Polycirrus boholensis Grube, 1878

Glasby, Christopher J. & Hutchings, Pat, 2014, Revision of the taxonomy of Polycirrus Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Terebellida: Polycirridae), Zootaxa 3877 (1), pp. 1-117 : 29

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Felipe (2021-06-14 20:03:53, last updated 2024-11-26 00:38:01)

scientific name

Polycirrus boholensis Grube, 1878


Polycirrus boholensis Grube, 1878 View in CoL

Fig. 11a–g View FIGURE 11 , Table 1 View TABLE 1

Polycirrus boholensis Grube, 1878: 242–243 View in CoL , taf. XIII Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 . Not Augener, 1914: 102 (= Polycirrus broomensis View in CoL , see Hutchings & Glasby, 1986: 334–336, fig. 6g –l).

Type locality. Bohol, Philippines .

Material examined. HOLOTYPE: ZMB 10654. Philippines, Bohol, leg Semper, coll. Grube.

Description. Holotype poorly preserved with body wall damaged but parapodia and chaetae mainly intact, yellowish brown in colour, consists of five fragments that do not constitute an entire animal, all fragments only a few mm long; an anterior fragment consisting of 8 segments, mid-body fragment of 2 chaetigers, mid-posterior fragment of 12 chaetigers, and an extreme posterior fragment consisting of about 23 segments. Sex unknown.

Dorsum anteriorly smooth. Venter anteriorly with mid-ventral groove and poorly defined ventro-lateral pads; pads more-or-less smooth with few papillations anteriorly. Mid-ventral groove divided into small shields, from segment 3 to 5 ( Fig. 11a View FIGURE 11 ).

Buccal tentacles of two types ( Hutchings & Glasby 1986): (1) cylindrical, thickened distally, distinctly grooved (these now missing on type, see Fig. 11a View FIGURE 11 ) and (2) cylindrical, uniformly thin, weakly grooved; both types arising at junction between prostomium and upper lip. Prostomial ridge slightly curved, extending laterally. Upper lip trefoiled, with lateral, blindly ending, enclosed diverticulae (surface of diverticula with many small tentacles), margin of medial lobe thickened and overturned; oral surface glandular and ciliated. Inner lower lip oblong, smooth; outer region with subconical lobe protruding above venter, recurved posteriorly, smooth. Achaetous segments visible dorsally but obscured ventrally.

Notochaetigerous segments 10 or 11, extending to segments 12 or 13. Notopodial prechaetal lobe low, postchaetal lobe digitiform, longer than prechaetal ( Fig. 11b View FIGURE 11 ). Notochaetae within a chaetiger of two types (anterior body chaetiger examined), pinnate, posteriorly same form as those anteriorly; secondary notochaetae in all chaetigers smooth, narrowly winged, uniformly tapered ( Fig. 11c–e View FIGURE 11 ). Neurochaetae beginning on segment 14. Neuropodial tori ridge like, similar along body. Uncini with long neck and concave base (Type 2), teeth above main fang arranged in double transverse series (MF:1:8), enlarged median tooth above main fang present, subrostral process absent ( Fig. 11f–g View FIGURE 11 ).

Nephridial papillae not visible.

Comments. Hutchings & Glasby (1986) redescribed this species based on the holotype and additional specimens from NE Australia. They reported that neurochaetae begin from segment 13–15 and that the holotype had 10 or 11 notochaetigerous segments, although Grube mentions 12, possibly 13 ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

Augener, H. (1914) Polychaeta II. Sedentaria. In: Michaelsen, W. & Hartmeyer, R. (Eds.), Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens. Vol. 5. Gustav Fischer, Jena, pp. 1 - 72.

Grube, A. E. (1878) Annulata Semperiana. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anneliden fauna der Philippinen nach den von Herrn Prof. Semper mitgebrachten Sammlungen. Memoires l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, Serie 7, 25, iix + 1 - 300, pls. 1 - 15.

Hutchings, P. A. & Glasby, C. J. (1986) The Polycirrinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, 38, 319 - 350. Available from: http: // www. australianmuseum. net. au / Uploads / Journals / 17666 / 185 _ complete. pdf (accessed 27 August 2014)

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FIGURE 7. Polycirrus arcticus Sars. Syntype of junior synonym, Leucariste albicans SMNH 6738. a. Anterior ventral view. b. Left side anterior lateral view of notopodium, chaetiger 3. c. Short and long notochaetae from chaetiger 3. d. Lateral and frontal views of uncinus from chaetiger 16. e. Lateral and frontal views of uncinus from mid body chaetiger. f. Lateral and frontal views of uncinus from posterior chaetiger.

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FIGURE 11. Polycirrus boholensis Grube. Holotype ZMB 10654. a. Anterior ventral view. b. Left side posterior lateral view of notopodium from anterior-midbody. c. Short notochaeta from mid-anterior chaetiger. d. Section of pinnate notochaeta. e. Pinnate notochaeta from chaetiger 4, illustrated at x25 and x100. f. Lateral view and frontal view of uncinus from anterior chaetiger. g. Lateral view of uncinus from mid-posterior body chaetiger.


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)











