Hoplandrothrips, Hood

Okajima, Shûji & Masumoto, Masami, 2024, The genus Hoplandrothrips and its relatives (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 22-91 : 36-37

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.4

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Key to Hoplandrothrips View in CoL species from Southeast Asia and Taiwan

1. Antennal segment III with four or five sense cones........................................................... 2

- Antennal segment III with two or three sense cones.......................................................... 4

2. Antennal segment III with five (rarely six) sense cones....................................... quinqueconus sp. n.

- Antennal segment III with four sense cones................................................................. 3

3. Head 1.15–1.30 times as long as wide in both sexes, sculptured entirely with distinct polygonal reticulation; antennal segment III and V subequal in length, segment V without apical neck; pelta with rather slender lateral wings; tibiae yellow; small to medium sized species, 1.8–2.7mm long............................................................... flavipes View in CoL

- Head about 1.4–1.6 times as long as wide in female ( Fig. 187 View FIGURES 187–196 ), 1.5–1.9 times in male ( Fig. 188 View FIGURES 187–196 ), sculptured with fine reticulation, but reticles weaker behind posterior ocelli; antennal segment V longer than segment III, with distinct apical neck ( Fig. 189 View FIGURES 187–196 ); pelta with rather thick lateral wings ( Fig. 193 View FIGURES 187–196 ); mid and hind tibiae brownish; large sized species, 2.7–4.4mm long................................................................................................ formosae sp. n.

4. Head elongate, about 1.4 times as long as wide or longer, frequently with constriction just behind eyes; maxillary stylets rather short, retracted to basal 1/3–1/2 of head capsule, not reaching postocular setae..................................... 5

- Head shorter than 1.3 times as long as wide, often as long as wide, without distinct constriction behind eyes; maxillary stylets usually retracted to eyes, at least reaching postocular setae..................................................... 8

5. Prosternal basantra present ( Figs 167 View FIGURES 161–169 & 239 View FIGURES 233–243 ); body bicoloured (yellow and brown), at least anterior abdominal segment paler than pterothorax...................................................................................... 6

- Prosternal basantra absent ( Fig. 201 View FIGURES 197–204 ); body uniformly brown to dark brown....................................... 7

6. Body largely yellow ( Figs 26 & 27 View FIGURES 15–28 ); head, prothorax, abdominal segments II–VII and legs yellow; pterothorax brownish, abdominal segments VIII–IX and tube brown................................................. basantratus sp. n.

- Body largely brown to dark brown ( Figs 43 & 44 View FIGURES 43–55 ); abdominal segments II–VI yellow to brown, gradually darkened exteriorly, at least segments II–III yellowish, but these segments sometimes darker in male.................... samirseni comb. n.

7. Antennal segment III yellow, about 2.0 times as long as wide ( Fig. 171 View FIGURES 170–176 ); antennal segment VIII distinctly constricted at base, pedicellate; sub-basal wing setae S3 expanded ( Fig. 175 View FIGURES 170–176 )......................................... flavicornis sp. n.

- Antennal segment III brown with extreme base yellowish, 1.5–1.7 times as long as wide ( Fig. 199 View FIGURES 197–204 ); antennal segment VIII scarcely constricted at base; sub-basal wing setae S3 pointed, at least not distinctly expanded ( Fig. 203 View FIGURES 197–204 )... graminicola sp. n.

8. Body bicoloured brown and yellow, or largely yellow........................................................ 9

- Body uniformly brown to dark brown.................................................................... 11

9. Antennal segment III with two sense cones; body bicolourous, head and prothorax brown, at least darker than pterothorax and abdomen except for brown tube................................................................... coloratus View in CoL

- Antennal segment III with three sense cones; body largely yellow, head and thorax largely yellow.................... 10

10. Dorsal surface of head almost smooth ( Fig. 136 View FIGURES 136–143 ); posterior ocelli not in contact with eyes; antennal segment VIII not distinctly constricted at base ( Fig. 140 View FIGURES 136–143 ); maxillary stylets retracted to eyes; fore tarsus with a small tooth in female ( Fig. 137 View FIGURES 136–143 ); fore femur and tibia unarmed even in large male ( Fig. 139 View FIGURES 136–143 ); postocular setae about 1/2 length of eyes or shorter, rather close together in female; mesopresternum boat-shaped, not divided............................................. adraneoides sp. n.

