Iphiclus guadeloupensis (Fabricius, 1792)

Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae), Insecta Mundi 2009 (82), pp. 1-94 : 30-31

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Felipe (2021-08-06 17:00:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:06:27)

scientific name

Iphiclus guadeloupensis


Distribution. Iphiclus guadeloupensis is the only known member of Erotylinae on Guadeloupe ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ).

Type Material. For Galleruca guadeloupensis, Fabricius (1792) stated “Habitat in Insula Guadeloupe de Badier.” In Fabricius’ collection (ZMUC, see Zimsen 1964) is one specimen labeled as this species that fits the description and traditional concept of the species. Since Fabricius made no indication how many were studied and to stabilize the nomenclature, this specimen ( Fig. 144 View Figure 141-147 ) is here designated as the lectotype of G. guadeloupensis Fabricius , its label data: “/ [hand written] G. guadeloupensis Guadeloupe Badier / [red paper] LECTOTYPE Galleruca guadeloupensis Fabricius , des. P. Skelley-08/”. The specimen was studied from a photograph sent by A. Solodovnikov, who wrote stating the specimen label “[...] is not an original Fabricius label (his labels look differently) [...] Most of the Fabricius types do not have any labels with the localities, etc. They are just small handwritten species names, even without genera names [...] many of his types do not have any labels at all.”

For Erotylus marginatus, Olivier (1792) stated “il fe trouve à Cayenne, & m’a été envoyé par M. Tugni.” The present location of type material for this name is unknown. Olivier (1807) provided an illustration of E. marginatus that clearly shows the distinctive elytral color pattern he described earlier. This color pattern is known to occur in several mainland members of the genus Aegithus . However, Olivier described I. marginatus as having a yellow abdomen. All mainland Aegithus species with a similar dorsal color pattern have a black abdomen. Thus, the identity of Olivier’s species is confirmed and in agreement with Lacordaire’s (1842: 378) statement that I. marginatus was described from the wrong type locality (it is not from French Guiana). Further, Schönherr’s (1808) synonymy of E. marginatus under G. guadeloupensis is confirmed. Based on all available information, the historical confusion around the “ marginatus-guadeloupensis-suturalis ” synonymies, and the fact Olivier’s type could not be located, a neotype is necessary to stabilize the identity and type locality of this species. The neotype for Erotylus marginatus Olivier , here designated, is the lectotype of G. guadeloupensis designated above, to which was added the label “/ [red paper] NEOTYPE Erotylus marginatus Olivier , des. P.Skelley-08/”.

Specimens Examined. In addition to the type materials, 14 specimens have been studied from Guadeloupe including: “ Insel Guadeloupe ” (1- FREY) ; “ Guadeloupe ” (2- HMNH) ; “ Guadeloupe ”, Coll. Reiche (2 - CUMZ) ; “ Antilles Guad. ”, Fry Coll. 1905-100 (3- NHML, PESC) ; Guadeloupe, CNHM 1955, Karl Brancsik coll., ex. Eduard Knirsch (1- FMNH) ; Basse-Terre Rd. to Soufriere, 748', 16 o 01.833’N, 16 o 40.854’W, 23-AUG-2005, M. A. Ivie, under dead log (1- WIBF) GoogleMaps ; Foret D’Fefe , 27-MAY-1983, E. Giesbert (2- FSCA) ; Route les Mamelles , 4-FEB-1969, L. & C.W. O’Brien, at night (2- PESC) .

Remarks. The history of the three names applied to this species is long and complex, and includes erroneous type localities, a misspelling in the original description, disagreement of which name has priority, and multiple generic combinations for each name. To avoid further confusion, below are the proposed actions to resolve these issues.

A) Galleruca guadeloupensis Fabricius and Erotylus marginatus Olivier from Guadeloupe are synonyms, based on the original descriptions, illustrations, and various comments by researchers in the early 1800s. Schönherr (1808) appears to be the first to recognize that G. guadeloupensis and E. marginatus were synonyms, which was subsequently followed by most workers.

