Stylops thwaitesi Perkins, 1918

Straka, Jakub, Jůzová, Kateřina & Nakase, Yuta, 2015, Nomenclature and taxonomy of the genus Stylops (Strepsiptera): an annotated preliminary world checklist, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55 (1), pp. 305-332 : 318-319

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scientific name

Stylops thwaitesi Perkins, 1918


Stylops thwaitesi Perkins, 1918 View in CoL , stat. restit.

= Stylops thwaitei Saunders, 1872: 23 View in CoL . Nomen nudum.

Stylops thwaitesi Perkins, 1918: 70 View in CoL , M, F. Type locality: Great Britain.

= Stylops wilkellae Perkins, 1918: 70 View in CoL , M, F. Type locality: Great Britain, Surrey, Woking. Synonymized with S. thwaitesi View in CoL by PASTEELS (1954: 349).

?= Stylops championi Pierce, 1919: 440 View in CoL , M. Type locality: Great Britain, Woking. Supposed new junior subjective synonym.

= Stylops xanthurae Noskiewicz & Poluszyński, 1927: 1098 View in CoL . Nomen nudum.

?= Stylops alfkeni Hofeneder, 1939: 187 View in CoL , M, F. Type locality: Germany, Hannover, Leuchtenberg. Supposed new junior subjective synonym.

= Stylops twaithei: PASTEELS (1954: 349) . Incorrect subsequent spelling.

?= Stylops albofasciatae Günther, 1957: 412 View in CoL , M, F. Type locality:Not indicated, probably Czech Republic. Supposed new junior subjective synonym.

= Stylops thwattei Luna de Carvalho, 1969: 8 . Unjustified emendation. New junior objective synonym.

?= Stylops borealis Kifune & Hirashima, 1985: 53 View in CoL , M (holotype), F.Type locality: Japan, Hokkaido,Tokachi,Ashoro. Supposed new junior subjective synonym.

Hosts. Andrena (Taeniandrena) ovatula ( Kirby, 1802) ( KIFUNE et al. 1994, PERKINS 1918), A. (T.) similis Smith, 1849 ( HOFENEDER 1939), A. (T.) albofasciata Thomson, 1870 ( GÜNTHER & ŠEDIVÝ 1957, PASTEELS 1954), A. (T.) ezoensis Hirashima, 1965 ( KIFUNE & HIRASHIMA 1985, KIFUNE & MAETA 1990), A. (T.) wilkella ( Kirby, 1802) ( GÜNTHER & ŠEDIVÝ 1957, LUNA DE CARVALHO 1974, PASTEELS 1954).

DNA barcode sequences. KF803470 View Materials , KF803494 View Materials , KF803544 View Materials .

Notes. PASTEELS (1949: 186) correctly noted that the name proposed by SAUNDERS (1872) is unavailable, and the author of the name is PERKINS (1918).

We suggest a synonymy of S. championi with S. thwaitesi , because S. championi was described based on the same series of specimens collected by G. C. Champion and described also as S. wilkellae . Description of morphological characters presented by PIERCE (1919), especially length of antennal segments, is identical to description provided by PERKINS (1918).

We also suggest synonymization of S. borealis with S. thwaitesi because of very similar DNA barcode sequences between the West and East Palaearctic individuals. The sequences from the Japanese population differ from the European population of this species by only 1.7–1.9 %. Stylops thwaitesi differs from other species in 9–18 % of the DNA barcode sequence base pairs ( JŮZOVÁ et al. 2015).

GUNTHER V. & SEDIVY J. 1957: Rad Rasnokridli - Strepsiptera. Pp. 407 - 417. In: KRATOCHVIL J. (ed.): Klic zvireny CSR. Dil II. [Key to the fauna of Czechoslovakia]. CSAV, Praha, 746 pp.

HOFENEDER K. 1939: Uber zwei neue Strepsipteren aus Andrena similis F. Smith und Halictus malachurus Kirby. Veroffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Ubersee-Museum in Bremen 2: 181 - 200.

JUZOVA K., NAKASE Y. & STRAKA J. 2015: Host specialisation and species diversity in the genus Stylops (Strepsiptera: Stylopidae) revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Early view, 16 pp (doi: 10.1111 / zoj. 12233).

KIFUNE T. & HIRASHIMA Y. 1985: Nine new species of the genus Stylops (Strepsiptera: Stylopidae) parasitic on the genus Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) of Japan (Studies on the Japanese Strepsiptera X). Esakia 23: 45 - 57.

KIFUNE T. & MAETA Y. 1990: Ten new species of the genus Stylops (Strepsiptera, Stylopidae) parasitic on the genus Andrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) of Japan (Studies on the Japanese Strepsiptera XIII). Esakia 29: 97 - 110.

KIFUNE T., TADAUCHI O. & LEE C. E. 1994: Records of the Strepsiptera parasitic on the Korean Apoidea (Notulae Strepsipterologicae-XXIII). Esakia 34: 209 - 2014.

KIRBY W. 1802: Monographia Apum Angliae; or, an attempt to divide into their natural genera and families, such species of the Linnean genus Apis as have been discovered in England: with descriptions and observations. To which are prefixed some introductory remarks upon the class Hymenoptera, and a synoptical table of the nomenclature of the external parts of these Insects. J. Raw, Ipswich, London, 258 pp.

LUNA DE CARVALHO E. 1969: Contribuicao para o conhecimento dos Estrepsipteros de Portugal (V Nota). Memorias e Estudos do Museo Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra 1969: 5 - 12 + I - V.

LUNA DE CARVALHO E. 1974: Contribuicao para o estudo dos Stylops da Peninsula Iberica (Streps. Stylopidae). Eos: Revista Espanola de Entomologia 48: 301 - 365.

NOSKIEWICZ J. & POLUSZYNSKI G. 1927: Embryologische Untersuchungen an Strepsipteren. 1. Teil. Embryogenesis der Gattung Stylops Kirby. Bulletin International de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres, B, Sciences Naturelles 6: 1093 - 1227, pl. 98 - 101.

PASTEELS J. 1949: Enquetes sur les Strepsipteres (1 re serie). Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique 85: 185 - 196.

PASTEELS J. 1954: Enquetes sur les Strepsipteres (4 e serie). - Strepsipteres du Musee zoologique de Lausanne. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique 90: 349 - 355.

PERKINS R. C. L. 1918: Synopsis of British Strepsiptera of the genera Stylops and Halictoxenus. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 54: 67 - 76, plate 1.

PIERCE W. D. 1919: The comparative morphology of the order Strepsiptera: together with records and descriptions of insects. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 54 (1918): 391 - 501.

SAUNDERS S. S. 1872: Stylopidarum, ordinem Strepsipterorum Kirbii constituentium, mihi tamen potius Coleoptorum Familiae, Rhipiphoridis Meloidisque propinquae, Monographia. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 20: 1 - 49, lxxxvi, plate VII.