- Dorsal surface of head fully sculptured with polygonal reticulation ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 144–153 ), but very weak; posterior ocelli in contact with eyes; antennal segment VIII constricted at base, pedicellate ( Fig. 150 View FIGURES 144–153 ); maxillary stylets retracted to postocular setae, usually not reaching eyes; fore tarsus unarmed in female ( Fig 145 View FIGURES 144–153 ); fore femur and tibiae armed with inner apical tubercles at least in large male ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 144–153 ); postocular setae much longer than 1/2 length of eyes, not close together in female; mesopresternum divided into two lateral large triangles and a small median sclerite ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 144–153 )........................... aseanae sp. n.

11. Head almost as long as wide, with bulged cheeks........................................................... 12

- Head longer than 1.1 times as long as wide................................................................ 14

12. Antennal segment III slightly longer than segment IV ( Fig. 257 View FIGURES 255–263 ); cheeks finely tuberculate at least in female ( Fig. 255 View FIGURES 255–263 ); abdominal sternite VIII without pore plate in male................................................ sulawesi sp. n.

- Antennal segment III as long as segment IV, or shorter; cheeks serrate, not tuberculate; abdominal sternite VIII with a median weak pore plate in male............................................................................... 13

13. Ocellar region almost smooth, without reticulation; eyes slightly larger on ventral surface ( Figs 177 & 178 View FIGURES 177–186 ).... floresi sp. n.

- Ocellar region distinctly sculptured with fine reticulation; eyes not larger on ventral surface ( Figs 215 & 216 View FIGURES 215–224 ).... obesametae View in CoL

14. Mesopresternum boat-shaped, not divided ( Fig. 209 View FIGURES 205–214 ); head and pronotum smooth ( Fig. 205 View FIGURES 205–214 ); fore femur and tibia unarmed even in large male ( Fig. 208 View FIGURES 205–214 ); postocular setae rather close together in female.............................. laurencei sp. n.

- Mesopresternum divided into three plates, lateral two triangles and median small plate; head and pronotum sculptured with reticulation; fore femur and tibia armed with tubercles in large male (male of thailandicus is unknown); postocular setae not close together in female............................................................................... 15

15. Antennal segment VIII distinctly constricted at base, pedicellate ( Fig. 156 View FIGURES 154–160 ); all tibiae yellow; postocular setae much shorter than eyes ( Fig. 154 View FIGURES 154–160 )............................................................................. asianus sp. n.

- Antennal segment VIII not constricted at base, cone-shaped (cf. Fig. 251 View FIGURES 244–254 ); fore tibiae brownish, mid and hind tibiae dark brown, or at least brownish medially; postocular setae a little shorter than eyes.......................................... 16

16. Head about 1.2 times as long as wide ( Figs 244 & 245 View FIGURES 244–254 ); antennal segment III rather slender, longer than 2.0 times as long as wide, longer than segment IV ( Fig. 250 View FIGURES 244–254 ); mouth cone not reaching prospinasternum ( Fig. 252 View FIGURES 244–254 ); sense cones on segment III stouter, a little shorter than 1/2 length of the segment................................................ sapae sp. n.

- Head about 1.1 times as long as wide, or shorter ( Fig. 264 View FIGURES 264–270 ); antennal segment III short and stout, shorter than 1.9 times as long as wide, almost as long as segment IV, or a little shorter ( Fig. 265 View FIGURES 264–270 ); mouth cone reaching prospinasternum ( Fig. 268 View FIGURES 264–270 ); sense cones on segment III stouter, a little longer than 1/2 length of the segment.......................... thailandicus sp. n.

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