B) Differing opinions remain as to which name, G. guadeloupensis or E. marginatus , has priority and is therefore the valid name. Galleruca guadeloupensis Fabricius (1792) was chosen over the questionably earlier name Erotylus marginatus Olivier (1792) , because all early major revisions ( Duponchel 1825, Lacordaire 1842, Crotch 1876) used Fabricius’ name and listed Olivier’s name in synonymy, thereby implying priority. More recently, Blackwelder (1949, 1957) documented that Olivier’s Erotylidae work actually came out in 1792, not 1791 as is often cited. Thus, Fabricius’ work may truly have priority. Therefore, the name I. guadeloupensis was implemented following usage by the first revisers (ICZN 1999, Article 24.2): Schönherr (1808), Duponchel (1825), Lacordaire (1842), and Crotch (1876). The last three being the earliest major taxonomic treatises for the group.

C) There has been confusion regarding the spelling of I. guadeloupensis . In Fabricius’ original 1792 description the epithet was spelled “ guadelupensis ”, lacking the ‘o’. In all subsequent works by Fabricius and others (Schönherr 1808, Duponchel 1825, Lacordaire 1842, Crotch 1876) the name is emended to I. guadeloupensis (ICZN 1999, Article 32.5). A few later references presented the name in its original form (see synonymy above).

D) Olivier’s type of E. marginatus could not be located. To resolve the identity issue of this species, a neotype is designated above. Fabricius’ type of G. guadeloupensis was selected as the neotype of E. marginatus thus making the names objective synonyms. If Olivier’s type (described from “Cayenne”) is ever located, then that specimen would void this neotype designation. However, if E. marginatus is discovered to be a mainland species or if it is indeed conspecific with Fabricius’ species, then Fabricius’ name I. guadeloupensis would remain the valid name for the species on Guadeloupe, thus stabilizing the nomenclature.

E) Crotch (1876) added Brachysphaenus suturalis Lacordaire as a synonym of G. guadeloupensis and E. marginatus , stating “ B. suturalis is found on a very immature example.” The synonymy of these three names was followed by all subsequent workers, until now. Study of many recent specimens, type material, and original descriptions led to the conclusion that B. suturalis is a valid species, and is here removed from synonymy and reinstated with full species status. In addition, Lacordaire’s stated type locality of “ Guadeloupe ” is also erroneous, as species only occurs on Dominica.

Blackwelder, R. E. 1949. Studies on the dates of books on Coleoptera. I-III. The Coleopterists Bulletin 3 (5): 42 - 46, 76, 92 - 94.

Blackwelder, R. E. 1957. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 185 (6): i-vii, 927 - 1492.

Crotch, G. R. 1876. A revision of the coleopterous family Erotylidae. Cistula Entomologica 1: 377 - 572.

Duponchel, P. A. J. 1825. Monographie du genre Erotyle (1). Memoirs du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 12: 30 - 61, 156 - 176, pl. 1 - 2, 7. [Often cited as Duponchel 1824, actual publication date on work is 1825.]

Fabricius, J. C. 1792. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species. Adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Tome I, Pars 1 - 2. Christ. Gottl. Proft.; Copenhagen. Pars I: 330 p.; Pars 2: 538 p.

Lacordaire, J. T. 1842. Monographie des Erotyliens, Famille de l'Ordre des Coleopteres. Roret; Paris. xiv + 543 p.

Zimsen, E. 1964. The type material of I. C. Fabricius. Munkgaard; Copenhagen. 656 p.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. West Indian maps. 1a) Map of West Indian countries mentioned in the text. 1b) Map indicating species occurring on specific islands with distribution of Notaepytus flavitarsis (Lacordaire) indicated by the white triangles.

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Figure 141-147. Holotypes, lectotypes, neotype, and labels. 141-143) Holotype Oocyanus brunnipes Kuhnt dorsal, ventral and labels. 144) Lectotype Galleruca guadeloupensis Fabricius (= Neotype Erotylus marginatus Olivier) [photo from A. Solodovnikov].145) Lectotype Brachysphaenus suturalis Lacordaire. 146-147) Holotype Notaepytus elateroides venter of head and thorax, and venter of abdomen.


Hayashibara Museum of Natural History


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology


Natural History Museum, Tripoli


Field Museum of Natural History


West Indian Beetle Fauna Project Collection


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology











