Cerithium magnum Jay, 1836

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

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scientific name

Cerithium magnum Jay, 1836


Cerithium magnum Jay, 1836 View in CoL : explanation of pl. and additional paratypes are BMNH

2 [p. 83], fig. 5 View Figs . and in IES, MNHN, ZMA, and the

Lectotype: AMNH 56067. of R. Fernández­Garcés and E. Rolán Paralectotype: AMNH 16126 (2 specimens; in and Fernández­Garcés, 1994: 21–22). part—see remarks).

Locality : ‘‘?’’ (Jay, 1836: 83); ‘‘New Holland’’ Cheirodonta decollate Rolán and

(Jay, 1850: 314). Garcés, 1994: 20–21, figs. 19–21, 23 Paratypes: AMNH 226470 (2 specimens Collector : Unknown. Locality : 2 m, Marianao Beach, La Habana Remarks: ex Jay Collection #2560a (Jay, 1839) Atlantic Ocean. and #7687 (Jay, 1850). AMNH 56057 is la­ Collector : Unknown.

beled as ‘‘fig d. pl. 2, fig. 5 View Figs ’’ ( fig. 6 View Figs herein). Remarks: The holotype is MNCN 15.05 Houbrick (1978: 108) stated that AMNH 56067 and additional paratypes are BMNH

was the holotype, but because Jay (1836) did and in IES, MNHN, ZMA, and the

not designate a holotype, Houbrick’s statement of R. Fernández­Garcés and E. Rolán

was an inadvertent lectotype designation. Jay and Fernández­Garcés, 1994: 21).

(1839) stated that he had ‘‘ two specimens in my cabinet.’’ One of the specimens from AMNH Chicoreus cosmani Abbott and Finlay

16126 is therefore not part of the type series, 159–161, figs. 1–9 View Figs View Figs .

but it is not possible at this time to determine Paratype: AMNH 223497 (1 specimen).

which one. This species is a synonym of Pseu­ Locality : 10–15 ft, Reynolds bauxite dovertagus (P.) clava (Gmelin, 1791) (Houb­ Rio, Jamaica, Atlantic Ocean.

rick, 1978: 108). Collector : D. Cosman, March 1967.

Remarks: ex Bijur Collection. The

Cerodrillia girardi Lyons, 1972: 3–4 View in CoL , figs. 1–2 View Figs .

Paratype: AMNH 167028 (1 specimen). USNM 783323, and additional

Locality : Sta. D, 55 m, 27°37′N, 83°58′W, off Eg­ ANSP 35419 and in DMNH and the mont Key, Hillsborough Co., Florida, United of J. Bijur, D. Cosman, and C. Finlay

States, Atlantic Ocean. and Finlay, 1979: 161). This specimen Collector : Project Hourglass, April 4, 1967. 223497) was donated as part of the J. Remarks: The holotype is USNM 707001 , and ad­ Collection ; the specimen(s) stated to ditional paratypes are MCZ 278870 and in ited in AMNH by Abbott and Finlay

ANSP, DMNH, FSCB I, LACM, and USNM were lost in the mail. This taxon is

(Lyons, 1972: 3–4). the subgenus Triplex Perry, 1810

1994: 42).

Cheilea equestris striata Usticke, 1959: 47 View in CoL , pl. 2,

fig. 19. Chicoreus fosterorum Houart, 1989: 60 View in CoL Holotype: AMNH 198509. 1–5.

Paratype: AMNH 294373 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 226465 (1 specimen). Locality : Judith’s Fancy, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Locality : 50 m, 30°15′S, 30°49′E, Aliwal Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Natal, Indian Ocean.

