Cacoheterotanais rogerbamberi Morales-Núñez & Heard, 2015

Abarca-Ávila, Mónica Mariel, Herrera-Dorantes, María Teresa, Winfield, Ignacio & Ardisson, Pedro-Luis, 2019, Updated checklist and identification key of benthic tanaidaceans (Crustacea Peracarida) of the sublittoral zone of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 51-76 : 65

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4711.1.2

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scientific name

Cacoheterotanais rogerbamberi Morales-Núñez & Heard, 2015


Cacoheterotanais rogerbamberi Morales-Núñez & Heard, 2015 View in CoL

( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 )

Examined material. TA: 1153 individuals. CNCR 34809 . Tr-Loc: M43- Celestun, Yucatan , Mexico 21°3’53.319’’N 90°14’57.728’’W, two ♀, 7 May 2005, 26 November 2005, 11 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M47- Progreso , Yucatan, Mexico 21°17’25.689’’N 89°38’48.699’’W, nine ♀, one juv, 8 May 2005, 27 November 2005, 12 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M48- Chicxulub , Yucatan, Mexico 21°19’21.179’’N 89°27’25.156’’W, one juv, 8 May 2005, 27 November 2005, 12 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M49- Telchac , Yucatan, Mexico 21°20’41.1’’N 89°15’53.236’’W, seven ♀, two juv, four man., 8 May 2005, 27 November 2005, 12 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M50- Chabihau , Yucatan, Mexico 21°22’4.329’’N 89°4’13.659’’W, 46 ♀, 21 juv, 37 man., 20 May 2005, 27 November 2005, 12 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M51- Santa Clara , Yucatan, Mexico 21°23’41.709’’N 88°53’21.159’’W, 592 ♀, six ♀ m, 193 juv, 131 man., 20 May 2005, 27 November 2005, 12 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M52- Dzilam , Yucatan, Mexico 21°25’57.859’’N 88°44’7.216’’W, nine ♀, three juv, two man., 15 May 2005, 13 November 2005, 13 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M54- Dzilam , Yucatan, Mexico 21°32’35.659’’N 88°29’57.616’’W, 35 ♀, seven juv, six man., 15 May 2005, 13 November 2005, 13 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr- Loc : M55- Dzilam , Yucatan, Mexico 21°34’3.9’’N 88°22’39.608’’W, nine ♀, one ♀ m, four juv, four man., 15 May 2005, 13 November 2005, 13 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M56- San Felipe , Yucatan, Mexico 21°34’32.739’’N 88°14’24.248’’W, twelve ♀, two juv, three man., 16 May 2005, 12 November 2005, 18 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; Tr-Loc : M57- Rio Lagartos , Yucatan, Mexico 21°37’6.019’’N 88°5’36.016’’W, two ♀, one juv, one man., 16 May 2005, 12 November 2005, 18 March 2006, coll. AV, SP GoogleMaps ; collected at depths of 0.2–4 m, in coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, and very fine sand, with Caulerpa , H. wrightii , Syringodium , and T. testudinum GoogleMaps


Local distribution. ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 , Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Geographical distribution. GoM: eastern continental shelf, west coast of Florida.

Recognition characters. Uropodal endopod with three articles of similar length in both sexes. Female: antennule with three articles; distal margin of maxilliped with three pairs of long simple setae; fixed finger of chela with three simple setae on distal outer margin and two on posterior outer margin, with three short setulate setae near to the articulation with dactylus on inner margin. Male: antennule with three articles in peduncle and three in flagellum with clusters of aesthetascs; chela with forcipate form, fixed finger two-thirds as long as dactylus, with a tooth on the subdistal inner margin.

Remarks. This species has its known geographical range extended to the southeastern area of the GoM ( Mexico). It lives on live substrata and soft bottoms, at depths 5 to 50 m.

References. Heard et al. (2004); Morales-Núñez & Heard (2015).


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