 144–153 ) sculptured with indistinct polygonal reticulation, with weak regular reticles in anterior 1/4, with longitudinal row of distinct reticles in posterior 3/4, median pair of setae acute, 23–25μm apart from anterior margin, 58μm apart from each other. Fore tarsal tooth absent ( Fig. 145 View FIGURES 144–153 ). Fore wings each with 6–7 duplicated cilia in holotype; three sub-basal setae ( Fig. 152 View FIGURES 144–153 ) expanded, S2 and S3 subequal in length, S1 the shortest. Pelta weak ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 144–153 ), hat-shaped, weakly reticulate, with very slender lateral wings. Tergite IX S1 setae shorter than tube, weakly expanded or nearly pointed, S2 setae longer than S1, shorter than tube, nearly pointed, intermediate setae slender, a little longer than 2/3 length of S1. Tube ( Fig. 153 View FIGURES 144–153 ) 0.55 times as long as head, about 2.0 times as long as wide. Terminal setae almost as long as tube.

Measurements (holotype female in μm). Body length about 1800 (distended). Head length 200, from anterior margin of eyes 175, width across eyes 160, maximum width across cheeks 170; eyes length 75, width 55; diameter of posterior ocelli about 20; postocular setae 65–72. Antenna total length 405, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 38 (35), 45 (29), 57 (31), 57 (30), 57 (25), 53 (21), 43 (18), 35 (12). Pronotum length 105, width 213. Setae on prothorax: am 42–45, aa 45, ml 45, pa 50, epim 52–53. Fore wing length 700. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 50, S2 60 –63, S3 62. Tergite IX setae: S1 85–90, S2 100. Tube length 110, maximum width 54; terminal setae 110–115.

Male (macroptera). Distended body length: 1.3–1.7mm. Colour similar to female. Head 1.20–1.27 times as long as wide, dorsal surface sculptured weakly. Fore tarsus with a tooth. Abdominal sternite VIII without pore plate; tergite IX S2 setae about 1/2 length of S1 or shorter, intermediate setae longer than S2. Tube 0.46–0.47 times as long as head. Large male: cheeks each with a stout sab-basal seta; pronotal aa elongate, much longer than pa; fore coxa with pointed one or two stout setae on posterior margin; fore femur ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 144–153 ) with one ventro-apical tubercle, fore tibia with a sub-apical tubercle placed near apical 1/ 4 in addition to an apical tubercle, often with a small sub-basal tubercle, fore tarsal tooth stout; fore wing with 6–7 duplicated cilia. Small male: cheeks without stout sub-basal seta; fore femur ( Fig. 146 View FIGURES 144–153 ) without apical tubercle, fore tarsal tooth small; fore wing with 3–7 duplicated cilia.

Measurements (paratype large/small males in μm). Body length 1650/about 1300 (distended). Head length 200/171, from anterior margin of eyes 176/153, width across eyes 150/132, maximum width across cheeks 158/142; eyes length 73/65, width 54/48; postocular setae 80/48.Antenna total length 400/350, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 40/30 (34/30), 43/38 (26/24), 60/48 (30/25), 58/50 (28/25), 57/47 (24/22), 52/43 (20/18), 42/35 (18/17), 35/30 (11/11). Pronotum length 120/85, width 213/163. Setae on prothorax: am 40/25, aa 98/30, ml 60/25, pa 75/40, epim 58/40. Fore wing length 665/520. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 50 /33, S2 63/43, S3 42 /35. Tergite IX setae: S1 88/58, S2 33 /30. Tube length 92/80, maximum width 51/45; terminal setae 110/88.

Type series. Holotype: macropterous female, Peninsular Malaysia, about 20km N from Kuala Lumpur, Templer Park , on dead leaves, 13.viii.1990, TN & SO . Paratypes: Peninsular Malaysia, same locality, habitat and collectors as in holotype, 45 females and 23 males, 12.viii.1990, 53 females and 43 males, 13.viii.1990, 57 females and 39 male males, 15.viii.1990; Tapah, 8 females and 2 males, on dead leaves, 26.vii.1976, SO. Singapore, Macritchie Park , on dead leaves, 10 females and 4 males, 22.vii.1976, 3 females and 1 male, 23.vii.1976, SO. Thailand, Phuket, nr. Tone Sai Waterfall , on dead leaves and branches, 4 females and 2 males, 11.ix.1992, 1 male, 12.ix.1992, 2 males, 14.ix.1992, TN & SO .

Non-paratypic specimens. Indonesia, South Sulawesi, Karaenta Forest Res., Maros to Camba , alt. about 400m, 1 male, on dead Palmae , 5.viii.1984 ; Bali Is., Belimbing , alt. about 600m, 1 female, on dead leaves and branches, 27.vii.1984 ; 6km NE from Gilimanuk, Cekik (sea level), 1 female, on dead Palmae , 29.viii.1984 ; Tabanan, Bengkel, Pura Batu Salahan , 14 females and 17 males, 3.ix.2005 , SO. Borneo, Sabah, nr. Keningaw, Taman Bunsit , 1 male, on dead leaves and branches, 2.ix.1990 ; Jl. Kimanis, 15km from Kimanis , 3 females and 3 males, on dead leaves and branches, 9.ix.1990 , TN & SO.

Remarks. H. aseanae is commonly found on dead leafy branches, and is also very similar to Adraneothrips species in appearance. Although the fore tarsal tooth is absent in female, it has the postocular setae wider apart in both sexes, the metathoracic sternopleural sutures weakly present, and the stout fore femora and tibiae armed with apical tubercles at least in large male. It has the head fully sculptured dorsally, but very weak, and is probably related to H. flavipes . According to the original description, H. brunneicinctus from Australia may be closely related to this species and is very similar in having the body largely yellowish, indistinct cephalic sculpture, three sense cones on the antennal segment III, antennal segment VIII pedicellate, no fore tarsal tooth in female, and the pelta with slender lateral wings. However, aseanae has the mid and hind femora largely light brown, only one ventro-apical inner tubercle on the fore femur in large male, two apical inner tubercles on fore tibia of large male, one near apex and the other near apical 1/4, and has the tube shorter at least in male. Moreover, brunneicinctus is known from macropterae and micropterae in both sexes, whereas aseanae is known only from macropterae. It can easily be distinguished from another bicoloured species described above, H. adraneoides sp. n., by the following features: abdominal segment II brownish antero-laterally; head weakly sculptured with polygonal reticulation; antennal segment VIII distinctly constricted at base; postocular setae wider apart in both sexes; fore femur and tibia armed with apical tubercles in large male. Some females and males listed in the non-paratypic specimens from Indonesia and Borneo are probably same species, but have some small differences in the head length, the sculpture of head and metanotum, the antennal colouration and the length of setae.


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