Hoplandrothrips sulawesi sp. n., 2024

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 53-54

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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scientific name

Hoplandrothrips sulawesi sp. n.

sp. nov.

Hoplandrothrips sulawesi sp. n.

( Figs 48–50 View FIGURES 43–55 , 255–263 View FIGURES 255–263 )

Female (macroptera). Distended body length: 2.1–2.4mm. Body uniformly brown. Antennal segments I–II and IV–VIII largely brown, basal 1/3 of IV yellowish, extreme base of V scarcely paler; segment III brownish yellow with basal 1/3 yellow. Femora brown; tibiae brownish yellow to yellowish brown, with bases and apices yellow; tarsi yellow. Fore wings weakly shaded with brown, with base clear. All prominent setae pale. Head ( Fig. 255 View FIGURES 255–263 ) almost as long as wide, dorsal surface weakly sculptured with polygonal reticulation, but almost smooth on vertex and between eyes, with rather distinct fine reticulation just behind inner margins of eyes, finely weakly tuberculate laterally. Cheeks swollen, strongly constricted at anterior ends, finely tuberculate, with some small setae. Postocular setae well-developed, longer than eye, expanded. Eyes about 1/3 length of head; distance between posterior ocelli a little longer than diameter of an ocellus, 25μm apart from one another in holotype. Antennae ( Fig. 257 View FIGURES 255–263 ) about 1.9 times as long as head; segment VIII short, not constricted at base, cone-shaped; segment III slightly longer than segment IV, 1.84 times as long as wide, with three stout sense cones each about 1/2 length of the segment. Mouth cone relatively long; maxillary stylets retracted to eyes. Pronotum weakly reticulate marginally, about 2/3 length of head; five pairs of prominent setae expanded, am well-developed, but shorter than aa, pa the longest. Mesopresternum ( Fig. 258 View FIGURES 255–263 ) divided into three plates. Metanotum ( Fig. 261 View FIGURES 255–263 ) sculptured with polygonal reticulation, median pair of setae acute, 35–37μm apart from anterior margin, 75μm apart from one another. Fore tarsal tooth ( Fig. 259 View FIGURES 255–263 ) short. Fore wings each with 10–11 duplicated cilia in holotype; three sub-basal setae ( Fig. 263 View FIGURES 255–263 ) expanded. Pelta ( Fig. 261 View FIGURES 255–263 ) almost hat-shaped, with rather broad lateral wings, weakly reticulate. Tergite IX posteromarginal setae weakly expanded, S1 and S2 subequal in length, 0.77–0.79 times as long as tube in holotype, intermediate setae slender and curved, shorter than S1. Tube ( Fig. 262 View FIGURES 255–263 ) 0.58 times as long as head, 2.0 times as long as wide in holotype. Terminal setae longer than tube.

Measurements (holotype female in μm). Body length about 2360 (distended). Head length 226, from anterior margin of eyes 205, width across eyes 195, maximum width across cheeks 226, minimum width near base 185; eyes length 72, width 62; diameter of posterior ocelli 18–23; postocular setae 80–90. Antenna total length 430, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 50 (40), 50 (33), 70 (38), 67 (38), 55 (33), 50 (25), 40 (23), 25 (13). Pronotum length 150, width 310. Setae on prothorax: am 70–73, aa 85–88, ml 85–86, pa 92, epim 70–75. Fore wing length 900. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 70–75, S2 78–85, S3 73. Tergite IX setae: S1 100–103, S2 100–102. Tube length 130, maximum width 65; terminal setae 170.

Male (macroptera). Distended body length: 2.0– 2.3mm. Colour similar to female, but tibiae usually paler, almost yellow. Cheeks each with one or two stout setae. Pronotal am short and acute, aa well-developed, usually the longest. Fore legs stout; fore coxa with pointed three or four stout setae on posterior margin; fore femur ( Fig. 260 View FIGURES 255–263 ) enlarged, with a pair of apical tubercles, fore tibia with a sub-basal tubercle and often with a sub-apical small tubercle at least in large male, fore tarsal tooth stout. Mesopresternum small and irregularly shaped. Metanotum with a median small longitudinal ellipse swelling. Fore wings sub-basal setae S1 and S2 expanded, S3 the shortest and acute. Abdominal sternite VIII without pore plate; tergite IX S2 setae about 1/2 length of S1, intermediate setae longer than S2. Tube 0.52–0.53 times as long as head.

Measurements (paratype large/small males in μm). Body length about 2275/2000 (distended). Head length 225/215, from anterior margin of eyes 206/200, width across cheeks 182/180, maximum width across cheeks 206/202; eyes length 70/68, width 62/60; postocular setae 100/103. Antenna total length 420/416, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 50/45 (40/38), 50/45 (32/30), 73/68 (38/37), 70/63 (38/37), 55/53 (32/30), 48/48 (24/24), 43/45 (22/20), 28/28 (13/12). Pronotum length 160/135, width 278/274. Setae on prothorax: am 28/30, aa 130/125, ml 110/105, pa 110/100, epim 65/65. Fore wing length 890/780. Sub-basal wing setae: S1 70/60, S2 80/75, S3 55 /45. Tergite IX setae: S1 102/100, S2 52 /50. Tube length 117/114, maximum width 65/62; terminal setae 170/175.

Type series. Holotype: macropterous female, Indonesia, Central Celebes (= Sulawesi), near Rantepao, Pedamaran , alt. about 1000m, on dead leaves and branches, 8.viii.1984, SO . Paratypes: Indonesia, 2 females and 3 males, collected together with holotype; same locality and habitat as holotype, 2 females and 4 males, 9.viii.1984, 1 male, 10.viii.1984 , 1 female and 1 male, 11.viii.1984 , 2 females, 12.viii.1984 , 2 females and 1 male, 14.viii.1984, SO.

Remarks. H. sulawesi resembles H. floresi newly described above in colouration, short head with bulged cheeks, and short and conical antennal segment VIII. However, it can be distinguished by having the antennal segment III a little longer than the segment IV, cheeks finely tuberculate, and the abdominal tergite VIII of male with no pore plate. H. obesametae is also similar to this species, but it has the head reticulate distinctly especially between compound eyes, and the small male sternal pore plate on the abdominal segment VIII.

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