Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire), 2009
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Felipe (2021-08-06 17:00:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:06:27) |
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Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) |
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Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) , new combination
Figure 1b View Figure 1 , 3 View Figure 2-11 , 14, 17 View Figure 12-17 , 21, 25 View Figure 18-25 , 83 View Figure 81-84 , 85 View Figure 85-88 , 89 View Figure 89-104 , 105 View Figure 105-120 , 121 View Figure 121-123 , 148 View Figure 148-155
Mycotretus flavitarsis Sturm in Dejean 1836: 429 ~ Dejean 1837: 453; Sturm 1843: 305. [all listings of
this combination are nomina nuda]. Ischyrus flavitarsis Lacordaire 1842: 130 ~ Jacquelin du Val 1856: 133, t. XI, f. 10; Guérin-Méneville
1857: 321-322, t. 11, f. 10; Candèze 1861: 70-71, t. 6, f. 5 [larva]; Chapuis 1876: 35 (footnote 2); Crotch
1876: 432(56); Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3690; Gundlach 1891 -1894: 127; Gorham 1898: 335;
Kuhnt 1909: 62; Kuhnt 1911: 42; Leng and Mutchler 1914: 412; Deelder 1942: 82; Blackwelder 1945:
465; Roberts 1958: 283 [larva]; Skelley 1998b: 14. Ischirus [sic] flavitarsis Lacordaire ~ Candèze 1861: index. Oocyanus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) ~ Curran 1944: 3, f. 2; Turnbow and Thomas 2008: 38. Epytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) ~ Alvarenga 1994: 18; Perez-Gelabert 2008: 108. Eptyus [sic] flavitarsis (Lacordaire) ~ Peck 2005: 134.
Mycotretus signaticollis Klug in Dejean 1836: 429 [all listings of this name are nomina nuda] ~ Dejean 1837: 453; Sturm 1843: 305 [as synonym of M. flavitarsis ]; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3690 [as synonym of I. fulvitarsis “i. litt.”].
“ Mycotretus thoracica Dej. (Engis) ” in Dejean 1836: 429 [all listings of this name are nomina nuda] ~ Dejean 1837: 453; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3690 [as synonym of I. fulvitarsis ].
Diagnosis. Notaepytus flavitarsis is readily recognized by the mostly orange pronotum with two apical and four basal spots ( Fig. 83 View Figure 81-84 , 89 View Figure 89-104 , 121 View Figure 121-123 ).
Description. Length: 6.1-8.5 mm; width: 2.8-3.5 mm. Body elongate, parallel-sided, somewhat flattened; surface microreticulate. Color black except as noted: pronotum orangish with 2 widely separated black spots on apical margin and 4 basal black spots connected along the basal margin ( Fig. 83 View Figure 81-84 , 89 View Figure 89-104 , 121 View Figure 121-123 ); elytra with jagged orangish band at basal third and apical quarter; pronotal hypomeron and posterior 3/ 4 elytral epipleural fold orangish; tarsi, last 2 abdominal ventrites, and palpi reddish-brown; antennomere XI pale.
Head interocular width = 2.0-2.5 x ocular width; vertex punctures fine, puncture size = 0.33 x ocular facet diameter, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; epistomal punctures impressed, punctures size = 0.5 x ocular facet diameter, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; epistome anterior margin shallowly concave. Eyes large, coarsely faceted. Antennomere III length = 3 x width, length = length of antennomeres IV+V combined; antennomeres IV-VIII equal in length; antennomere IX triangular ( Fig. 25 View Figure 18-25 ), length = 0.8 x width; antennomeres X and XI equal in length; antennomere XI subcircular. Terminal maxillary palpomere triangular, symmetrical, length = width. Terminal labial palpomere triangular, asymmetrical, width = 2 x length, expanded medially, width = terminal maxillary palpomere ( Fig. 85 View Figure 85-88 ).
