Ecacanthothrips, Bagnall

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 26-27

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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Key to Ecacanthothrips View in CoL species

(*: E. spinipes and E. kolibaci are based on literature)

1. Fore femur with a median tubercle on inner margin in both sexes (cf. Figs 56 & 57 View FIGURES 56–64 ), this tubercle present but scarcely visible even in very small female; fore coxa strongly extruded postero-externally in large male ( tibialis View in CoL -group)................. 2

- Fore femur with inner margin almost smooth or with a series of short stout setae on small tubercles; fore coxa not strongly extruded, at most weakly angulate in large male............................................................. 4

2. Antennal segments III and IV brown ( Fig. 129 View FIGURES 127–135 ); mid and hind femora anterior margins each with 2–4 (or more) dark stout setae with blunt or pointed apices ( Fig. 133 View FIGURES 127–135 ); pronotal am setae reduced, much shorter than aa in large male; fore tibia with a sub-apical inner tubercle in large male; pelta triangular ( Fig. 132 View FIGURES 127–135 ).............................................. tibialis View in CoL

- Antennal segments III and IV largely yellowish; mid and hind femora anterior margins each with one pale stout seta with blunt or dilated apex (cf. Fig. 62 View FIGURES 56–64 ); pronotal am setae elongate, longer than aa in large male; fore tibia without inner sub-apical tubercle even in large male; pelta bell-shaped (cf. Fig. 60 View FIGURES 56–64 )............................................................ 3

3. Antennal segment III slender, almost as wide as segment IV, usually with 4 or 5, sometimes 3, rarely 2, sense cones on ventral apex ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 56–64 ).................................................................................... andrei View in CoL

- Antennal segment III heavy, much wider than segment IV, with more than 10 sense cones ( Fig. 79 View FIGURES 75–83 )............ claricornis View in CoL

4. Fore femur with a row of short stout setae on small tubercles; mid and hind femora anterior margins with 5 or more stout setae with blunt or dilated apices; pelta widely triangular................................................... spinipes View in CoL *

- Fore femur with inner margin almost smooth; mid and hind femora with 8 or more fine short setae with pointed apices; pelta usually bell-shaped.................................................................................... 5

5. Antennal segment III with more than 60 dark stout sense cones distributed asymmetrically on the segment, biased antero-externally ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 84–92 ); antennal segments IV and V with distinct apical neck; mouth cone rather long, extending beyond prospinasternum ( Fig. 91 View FIGURES 84–92 )......................................................................... coniger View in CoL

- Antennal segment III with less than 20 sense cones; antennal segments IV and V without distinct apical neck; mouth cone shorter, scarcely reaching prospinasternum (cf. Fig. 99 View FIGURES 93–101 )....................................................... 6

6. Antennal segment III with four thick sense cones, most of which are on ventral apex of segment................ kolibaci View in CoL *

- Antennal segment III with more than 6 sense cones ( inarmatus View in CoL -group)........................................... 7

7. Head about 1.1 times as long as wide in both sexes (cf. Figs 65 View FIGURES 65–74 & 120 View FIGURES 120–126 )........................................... 8

- Head longer, 1.2–1.5 times as long as wide in female, 1.2–1.8 times in male (cf. Figs 93 View FIGURES 93–101 & 103 View FIGURES 102–110 )....................... 9

8. Antenna short, shorter than 1.7 times as long as head in female, 1.9 times in male; segment VIII short, 2.1–2.3 times as long as wide, slightly constricted at base; segment III uniformly brown, swollen laterally, shorter than 1.4 times as long as wide, a little shorter than IV ( Figs 67 & 68 View FIGURES 65–74 ); mouth cone not reaching prosternal ferna in female; mid and hind tibiae shaded with brown medially; fore wing paler, scarcely shaded medially............................................. brevicornis sp. n.

- Antenna longer, about 2.0 times as long as head in female, 2.1 times in male; segment VIII slender, 2.8–3.3 times as long as wide, distinctly constricted at base, pedicellate; segment III brown with yellowish base, straight-sided, longer than 1.6 times as long as wide, a little longer than IV ( Fig. 122 View FIGURES 120–126 ); mouth cone extending beyond prosternal ferna; mid and hind tibiae yellow; fore wing shaded with brown........................................................................ tenuicornis View in CoL

9. Mid and hind tibiae usually yellow, but sometimes brownish; head 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide in female, 1.2–1.4 times in male; cheeks distinctly constricted just behind eyes ( Figs 93 & 94 View FIGURES 93–101 )............................................ leai View in CoL

- Mid and hind tibiae darker, if yellow, head longer than 1.3 times as long as wide in female, longer than 1.5 times in male; cheeks constricted behind eyes, but not distinct (cf. Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–110 )....................................................... 10

10. Sense cones on antennal segment III dark; inner margin of antennal segment III distinctly swollen at basal half; base of segment IV wider, almost as wide as apical width ( Figs 114 & 115 View FIGURES 111–119 )................................................ nigellus View in CoL

- Sense cones on antennal segment III pale; inner margin of antennal segment III not swollen at basal half; base of segment IV narrower than apical width (cf. Fig. 104 View FIGURES 102–110 ).................................................................. 11

11. Head, prothorax and abdominal segments II to VI usually yellowish, a little paler than pterothorax; antennal segment III yellowish, much paler than segment II; hind tibiae dark brown, usually darker than femora.................... inarmatus View in CoL

- Body uniformly dark brown; antennal segment III dark brown, scarcely paler than segment II; hind tibiae brown to dark brown, almost concolourous with femora, or a little paler....................................................... moundi View in CoL

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