Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila Bochkov, 1999

Bochkov, Andre V., 2011, Mites of the subgenus Microtimyobia (Acariformes: Myobiidae: Radfordia) and their host-parasite relationships with cricetid rodents (Cricetidae) 2954, Zootaxa 2954 (1), pp. 1-86 : 67-68

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2954.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila Bochkov, 1999


20. Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila Bochkov, 1999

( Figs. 58–60 View FIGURE 58 View FIGURE 59 View FIGURE 60 )

Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila Bochkov, 1999: 358 , figs. 1, 2

Diagnosis. FEMALE ( Fig. 58 View FIGURE 58 ). Subcapitular setae m lanceolate, pointed apically. Setae vi distinctly wider and longer than e2. Setae e1 and f1 narrow lanceolate. Distances c1-d1 and d1-d2 subequal. Vulvar region ornamented. Setae ps3 distinctly developed, slightly curved. Setae ag2 at least 2 times longer than ag1. Setae 1b and 1d slightly thickened than 1a. Setae 2a and 3a whip-like, much longer than 2b. Trochanter I with distinct ventral projection and without tubercles. Measurements (3 paratypes): body, including gnathosoma, 360–415 long, 200–225 maximum wide. Lengths of setae: vi 49–63, ve 69–78, si 70–81, se 63–67—all 9 wide; c1 51–60, c2 55–67, d1 58–69, d2 57–69– all 6 wide; e1 and f1 18–22, e2 42 –43, 2a 77–90, 3a 67–78, 4a 426–28.

MALE ( Figs. 59 View FIGURE 59 ). Subcapitular setae m filiform. Genital cone with enlarged basal part (at level of setae d1) and strongly elongated and narrow distal part (anterior to level of setae d1). Bases of setae vi situated at level of setae ps2. Setae d1 reduced to alveoli. Setae e2 and f1 subequal and situated at same level. Posterior end of opisthosoma with tubercles. Setae 2a short, subequal to 2b and 3a. Trochanter I with ventral projection and without tubercles. Measurements of holotype: body, including gnathosoma, 337 long (290–335 in 3 paratypes), 180 maximum wide (170–180). Aedeagus 155 long (120–165). Lengths of setae: vi 20 (19–20), ve 69 (69–74), si 38 (38–40), se 112 (95–115), c2 135 (110–135), e1 49 (47–51), e2 24 (24–29), f1 27 (24–31), 2a 67 (64–72), 3a 13 (12–18), 4a 33 (33–38).

FEMALE TRITONYMPH ( Fig. 60 View FIGURE 60 ). Setae f2 and h2 stick-like, other dorsal idiosomal setae narrow lanceolate. Setae 3a 45–50 long, 4a 33–47 long and distinctly thickened. Tarsus IV with 4 setae.

Type host and locality. Cricetulus barabensis from Russia (Buryatia) ( Bochkov 1999) .

Host and distribution. This species is associated with hamsters of the genus Cricetulus .

It was recorded from:

Cricetulus barabensis from Russia (Buryatia) ( Bochkov 1999);

Cricetulus longicaudatus (new host) from Russia (Tuva).

Material examined. Cricetulus barabensis male holotype ( ZISP T-My-30), 3 male, 3 female, and 12 TN paratypes, RUSSIA: Buryatia, Selenga Distr., Western bank of Gusinoe Lake , 4 km W. Murgoy, September 1998, coll. A. Abramov; 2 males and 6 TN (1 pharate with female) ( AVB 09-1201 - 006 ), RUSSIA: Tuva, Mongun-Tanginskiy Distr. , Kargy River , 50º16'22,9"N, 90º40'05,5"E, 17 August 2009, coll. A. Abramov (AA #187) .

Cricetulus longicaudatus 4 males, 8 females, and 25 TN (6 pharate with females and 2 pharate with males) ( AVB 09-1201 - 005 ), RUSSIA: Tuva, Piy-Khempskiy Distr., Biy-Khem River , 52º03'19,4"N, 94º21'21"E, 5 September 2009, coll. A. Abramov (AA #557) .

Type deposition. Radfordia cricetuliphila —ZISP, male holotype (T-My-30) (examined).


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila Bochkov, 1999

Bochkov, Andre V. 2011

Radfordia (Microtimyobia) cricetuliphila

Bochkov, A. V. 1999: 358
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