Altisessor centralis, Skelley, 2009

Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae), Insecta Mundi 2009 (82), pp. 1-94 : 38-40

publication ID

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Felipe (2021-08-06 17:00:39, last updated 2021-09-03 05:12:35)

scientific name

Altisessor centralis

new species

Altisessor centralis Skelley, new species

Figure 1b View Figure 1 , 63, 66 View Figure 62-67 , 69 View Figure 68-71 , 72 View Figure 72

Diagnosis. Recognized by the entirely dark legs, antennomere IX-X dark with antennomere XI pale, and fine dorsal punctation.

Description. Length: 3.5-4.0 mm; width: 1.8-2.2 mm. Body elongate, posteriorly narrowed, somewhat cylindrical; dorsal surface weakly microreticulate, glossy; ventral surface strongly microreticulate ( Fig. 63, 66 View Figure 62-67 ). Color black with weak bronze sheen, except as noted: base of antenna light brown; antennomere XI pale white.

Head interocular width = 5-6 x ocular width; vertex and epistomal punctures coarse, puncture size = 0.8 x ocular facet diameter, separated by 2-3 x diameter; epistome anterior margin truncate. Eye facets moderate in size. Terminal maxillary palpomere triangular, length = 0.8 x width. Terminal labial palpomere triangular, asymmetrical, width = length, expanded medially, width = 0.8 x terminal maxillary palpomere. Mentum with broad triangular plate, width = 2 x length. Genal lobes reduced to smooth, faint ridge.

Pronotum transverse, width = 1.8 x length; puncture size = 0.9 x ocular facet diameter, evenly distributed, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; punctures bearing short setae, some visible in profile; base lacking large punctures; anterior edge with marginal bead only behind eyes; base slightly sinuate, lacking marginal bead. Scutellum pentagonal, width = 1.5 x length. Elytral striae present, puncture size = an ocular facet diameter, separated by 3-4 x their diameter; strial punctures with fine setae, occasionally visible in profile; interval punctures fine; base lacking marginal bead. Wings present, fully developed.

Prosternum length = intercoxal width; sternal plate flat, coarsely punctate at base; sternal lines continuous around coxal cavity; base concave. Mesosternum broad, width = 2 x length, with transverse scattered row of coarse punctures, base concave, line continuous around coxal cavity. Metasternum with lines faintly connected medially; continuous around mesocoxal cavity; coarse punctures evenly distributed across metasternum, finer near mesosternum. Abdomen with coxal lines not connecting medially; continuous around metacoxal cavity; punctures of first ventrite size and distribution as those on metasternum, finer on following sterna. Male genitalia with flagellum short, gradually narrowing to fine, hairlike apex ( Fig. 69 View Figure 68-71 ); sclerite at base enlarged, triangular, in dorsal view V-shaped.

Distribution. Found in central Dominican Republic, primarily in the Cordillera Central ( Fig. 72 View Figure 72 ).

Type Material. The male holotype of Altisessor centralis Skelley ( Fig. 63 View Figure 62-67 ) label data: “/ DOMINIC.REP.: Prov. La Vega, ca. 10 km E. Constanza, 1295m, 31AUG1988, beating pine, guava forest, M. A. Ivie, T. K. Philips & K. A. Johnson / [pale yellow paper] Specimen imaged 2008-West Indies Erotylinae , P. Skelley / [red paper] HOLOTYPE Altisessor centralis P.E. Skelley /” ( WIBF). The female allotype label data: “/ DOM.REP., Peravia, 16 km. E. San Jose de Ocoa, August 8, 1979, C.W. O’Brien ( WIBF). Paratypes examined (6): same data as allotype except “ L.B. O’Brien ” (1- WIBF) ; San Juan, 7 km N. Arroyo Cano, 1 km S. Los Frios (1- CMNH) ; [San Cristobal Prov.], Colonia , 6.6.1972, 1000m, J. & S. Klapperich (1- NHMB) ; same data except “ 10.2.1973 "(3- NHMB, PESC) .

Regarding the locality “Colonia” (M. A. Ivie, pers. comm.), in an unpublished dissertation on Leptolycinae ( Lycidae ) ( Miller 1991), there are “Colonia” records for one species collected by Klapperich at six various dates between 1970-1972. These beetles are rarely collected, have larviform females, and the species tend to be localized. Additional members of the same species were collected by Maldanado-Capriles in 1955 from “Colonia Ramfis”, which appears on the 1953 Esso map. These localities are likely the same. It is listed in the USBGN Gazetteer, now La Cabirma de la Loma, San Cristobal Province, 18 o 29’N, 70 o 14’W.

Additional material. Two additional females from disjunct localities were examined, which are tentatively considered A. centralis . Because of some uncertainty, they are not designated as paratypes. One has label data: “ Haiti, Mf. La Hotte, 5-7800 ft., Oct 16-17-1934, Darlington” ( MCZC). This locality is far from the expected range of A. centralis , and is also the location of another Altisessor species. Presently, only one Altisessor species occurs on any given mountain range. Therefore, a labeling error may have occurred with this specimen, and subsequently is not plotted on the distribution map.

Another female has label data: “ Dominican Republic: Azua, East side of crest, Sierra Martin Garcia, 7 km WNW Barrero, 18-21N, 70-58W, 860 m, 25-26-July 1992, C. Young, R. Davidson, S. Thompson, J Rawlins, cloud forest adjacent to disturbed forest” ( CMNH). This locality is on a mountain range near but distinctly separate from the Cordillera Central and may represent a different species. A male specimen is needed to confirm the identity of this population.

Variation. Some are dark brown, not black, and are possibly teneral.

Etymology. The specific epithet denotes the species distribution in the center of Hispaniola, primarily in the Cordillera Central.

Miller R. S. 1991. A revision of the Leptolycini (Coleoptera: Lycidae) with a discussion of paedomorphosis. Dissertation [unpublished]. The Ohio State University; Columbus. 403 p.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. West Indian maps. 1a) Map of West Indian countries mentioned in the text. 1b) Map indicating species occurring on specific islands with distribution of Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) indicated by the white triangles.

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Figure 72. Distribution map of Altisessor spp. on Hispaniola: circle = A. ater; triangle = A. centralis; square = A. hottensis.

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Figure 62-67. Altisessor spp., dorsal and ventral habitus. 62, 65) A. ater, paratype. 63, 66) A. centralis, holotype male. 64, 67) A. oriens, paratype.

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Figure 68-71. Altisessor spp., male genital flagellum. 68) A. ater. 69) A. centralis. 70) A. hottensis. 71) A. oriens. All reproduced to same scale, scale line = 1 mm.


West Indian Beetle Fauna Project Collection


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Natural History Museum Bucharest











