Scatophila mystacina, Zatwarnicki & Mathis USNM, 2024

Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz & Mathis, Wayne N., 2024, Revision of the Nearctic Species of the Shore-Fly Genus Scatophila Becker (Diptera: Ephydridae), Zootaxa 5487 (1), pp. 1-100 : 86-88

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5487.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Scatophila mystacina

sp. nov.

23. Scatophila mystacina sp. nov.

Figs. 203 View FIGURES 202–204 , 205–211 View FIGURES 205–207 View FIGURES 208–211 , 217 View FIGURES 215–219 , 220 View FIGURE 220

Diagnosis.—This species is distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: Small shore flies, body length 1.50 mm.

Head ( Figs. 208–211 View FIGURES 208–211 ): Mesofrons and fronto-orbits gray, fronto-orbits slightly darker, brownish gray. Antenna blackish gray, basal flagellomere densely microtomentose. Face of ♂ gray, ventral portion conspicuously protuberant ( Fig. 208–209 View FIGURES 208–211 ), elongate, apex bearing numerous, slightly curved black setulae, these larger toward lateral margin of facial protuberance; face of ♀ more shallowly protruded than male, more arched, bearing longer setulae toward ventral margin on each side (210–211). Gena moderately high, height slightly more than length of basal flagellomere; gena-to-eye ratio 0.40.

Thorax ( Figs. 203 View FIGURES 202–204 , 217 View FIGURES 215–219 ): Mesonotum ( Fig. 217 View FIGURES 215–219 ) mostly grayish tan, stripes faint or lacking; scutum mostly uniformly gray, microtomentose, dull, lacking stripes, but lighter in coloration between acrostichal tracks; disc of scutellum whitish gray; acrostichal setae in 2 rows on anterior third; 2 larger postsutural setae, smaller setae anterior of larger setae. Wing ( Fig. 203 View FIGURES 202–204 ) with faint pattern of white spots, veins and crossveins slightly darker; veins R 2+3 and R 4+5 shallowly undulate near white spots; costal vein ratio 0.27; M 1 vein ratio 0.78. Legs with femora and tibiae dark gray, tibiae slightly yellowish at apices; tarsi pale, yellowish, especially basal tarsomeres, apical tarsomeres darker, gray to brown.

Abdomen ( Figs. 205–207 View FIGURES 205–207 ): Tergites uniformly gray, concolorous with coloration of thorax. Male terminalia ( Figs. 205–207 View FIGURES 205–207 ): Epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 205 View FIGURES 205–207 ) generally squatly oval except for broadly stepwise emargination at ventral margin, width almost equal to height, lateral margins shallowly curved with short, papilla-like projection at ventrolateral corner; dorsal margin of epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 205 View FIGURES 205–207 ) evenly rounded; length of epandrial setulae variable, those along ventral margin shorter, sparse along lateral margins; cercal cavity nearly round, only slightly higher than wide; cerci in posterior view ( Fig. 205 View FIGURES 205–207 ) hemispherical, medial margin nearly straight; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 205–207 ) broadly rounded basally, irregularly rectangular, dorsal margin deeply excavated, excavation V-shaped, depth of cavity longer than width of opening, posterior margin broadly truncate, in ventral view ( Fig. 206 View FIGURES 205–207 ) more or less pentagonal, widest sub-basally, posterior margin tapered toward apical margin, apical margin truncate, basal margin concave; ventral aedeagal process in lateral view ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 205–207 ) C-shaped; phallapodeme in lateral view ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 205–207 ) very elongate, narrow, curved, keel evident as a medial thumb-like protuberance, dorsal length about equal to ventral length, in ventral view ( Fig. 206 View FIGURES 205–207 ) T-shaped, basal crossbar slightly less than half length of medial process, crossbar extensions slightly tapered, especially apically, curved posteriorly; postgonite in lateral view ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 205–207 ) regularly, widely, and shallowly V-shaped, dorsal arm subrectangular, wider basally and anterior margin emarginate, ventral extension elongate, rod-like, parallel-sided, posterior apex tapered, thumb-like, narrow apex shallowly bifurcate, anteroventral corner distinctly produced, apex shallowly and narrowly bifurcate, bearing setulae on dorsal surface, in ventral view ( Fig. 206 View FIGURES 205–207 ) with base wide and excavated, irregularly V-shaped, posterior extensions oriented medially, narrow, thumb-like; neohypandrium in lateral view ( Fig. 207 View FIGURES 205–207 ) narrow, parallel-sided, irregularly and deeply sinuous.

Type Material.— The   GoogleMaps holotype male of Scatophila mystacina new species is labeled “ USA. UT. Grand: Green River (15.3 km N; 39°7'N, 110°6.6'W; 1225 m), 30 Jul 2007, D.&W.N. Mathis / USNM ENT 00250329 About USNM [plastic bar code label]/ HOLOTYPE ♂ Scatophila mystacina Zatwarnicki & Mathis USNM [red].” The holotype is double mounted (minute nadel in block of plastic elastomere), is in excellent condition, and is deposited in the USNM. Three paratypes (1♂, 2♀; USNM) bear the same label data as the holotype.

Type Locality.— United States. Utah. Grand: Green River (15.3 km N; 39°7'N, 110°6.6'W; 1225 m) GoogleMaps .

Distribution ( Fig. 220 View FIGURE 220 ).— Nearctic : United States (Utah).

Etymology.—The species epithet, mystacina , is of Greek derivation and means “mustache” and has reference to the dense patch of setae at the apex of the ventral facial protrusion.

Remarks.—This species is placed in the quadriguttata species group, where it is similar and closely related to S. conifera , differing by the more pronounced ventral facial protrusion of the male that bears a dense patch of curved, black setulae, and by structures of the male terminalia as noted in the key and respective descriptions.


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