Leucophoroptera gloriosa, Menard & Schuh, 2011

Menard, Katrina L. & Schuh, Randall T., 2011, Revision Of Leucophoropterini: Diagnoses, Key To Genera, Redescription Of The Australian Fauna, And Descriptions Of New Indo-Pacific Genera And Species (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (361), pp. 1-159 : 109

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/361.1

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Tatiana (2021-08-30 19:33:35, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 03:52:13)

scientific name

Leucophoroptera gloriosa

sp. nov.

Leucophoroptera gloriosa View in CoL , new species Figure 25 View Figure 25 ; plates 6, 8

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by relatively narrow transverse white fascia with portion crossing clavus broken into two adjacent white spots (pl. 6), narrow vertex, and antennal segment 2 gold basally and dark brown distally.

DESCRIPTION: Male: Macropterous, medium sized, elongate, and parallel sided. Total length 2.87, width pronotum 0.83, maximum width across hemelytra 0.84. COLORATION: Eyes pinkish silver. Antennal segment 1 gold, segment 2 gold basally, dark brown distally; segments 3 and 4 missing. Dorsolateral margin of metepisternum and scent gland with relatively thick white band, width equal to about third of total width of scent gland. Procoxa completely dark, meso- and metacoxae dark brown proximally, white distally. Pro- and mesofemora brown proximally and white distally, metafemur completely brown. Pro- and mesotibiae white; metatibia white anteriorly (externally) at joint with metafemur, remainder dark brown with parallel rows of dark spicules. All tarsomeres gold. Hemelytron primarily dark brown with narrow transverse white fascia with portion crossing clavus broken into two adjacent white spots, with dark brown posterior margin traversing entirety of hemelytron (pl. 6). Lateral margin of corium posterior to transverse fascia weakly transparent, with area anterior to cuneal fracture chocolate brown. Anterior half of cuneus white, posterior portion dark brown to reddish brown. Membrane pale brown with dark-brown colored veins. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: Gold simple setae longer that in L. quadrimaculata and L. kangarooina . STRUCTURE: Frons convex, clypeus exserted and partially visible in dorsal view. Vertex convex, posterior margin flat, width equal to width of one eye. Area below eyes at least M total height of head in lateral view, gula well developed. Eyes visibly removed from dorsal surface of vertex in anterior view, posterior margin partially obscuring anterior of pronotum in lateral view. Antennal segment 2 nearly 1.5 times head width. Remaining characters as in generic description. GENITALIA: Not located in genitalia vial attached to holotype and therefore not described.

Female: Unknown.

ETYMOLOGY: Named from Mt. Glorious on which it was collected.

HOSTS: Unknown; collecting label states rain forest.


DISCUSSION: This species has several unique characters not seen in L. quadrimaculata and L. kangarooina , but is placed in Leucophoroptera based on the phylogenetic analysis of the tribe and the shared characters of the almost completely white cuneus (Menard and Woolley, in press). Until the genitalia are examined this taxon is placed in Leucophoroptera .

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Mt Glorious, 27.33333 ° S 152.7667 ° E, 750 m, 05 Feb 1961 – 08 Feb 1961, Rain Forest , J.L. & M. Gressit collectors, 18 (00321198) ( BPBM). GoogleMaps

Gallery Image

Figure 25. Distribution of Leucophoroptera spp.











