Pachycondyla Smith, F., 1858a

Scott-Santos, Cristiane P., Esteves, Flávia A. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2008, Catalogue of “ poneromorph ” ant type specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 48 (11), pp. 75-88 : 75-88

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492008001100001

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scientific name

Pachycondyla Smith, F., 1858a


Genus Pachycondyla Smith, F., 1858a View in CoL

Euponera (Trachymesopus) stigma subsp. compressinodis Borgmeier, 1928b:62. Holotype: w. [ Brazil], S[ão] Paulo, Raiz da Serra; [30.ix.1907; Luederwaldt leg.]; nº 9.966. Missing L 4 tibia. Junior synonym of Pachycondyla cauta (Mann, 1922:8) (see Brown, 1963a:7).

Neoponera (Eumecopone) goyana Borgmeier, 1937b:230. Holotype: w. [ Brazil], GO [Goiás, Goiânia], Campinas; iii.1930; Schwarzmaier [leg.]. Missing A 1 funiculus, A2. Combination in Pachycondyla by Brown (1995a:305).

Neoponera mesonotalis Santschi, 1923c:246. Syntypes: 2 w. [ Brazil], S[anta] C[atarina], Blumenau. [no date]; M. Witte [col.]; Coll. Borgm. # 3776. Combination in Pachycondyla by Brown (1995a:305) .

Neoponera stipitum Forel 1901k:348. Syntype: 1 w. Colombia, St Antonio, [Sierra] Nevada [de Santa-Marta, 1000 metres]; [no date and col.]; [ MP] # 3367. Junior synonym of Pachycondyla crenata (Roger, 1861a:3) (see Brown 1957e:233) .

Leptogenys bucki Borgmeier, 1927b:57 . Syntypes: 4 w. [ Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul], Porto Alegre, Glória; [15.xi.1926]; [P. Pio] Buck [S.J. leg.]; Coll. Borgm. # 1201. 1 w missing L3 femur. Combination in Euponera by Borgmeier (1928a:39). Combination in Mesoponera by Kempf (1972b:141). Combination in Pachycondyla by Brown (1995a:303).

Pachycondyla fuscoatra subsp. inca Emery1901b:48. Syntype: 1 w. Peru, Ocobamba, Bolivie; [no date]; [ MM] Staudinger [col.]; nº 528. Junior synonym of Pachycondyla impressa (Roger, 1861a:60) (see Kempf 1961e:195) .

Pachycondyla lenis Kempf, 1961e:197. Holotype: w. [ Brazil], R [io de] J[aneiro], Petrópolis; 1944; W.W. Kempf [col.]. Missing L 3 tibia. Paratypes: 1 w, 2 g. [ Brazil], R [io de] J[aneiro], Petrópolis; 1944, 27.viii.1944, ix.1944; W.W. Kempf. 1 worker, missing L1 tibia, L2 femur, L3 tibia. A1 funiculus, disarticulated A2. 1 gyne, missing wings. 1 g. [ Brazil], R [io de] J[aneiro], Petrópolis; x.1918; [ T.] Borgmeier; Coll. Borgm. # 467. Missing A 1, A 2. 1 w. [ Brazil], S[ão] P[aulo], Alto da Serra [Caminho do Mar]; 26.v.1957; [W.W.] Kempf & [ V. dos] Santos; nº 1844. 4 w. Brasil, S[ão] Paulo; 6.iii.1958; K. Lenko col.; [2 w with label nº 265A and 2 w with label Coleção Campos Sera / nº 266]. 2 w. [ Brazil]; PR [Paraná], Rio Azul, 1000 m; x.1959; F. Plaumann; [ WWK] # 3156. 1 worker, missing L3. 1 worker, missing L5 tarsus .

Pachycondyla lenkoi Kempf, 1962b:4. Holotype: 1 w. [ Brazil], Mato Grosso, Rio Sacre; 6.viii.1961. K. Lenko col.; nº 1623. Missing L 5 tibia. View in CoL

Pachycondyla magnifica Borgmeier, 1929:196. Lectotype: 1 w. [ Brazil], GO[Goiás, Goiânia], Campinas; ii.1928; [P.J.S.] Schwarzmaier [C.SS. R. leg.]; Coll. Borgm. # 3751. Missing L 5 tarsus. View in CoL

Pachycondyla metanotalis Luederwaldt, 1918:54. Holotype: w. [ Brazil, Minas Gerais; no date; H. Luederwaldt leg.]; nº 17.195. View in CoL

Pachycondyla schoedli Mackay & Mackay, 2006. Paratype: 1 w. Ecuador, Pichincha, Bellavista Reserve, 2250 m Ridge Trail, 12 km S. Nanegalito 00°00”54’S e 78°40”56’W; 28.x.1999; R. Anderson [leg.]; nº 211, CASENT 0428728 99-211B, cloud forest litter .

Trachymesopus gilberti Kempf 1960f:425 . Holotype: w. [ Brazil], S[ão] P[aulo], Agudos; 7.i.1959; C. Gilbert[leg.]; WWK # 2869. Paratypes: 2 g. [ Brazil], S[ão] P[aulo], Agudos; 23-II-1955, 4-XII-1955; W. Kempf. 1 gyne, missing wings. 1 gyne, missing left forewing. Combination in Mesoponera by Wheeler & Wheeler (1971b:1206). Combination in Pachycondyla by Brown (1995a:305).

Note: We found in the MZSP collection specimens of Pachycondyla becculata , Pachycondyla cermua , Pachycondyla lattkei and Pachycondyla rupinicola Mackay & Mackay, 2005 (see labelled as Paratypes, although these names have never been formally published, and hence the specimens can not be treated as types.


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University of Montpellier


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo












Pachycondyla Smith, F., 1858a

Scott-Santos, Cristiane P., Esteves, Flávia A. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F. 2008

Pachycondyla schoedli

Mackay & Mackay 2006

Pachycondyla lenkoi

Kempf 1962: 4

Pachycondyla magnifica

Borgmeier 1929: 196

Pachycondyla metanotalis

Luederwaldt 1918: 54
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