Acteon, Montfort, 1810

Valdés, Ángel, 2008, Deep-sea “ cephalaspidean ” heterobranchs (Gastropoda) from the tropical southwest Pacific, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 196, pp. 587-792 : 617-618

publication ID


persistent identifier

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scientific name


n. sp.

Acteon ” ringiculoides n. sp.

Figs 11E, 13D, E, 14

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype MNHN 20321 and 16 paratypes MNHN 20322-20331, 1 paratype LACM 2980 About LACM .

TYPE LOCALITY . — Banc Kaimon-Maru, Norfolk Ridge , 24°46’S, 168°08’E, 235-280 m [LITHIST: stn DW 12 ] GoogleMaps .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Indonesia. KARUBAR: stn DW 18 , Kai Loyalty Ridge. BIOCAL: stn DW 08 , 20°34’S, 166°54’E, 435 m, 1 Islands, 05°18’S, 133°01’E, 205-212 m, 2 dd. dd GoogleMaps . — BIOGEOCAL: stn DW 289 , 20°36’S, 167°00’E, 830-840 m, North of New Caledonia. MUSORSTOM 4: stn DW 156 , 18°54’S, 4 dd, paratypes ( MNHN 20325 About MNHN ) GoogleMaps .

163°19’E, 525 m, 1 dd; stn CC 175, 18°59’S, 163°17’E, 355 m, 1 Fiji. BORDAU 1: stn DW 1486, 19°01’S, 178°26’W, 395-540 m, 1 dd, paratype ( MNHN 20322). dd, paratype ( MNHN 20326).

New Caledonia proper. MUSORSTOM 4: stn DW 226 , 22°47’S , Wallis and Futuna. MUSORSTOM 7: stn DW 540 , Banc Combe , 167°22’E, 390 m, 2 dd. 12°27’S, 177°28’W, 600 m, 1 dd, paratype ( MNHN 20327 About MNHN ); stn Norfolk Ridge. SMIB 3 : stn DW 22 , 23°03’S, 167°19’E, 503 m, 1 dd. DW 585 , 13°10’S, 176°13’W, 415-475 m, 1 dd, paratype; stn DW — BERYX 11 : stn CP 21, 24°44’S, 168°07’E, 430-450 m, 3 dd GoogleMaps . — SMIB 590 , 12°31’S, 174°19’W, 400 m, 1 dd, paratype ( MNHN 20329 About MNHN ); 8: stn DW 157 , Banc Kaimon-Maru, 24°46’S, 168°08’E, 251-255 m, stn DW 594 , Banc Field, 12°31’S, 174°20’W, 495-505 m, 1 dd 3 dd; stn DW 166 , Banc Stylaster, 23°38’S, 167°43’E, 433-450 m, 3 ( MNHN 20328 About MNHN ); stn DW 608 , 13°22’S, 176°08’W, 440-458 m, 2 dd, paratypes ( MNHN 20323 About MNHN ; Figs 11E, 13E) GoogleMaps . — BATHUS 3 : stn DW dd, paratypes ( MNHN 20330 About MNHN ) .

824, 23°19’S, 168°00’E, 601-608 m, 11 dd. — HALIPRO 2: stn BT 71, Tonga. BORDAU 2 : stn DW 1548 , S of Nomuka Islands , 20°38’S, 24°52’S, 168°11’E, 820-1220 m, 1 dd, paratype ( MNHN 20324 About MNHN ) GoogleMaps . — 175°03’W, 476-478 m, 1 dd, paratype ( MNHN 20331 About MNHN ); stn DW LITHIST: stn DW 12 , Banc Kaimon-Maru, 24°46’S, 168°08’E, 235- 1554, 20°38’S, 174°58’W, 482-498 m, 1 dd, paratype ( LACM 280 m, 1 dd, holotype ( MNHN 20321 About MNHN ; Fig. 13D). 2980) GoogleMaps .

DISTRIBUTION. — Known from Fiji, Indonesia, New Caledonia, Tonga and the Wallis and Futuna region (Fig. 14), in 212-830 m.

DESCRIPTION. — Shell morphology. Length 11 mm, width 6 mm (holotype). Shell thin, elongate, with convex sides (Fig. 13D). Body whorl large, about 3/4 of the shell length. Spire very elongate, conical, with 3-4 whorls. Suture channeled. Protoconch globose, about 1 whorl and 800 Μm in diameter (Fig. 13E). Umbilicus closed. Aperture short and wide, wider anteriorly and narrowing abruptly near its middle portion. The aperture is about 4/5 of the body whorl length. The anterior end of the aperture is expanded into a very short lip. Columellar margin straight slightly thickened, with no folds or teeth. Sculpture of a number of punctuated spiral grooves (Fig. 11E). The punctuations are conspicuous, oval, partially fused together within each groove. The grooves are separated by gaps that are wider than the grooves. Colour uniformly whitish.

Anatomy. Unknown. All shells collected lacked soft parts.

REMARKS. — “ Acteon ” ringiculoides is clearly distinct from other Indo-Pacific species of Acteonidae . The most similar species is Acteon turritus Watson, 1883 , originally described from off Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, in the Caribbean Sea, in 713 m (Watson 1883). Differences between these two species include the presence of a conspicuous columellar fold in A. turritus , absent in “ A. ” ringiculoides, and the larger, more rounded sculpture punctuations of “ A. ” ringiculoides.

The shell morphology of “ Acteon ” ringiculoides resembles that of “ Acteon ” buccinus, but they differ in their sculpture, with much larger punctuations in the former, and their aperture shape, shorter and narrower in the latter.

A definitive generic placement for this species is not possible until complete specimens become available for study.

ETYMOLOGY. — From the genus name Ringicula Deshayes, 1838 , in reference to the shape of the shell of this species, which resembles that of a member of the Ringiculidae .

FIG. 14. Collection localities of species of “ Acteon ” in the southwest Pacific:°, “ Acteon ” editus n.sp. Z, “ Acteon ” buccinus n. sp. •, “ Acteon ” ringiculoides n. sp.


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