Pronotum transverse; punctures on disc evenly distributed, slightly finer than those on vertex; separated by 2-4 x their diameter; base with large punctures at each side of base, puncture size = 0.9 x ocular facet diameter. Scutellum pentagonal, length = 0.5 x width. Elytral striae puncture size = an ocular facet diameter, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; intervals with fine punctures; base lacking marginal bead. Wings present, fully developed.
Prosternum length = 2.5 x intercoxal width; sternal plate flat, roughened; sternal lines not continuous around coxal cavity, or with faint division; base shallowly concave. Mesosternal lines parallel, not continuous around coxal cavity. Metasternum long, distance between meso- and metacoxae = 1.8 x intermesocoxal width; anterior lines disappearing under mesosternum medially; continuous around mesocoxal cavity; punctures coarse, puncture size = mesosternal punctures, evenly distributed, separated by 2-3 x their diameter. Abdomen with coxal lines not connected medially; continuous around metacoxal cavity; first ventrite punctured like metasternum; ventrite II-V with finer punctures, evenly distributed; apex of ventrite V with coarse punctures. Male genitalia with flagellum having a dorsal cartilaginous thickening at the apical third and truncate apex ( Fig. 105 View Figure 105-120 ).
Distribution. This is the only Notaepytus species found on multiple West Indian islands: Bahamas (Cat Island, Eleuthera, New Providence), Cuba, Hispaniola, Tortue Island ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ).
Type Material. Lacordaire (1842) described variations which implies he had a series of specimens. Otherwise, he only stated the type(s) “Il se trouve à Cuba.” However, the name was originally used as a nomen nudum in the Dejean collection which Lacordaire studied and used in his monograph (see Materials and Methods). Type specimens of I. flavitarsis are probably within the Dejean collection at the MRSN or Lacordaire’s collection (present repository unknown). Dejean’s collection has a single specimen standing over a label stating “ Ischyrus flavitarsis Cuba Sturm, Dej. Lac.”. To fix the concept of the species to a single specimen, this specimen ( Fig. 148 View Figure 148-155 ) is here designated as the lectotype of Ischyrus flavitarsis . The label data are as follows: “/ [green paper] S. gago / LECTOTYPE Ischyrus flavitarsis Lacord. , det. P.E. Skelley 2008 /” (sex undetermined, MRSN).
Specimens Examined. A total of 211 specimens were studied. All label data are presented in the Appendix.
Variation. The only notable variation is the size of the orange elytral bands, which vary in size as much within a population as across the entire species range. These bands are present and distinct on all but one female specimen from Tortue Island, Haiti.
Remarks. Notaepytus flavitarsis is the most widely occurring species of the endemic West Indian fauna, and is expected to be found on other smaller island in the Caribbean.
Alvarenga, M. 1994. Catalogo dos Erotylidae (Coleoptera) Neotropical. Revista Brasiliera de Zoologia 11 (1): 1 - 175.
Blackwelder, R. E. 1945. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 3. Erotylidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 184: 456 - 469.
Candeze, E. C. A. 1861. Histoire des metamorphoses de quelques Coleopteres exotiques. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege 16: 235 - 410, 6 pl. [exists as a separate, 86 p., 6 pl.]
Chapuis, F. 1876. Tome Douzieme. Famille des Erotliens, des Endomychides et des Coccinellides. 424 p. In: T. Lacordaire and F. Chapuis. Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coleopteres ou expose methodique et critique de tous les genres proposes jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'Insectes. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret; Paris. [Often cited as Lacordaire 1876 or Lacordaire and Chapuis 1876. The sole author of Tome XII with erotylids is Chapuis]
Crotch, G. R. 1876. A revision of the coleopterous family Erotylidae. Cistula Entomologica 1: 377 - 572.
Curran, C. H. 1944. Notes and descriptions of some American Erotylidae. American Museum Novitates 1256: 1 - 14.
Deelder, C. L. 1942. Revision of the Erotylidae (Coleoptera) of the Leiden Museum. Zoologische Mededeelingen 24 (1 - 2): 49 - 115, 5 fig.
