Altisessor hottensis, Skelley, 2009

Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae), Insecta Mundi 2009 (82), pp. 1-94 : 41-42

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-06 17:00:39, last updated 2021-09-06 19:21:08)

scientific name

Altisessor hottensis

new species

Altisessor hottensis Skelley, new species

Figure 1b View Figure 1 , 57, 60 View Figure 57-61 , 70 View Figure 68-71 , 72 View Figure 72

Diagnosis. Antennal club entirely dark, light colored femora with dark apices ( Fig. 60 View Figure 57-61 ), and hind wing reduced to membranous strip.

Description. Length: 3.8 mm; width: 1.8 mm. Body elongate, parallel-sided, posteriorly narrowed, somewhat cylindrical; surface microreticulate, glossy; dorsally with moderately sized, dense punctation bearing long fine setae ( Fig. 57 View Figure 57-61 ). Color brown with a weak bronze sheen, except as noted: antennomeres I-II pale brown; antennomeres IX-XI dark brown; femur pale brown with dark brown apex ( Fig. 60 View Figure 57-61 ).

Head interocular width = 5 x ocular width; vertex and epistomal punctures both fine and coarse; coarse puncture size = 0.8 x ocular facet diameter, separated by 1-2 x their diameter; epistome anterior margin truncate. Eye facets moderate in size. Terminal maxillary palpomere triangular with rounded base, length = 0.8 x width. Terminal labial palpomere triangular, asymmetrical, width = length, expanded medially, width = 0.66 x terminal maxillary palpomere. Mentum with weakly defined triangular plate, width = 1.5 x length. Genal lobes reduced to smooth, faint ridge.

Pronotum transverse, width = 1.8 x width; punctures of 2 sizes, coarser puncture size = 0.9 x ocular facet diameter, evenly distributed, separated by 1-2 x their diameter, coarse punctures absent at base and anterior margin; fine punctures interspersed between coarse punctures; coarse punctures bearing long fine setae; anterior edge with faint marginal bead medially, stronger behind eyes; base nearly truncate, lacking marginal bead. Scutellum semicircular, width = 2 x length. Elytral striae present, punctures slightly larger than interval punctures, puncture size = 0.9 x ocular facet diameter, separated by their diameter; strial punctures with fine setae; base lacking marginal bead, slightly indented near humeri for reception of pronotal hind angles. Wings reduced to a narrow, membranous strip.

Prosternum length = 1.5 x basal width; sternal plate flat; sternal lines continuous around coxal cavity; base concave. Mesosternum broad, width = 2.5 x length, with scattered coarse punctures, base concave, line continuous around coxal cavity. Metasternum with lines faint medially; continuous around mesocoxal cavity; band of coarse punctures from lateral margins along posterior half, few scattered fine punctures. Abdomen with coxal lines not connecting medially; continuous around metacoxal cavity; punctures of first ventrite smaller than metasternal punctures. Male genitalia with flagellum greatly thickened, laterally flattened; gradually widening to broad obliquely truncate apex ( Fig. 70 View Figure 68-71 ). Female unknown.

Distribution. Known from Hispaniola, specifically the southwestern peninsula of Haiti, Massif de La Hotte ( Fig. 72 View Figure 72 ).

Type Material. The male holotype of Altisessor hottensis Skelley ( Fig. 57, 60 View Figure 57-61 ) possesses the following label data: “/Desbarriette, Mf. La Hotte, nr. 4000ft, Oct.12-14/ Haiti, 1934, Darlington/ [red paper] HO- LOTYPE Altisessor hottensis P.E. Skelley /” ( MCZC). The specific locality is possibly a misspelling of Desbarriere, a peak in the La Hotte range.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the mountain range on which the species occurs.

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Figure 1. West Indian maps. 1a) Map of West Indian countries mentioned in the text. 1b) Map indicating species occurring on specific islands with distribution of Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) indicated by the white triangles.

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Figure 72. Distribution map of Altisessor spp. on Hispaniola: circle = A. ater; triangle = A. centralis; square = A. hottensis.

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Figure 57-61. Altisessor spp., dorsal and ventral habitus. 57, 60) A. hottensis, holotype. 58) A. gundlachi, holotype. 59, 61) A. viridis, holotype.

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Figure 68-71. Altisessor spp., male genital flagellum. 68) A. ater. 69) A. centralis. 70) A. hottensis. 71) A. oriens. All reproduced to same scale, scale line = 1 mm.











