Notaepytus baorucoensis, Skelley, 2009

Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae), Insecta Mundi 2009 (82), pp. 1-94 : 58-60

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Felipe (2021-08-06 17:00:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:06:27)

scientific name

Notaepytus baorucoensis

new species

Notaepytus baorucoensis Skelley, new species

Figure 1b View Figure 1 , 100 View Figure 89-104 , 119 View Figure 105-120 , 131 View Figure 126-131 , 140 View Figure 138-140

Diagnosis. The species is distinguished by: apical and subapical orangish marks on elytra, short metasternum, greatly reduced wings, reduced but distinct elytral marks ( Fig. 100 View Figure 89-104 , 131 View Figure 126-131 ), and male genitalia with weakly sinuate flagellum lacking a cartilaginous thickening at apical third.

Description. Length: 9.8 mm; width: 4.9 mm. Body elongate, somewhat robust; surface weakly microreticulate, moderately glossy. Color black except as noted: antennal clubs, palpi, and tarsi pale redbrown; lateral pronotal disc, elytral spots, elytral epipleural fold, trochanters, and lateral abdominal ventrites red-brown; elytra with 3 marks restricted to sides at basal third, apical quarter, and apex.

Head interocular width = 3.5 x ocular width; vertex and epistome finely punctate, visible within surface microreticulation; epistome anterior margin truncate. Eye facets moderate in size. Antennomere III length = 3.5 x width, length = length of antennomeres IV+V combined; antennomeres IV-VIII equal in length, each with length = 3 x width; antennomere IX triangular, length = 1.5 x width; antennomere XI elongate, subcircular. Terminal maxillary palpomere triangular, slightly asymmetrical, slightly wider than long. Terminal labial palpomere triangular, asymmetrical, width = 2 x length, expanded medially, width = 1.2 x terminal maxillary palpomere width.

Pronotum transverse; punctures on disc fine within surface microreticulation; small group of large punctures at each side of base, puncture size = an ocular facet diameter. Scutellum pentagonal, length = 0.5 x width. Elytral striae punctures weak, indistinct; intervals with punctures indistinct, surface microreticulation weak, somewhat glossy; base lacking marginal bead. Wings reduced to strips.

Prosternum convex, length = 2.5 x intercoxal width; sternal punctures obscure; sternal lines continuous around coxal cavity; base truncate. Mesosternal lines parallel, not continuous around coxal cavity. Metasternum short, distance between meso- and metacoxae = intermesocoxal width; anterior lines impressed, not meeting medially, continuous around mesocoxal cavity, with short coxal lines; with few scattered coarse punctures medially. Abdomen with coxal lines not meeting medially; not continuous around metacoxal cavity, with short coxal line; punctures fine, mostly indistinct. Male genitalia with weakly sinuate flagellum lacking a cartilaginous thickening at the apical third, apex acute ( Fig. 119 View Figure 105-120 ).

Distribution. Found in the Dominican Republic, on the Sierra de Baoruco ( Fig. 140 View Figure 138-140 ).

Type Material. The male holotype of Notaepytus baorucoensis ( Fig. 131 View Figure 126-131 ) is labeled: “/ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Pedernales, La Abeja, 38 km NNW Cabo Rojo, (18-09N, 71-38W). / 1160 m, 14 July 1987, Robert L. Davidson, and John E. Rawlins /” [pale yellow paper] Specimen imaged 2008 - West Indies Erotylinae , P. Skelley / [red paper] HOLOTYPE Notaepytus baorucoensis P. E. Skelley /” ( CMNH).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the mountain range on which this species occurs.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. West Indian maps. 1a) Map of West Indian countries mentioned in the text. 1b) Map indicating species occurring on specific islands with distribution of Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) indicated by the white triangles.

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Figure 89-104. Notaepytus spp., habitus drawings. 89) N. flavitarsis. 90) N. tarsatus. 91) N. cubanacan. 92) N. modestus. 93) N. cyclosignatus. 94) N. elongatus. 95) N. fulvitarsis. 96) N. decoregens. 97) N. ignotensis. 98) N. haitensis. 99) N. inversus. 100) N. baorucoensis. 101) N. neibaensis. 102) N. lavegaensis. 103) N. cyanoros. 104) N. elateroides.

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Figure 105-120. Notaepytus spp., male genital flagella. 105) N. flavitarsis. 106) N. tarsatus. 107) N. modestus. 108) N. elateroides. 109) N. cyanoros. 110) N. cyclosignatus. 111) N. inversus. 112) N. neibaensis. 113) N. haitensis.114) N. ignotensis. 115) N. fulvitarsis (DR: Hato Mayor). 116) N. fulvitarsis (DR: La Vega). 117) N. fulvitarsis (DR: Barahona). 118) N. decoregens. 119) N. baorucoensis. 120) N. lavegaensis. All reproduced to same scale, scale line = 1 mm.

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Figure 126-131. Notaepytus spp. occurring on Hispaniola. 126) N. fulvitarsis (DR: La Vega). 127) N. fulvitarsis (DR: Hato Mayor). 128) N. decoregens, paratype. 129) N. lavegaensis, paratype. 130) N. neibaensis, holotype. 131) N. baorucoensis, holotype.

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Figure 138-140. Distribution maps of Notaepytus spp. on Hispaniola. 138) Circle = N. modestus; triangle = N. elongatus. 139) Circle = N. fulvitarsis; triangle = N. decoregens; square = N. haitensis; square with ‘X’ = N. inversus. 140) Circle = N. cyclosignatus; triangle = N. lavegaensis; square = N. neibaensis; square with ‘X’ = N. baorucoensis.


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