Dejean, P. F. M. A. 1836 - 1837 [1837]. Catalogue des Coleopteres de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean. Troisieme Edition, Revue, Corregee et Augmentee. Chez Mequignon - Marvis Pere et Fils; Paris. [1836] 1 - 4: 1 - 384, [1837] 5: 385 - 503 p. [Erotylidae 1837]
Gemminger, M., and B. von Harold. 1876. Catalogus Coleopterorum, Hacusque descriptorum, synonymicus et systematicus. Tom 12. Chrysomelidae (Pars 2), Languriidae, Erotylidae, Endomychidae, Coccinellidae, Corylophidae, Platypsillidae. Monachii; London. p. 3479 - 3822, i-lxxiii.
Gorham, H. S. 1898. On the Coleoptera of the families Erotylidae, Endomychidae, and Coccinellidae collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in St. Vincent, Grenada, and the Grenadines, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society London 22: 334 - 343, 27 pl., 6 fig., 11 - 12.
Guerin-Meneville, M. F. E. 1857. Animaux articules, a pieds articule. p. 1 - 868. In: R. de la Sagra. Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba. Secunda Parte: Historia natural. Bd. 7. Crustaceos, Aragnides e Insectos. Paris, Arthus Bertrand. 1856: 32 + 371 p., 20 col. taf.; 1857: 87 + 868 p., 15 col. taf. [see Jacquelin du Val 1856]
Gundlach, J. 1891 - 1894. Contribution a la entomologia Cubana. 5. Coleopteros. Havana. p. 5 - 404. [Erotylidae signature 16: 127 - 128]
Jacquelin du Val, P. N. C. 1856. In: R. Sagra. Historia fisica politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba. Segunda parte. Historia natural, Tomo VII. Crustaceos, Aragnides e Insectos. 371 p. [Figures 1855. Tomo VIII. Atlas de Zoologia: Articulata (Insecta) tab. 11, fig. 10 - 11] [see Guerin-Meneville 1857]
Kuhnt, P. 1909. Coleoptera, fam. Erotylidae, subfam. Erotylinae. In: P. Wytsman (ed.). Genera insectorum. V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet; Brussels. Fasc. 88, 139 p. 4 pl.
Kuhnt, P. 1911. Family Erotylidae. In: W. Junk, Coleopterorum catalogus, Pars 34. Berlin 15: 1 - 103.
Lacordaire, J. T. 1842. Monographie des Erotyliens, Famille de l'Ordre des Coleopteres. Roret; Paris. xiv + 543 p.
Leng, C. W., and A. J. Mutchler. 1914. Article 30. A preliminary list of the Coleoptera of the West Indies as recorded to Jan. 1, 1914. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 33: 391 - 493.
Peck, S. B. 2005. A checklist of the beetles of Cuba with data on distributions and bionomics (Insecta: Coleoptera). Arthropods of Florida and neighboring Land Areas 18: vi + 241 p.
Perez-Gelabert, D. E. 2008. Arthropods of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti): A checklist and bibliography. Zootaxa 1831: 530 p.
Roberts, A. W. R. 1958. On the taxonomy of the Erotylidae (Coleoptera), with special reference to the morphological characters of the larvae. II. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society London 110 (8): 245 - 285.
Skelley, P. E. 1998 b. Revision of the genus Ischyrus Lacordaire (1842) of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Erotylidae). Occasional Papers of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods 9: 134 p.
Sturm, J. 1843. Catalog der kaefer-sammlung. Verfasser; Nurnberg. xii + 386 p., 6 col. taf.
Turnbow, R. H., Jr., and M. C. Thomas. 2008. An annotated checklist of the Coleoptera (Insecta) of the Bahamas. Insecta Mundi 0034: 1 - 64.
Figure 1. West Indian maps. 1a) Map of West Indian countries mentioned in the text. 1b) Map indicating species occurring on specific islands with distribution of Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) indicated by the white triangles.
