Polycirrus porcatus Knox & Cameron, 1971

Glasby, Christopher J. & Hutchings, Pat, 2014, Revision of the taxonomy of Polycirrus Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Terebellida: Polycirridae), Zootaxa 3877 (1), pp. 1-117 : 94

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Felipe (2021-06-14 20:03:53, last updated 2024-11-26 00:38:01)

scientific name

Polycirrus porcatus Knox & Cameron, 1971


Polycirrus porcatus Knox & Cameron, 1971 View in CoL

Fig. 52a–e View FIGURE 52 , Table 1 View TABLE 1

Polycirrus porcata Knox & Cameron, 1971: 36 View in CoL , figs 30–31.- Hutchings & Glasby, 1986: 341, figs 10a–d, 12F.

Type locality. Port Phillip Bay , Victoria, Australia .

Material examined. HOLOTYPE: MV F41757 View Materials , Australia, Victoria, Quiet Corner, Port Phillip Bay, Area 14. St.175, 37º58.2′ S, 145º1.2′ E, coll. 18.xii.1962. GoogleMaps

Description. Holotype poorly preserved with body wall damaged, chaetae mainly intact, pale cream in colour, 30 mm long and 4 mm maximum width, excluding buccal tentacles, complete with 35 segments. Sex female.

Dorsum anteriorly smooth. Venter anteriorly with mid-ventral groove and poorly defined ventrolateral pads; pads incised tessellated anteriorly. Mid-ventral groove from segment 3.

Buccal tentacles numerous of two types: (1) cylindrical, thickened distally and distinctly grooved and (2) cylindrical, uniformly thin and weakly grooved, both arising dorsally on prostomial ridge. Prostomial ridge slightly curved, extending laterally along anterodorsal base of upper lip. Upper lip trefoiled with lateral blindly-ending enclosed diverticulae, lateral lobes with crenulate margins, margin of medial lobe convoluted; oral surface glandular, ciliated, with grooves leading to mouth. Inner lower lip subtriangular, smooth; outer region flat, shieldlike, oblong, longer than wide, rugose, extending posteriorly to segment 3. Achaetous segments visible dorsally but obscured by expanded outer lower lip ventrally ( Fig. 52a View FIGURE 52 ).

Notochaetigerous segments 12, extending to segment 14. Notopodia more-or-less rectangular, prechaetal lobe low, postchaetal lobe subtriangular, slightly longer than prechaetal ( Fig. 52b View FIGURE 52 ). Notochaetae within a chaetiger consisting of one type (chaetigers 5 and mid-body one examined), gradually elongating from dorsal to ventral, hirsute, uniformly tapered, posteriorly same form as those anteriorly ( Fig. 52c View FIGURE 52 ). Neurochaetae beginning on segment 6. Neuropodial tori erect pinnules, differ along body, posterior ones with small notopodial cirrus. Uncini with long neck and concave base (Type 2), anterior-most ones more squat; teeth above main fang arranged in single transverse series (anterior-most ones; MF:3–4) or arranged in double transverse series (posterior ones; MF:3–4:∞) enlarged median tooth above main fang absent, subrostral process tooth-like ( Fig. 52d,e View FIGURE 52 ).

Nephridial papillae present, globular, initially small, increasing in size posteriorly. Pre-gular membrane nephridial papillae present on segment 4 only. Post-gular membrane nephridial papillae present, extending from segment 5 to 13; situated at antero-ventral base of notopodia. Pygidium papillated ring with about 8 papillae.

Comment. It should be noted that some of the original drawings of Knox & Cameron (1971) were mislabelled and these errors have been corrected in this paper.

Hutchings, P. A. & Glasby, C. J. (1986) The Polycirrinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, 38, 319 - 350. Available from: http: // www. australianmuseum. net. au / Uploads / Journals / 17666 / 185 _ complete. pdf (accessed 27 August 2014)

Knox, G. A. & Cameron, D. B. (1971) Port Phillip Survey Pt. 2. (4). Polychaeta. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, 32, 21 - 41.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 52. Polycirrus porcatus Knox & Cameron. Holotype NMV G1751. a. Anterior ventral view. b. Left side posterior lateral view of notopodium, chaetiger 4. c. Notochaeta from segment 7 illustrated at x40 and x100. d. Lateral and frontal views of uncini from segment 7. e. Lateral views of uncinus from mid-posterior body segment (figs d, e from Hutchings & Glasby (1986); http://www.australianmuseum.net.au/Uploads/Journals/17666/185_complete.pdf


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