Figure 2-11. Key characters. 2-3) Anterior view of head and pronotum. 2) Iphiclus suturalis. 3) Notaepytus flavitarsis. 4-5) Lateral habitus. 4) Aegithus clavicornis. 5) Iphiclus suturalis. 6-11) Dorsal habitus. 6) Aegithus clavicornis. 7) Aegithus lebasii. 8) Iphiclus guadeloupensis. 9) Iphiclus suturalis. 10) Cubyrus sapphirus. 11) Ischyrus quadripunctatus.
Figure 12-17. Key characters. 12-15) Ventral view head and mouthparts. 12) Dacne ducke. 13) Antillengis epochthidius. 14) Notaepytus flavitarsis. 15) Epytus cyaneus. 16-17) Anterior diagonal view of head. 16) Altisessor ater. 17) Notaepytus flavitarsis.
Figure 18-25. Key characters. 18-21) Mesofemur. 22-25) Antenna. 18, 22) Cubyrus sapphirus. 19, 23) Ischyrus quadripunctatus. 20, 24) Epytus cyaneus. 21, 25) Notaepytus flavitarsis.[White arrow points at posterior marginal bead, or note its absence, on mesofemur.]
Figure 81-84. Notaepytus spp. 81-83) Larva associated with N. modestus adults. 85) N. flavitarsis adult on fungus in Cuba (photo by J. Genaro).
Figure 85-88. Notaeptyus spp., key characters. 85) N. flavitarsis, normal long metasternum. 86) N. cubanacan, shortened metasternum of wingless form. 87) N. fulvitarsis (DR: La Vega) male genitalia with flagellum everted. 88) N. lavegaensis male genitalia, with flagellum inverted. Genitalic scale line = 1 mm.
Figure 89-104. Notaepytus spp., habitus drawings. 89) N. flavitarsis. 90) N. tarsatus. 91) N. cubanacan. 92) N. modestus. 93) N. cyclosignatus. 94) N. elongatus. 95) N. fulvitarsis. 96) N. decoregens. 97) N. ignotensis. 98) N. haitensis. 99) N. inversus. 100) N. baorucoensis. 101) N. neibaensis. 102) N. lavegaensis. 103) N. cyanoros. 104) N. elateroides.
Figure 105-120. Notaepytus spp., male genital flagella. 105) N. flavitarsis. 106) N. tarsatus. 107) N. modestus. 108) N. elateroides. 109) N. cyanoros. 110) N. cyclosignatus. 111) N. inversus. 112) N. neibaensis. 113) N. haitensis.114) N. ignotensis. 115) N. fulvitarsis (DR: Hato Mayor). 116) N. fulvitarsis (DR: La Vega). 117) N. fulvitarsis (DR: Barahona). 118) N. decoregens. 119) N. baorucoensis. 120) N. lavegaensis. All reproduced to same scale, scale line = 1 mm.
Figure 121-123. Notaepytus spp. occurring on Cuba. 121) N. flavitarsis. 122) N. tarsatus. 123) N. cubanacan, holotype.
Figure 148-155. Lectotypes, holotype and labels. 148) Lectotype Ischyrus flavitarsis Lacordaire. 149-151) Holotype Ischyrus fulvitarsis Lacordaire. 149) Dorsal habitus. 150) Final card mounting of I. fulvitarsis holotype parts. 151) Labels for holotype of I. fulvitarsis. 152) Notaepytus ignotensis type collection labels. 153-155) Lectotype Erotylus modestus Olivier labels, dorsal and lateral habitus.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
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Family |
Genus |
Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire)
Skelley, Paul E. 2009 |
Mycotretus flavitarsis
Sturm, J. 1843: 305 |
Dejean, P. F. M. A. 1836: 429 |
Mycotretus signaticollis
Gemminger, M. & B. von Harold 1876: 3690 |
Sturm, J. 1843: 305 |
Dejean, P. F. M. A. 1836: 429 |
Mycotretus thoracica
Gemminger, M. & B. von Harold 1876: 3690 |
Dejean, P. F. M. A. 1836: 429 |