Collector : Unknown. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection (AMNH 198509) Remarks: ex Glass and Foster Collection and Schwartz Collection (AMNH 294373). The via Vaught Collection. The holotype repository of additional paratypes is unknown; 5343, and additional paratypes are NM

their existence is indicated by Usticke’s (1959: and in the R. Houart Collection (Houart

47) given size range for the taxon of 20–40 mm 60). This taxon is placed in the subgenus length. This taxon is a synonym of C. equestris plex Perry, 1810 (Houart, 1994: 51). (Linnaeus, 1758) (Faber, 1988: 90). Chicoreus rachelcarsonae Petuch, 1987 Cheirodonta apexcrassum Rolán and Fernández­ 1, figs. 9–10 View Figs . Garcés, 1994: 21–22, figs. 27–29. Paratype: AMNH 223374 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 226471 (1 specimen). Locality : 400 ft, 30 mi west of Cedar

Locality : 7 m, Jibacoa, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Co., Florida, United States, Atlantic Collector : Unknown. Collector : Unknown.

30 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO holotype is USNM 859811, and the additional Chondropoma (Chondropoma) fuentesi paratype is ANSP 354768 (Petuch, 1987: 13). and Alcalde, 1944: 39–40, pl. 6.

This taxon is a synonym of C. dilectus (A. Ad­ Paratypes: AMNH 150483 (4 specimens).

ams, 1855) (Vokes, 1990: 30). Locality : ‘‘Santa Martina,’’ junta al Río

Barrio de Gavilán, Cienfuegos, Las Chicoreus subpalmatus Houart, 1988: 188–189 , Cuba.

figs. 1–2 View Figs , 15 View Figs . Collector : M. Jaume and O. Alcalde, May Paratype: AMNH 225999 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex Jacobson Collection. The holotype Locality : Sta. DW 14, 246 m, 23°40′S, 168°00′E, MP 3868, and additional paratypes are south of New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean. 3869 and in the collections of O. Alcalde Collector : B. Richer on R/V ‘‘Vauban,’’ May 22, Jaume, and L. Sánchez (Jaume and 1987. 1944: 39).

Remarks: The holotype is in MNHN, and additional paratypes are AMS C 155097, NMNZ Chondropoma hendersoni Torre, 1909 :

MF 56356, and in MNHN and the collection of pl. 4, fig. 6. View Figs

R. Houart (Houart, 1988: 188). This taxon is Syntypes: AMNH 56103 (4 specimens).

placed in the subgenus Triplex Perry, 1810 Locality : Sierra del Ancón, northwest of (Houart, 1994: 94). Pinar del Rio, Cuba.

Collector : Unknown.

Chicoreus (Chicomurex) turschi Houart, 1981 : Remarks: ex Torre (1912). This taxon is the 186–188, figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs . of the subgenus Hendersonina Torre Paratypes: AMNH 196023 (1 specimen), 196024 Bartsch, 1938, by monotypy (Torre

(1 specimen). Bartsch, 1938: 234). An additional syntype Locality : 45–60 m, off Durangit, Hansa Bay, Pap­ ANSP 219657 (Richardson et al., 1991: ua New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : Unknown. Chondropoma olssoni Pilsbry, 1933: 125 , Remarks: The holotype is IRSBN 374, and addi­ figs. 1–4 View Figs .

tional paratypes are BMNH 198089, USNM Paratypes: AMNH 95461 (5 specimens). 784589, and in the collection of R. Houart Locality : Cerro Monti Cristi, Barahona, Santo (Houart, 1981: 188). This taxon is placed in the mingo.

genus Chicomurex Arakawa, 1964 (Houart, Collector : A. A. Olsson, 1916.

1994: 99). Remarks: ex ANSP. The holotype is Chondropoma (Chondropomium) clenchi Pilsbry , 160978 (Pilsbry, 1933: 125). Additional 1933: 126, pl. 9, figs. 2–3 View Figs . types are ANSP 160868 and 373757 (Paratypes: AMNH 81534 (3 specimens). ANSP 160978) (Richardson et al., 1991: Locality : St. 85, approximately 3000 ft, Senior ‘‘paralectotypes’’). Richardson et al. (1991 Del Monte’s plantation, in a verdant gully, near stated that Baker (1964: 170) designated Salvation, Barahona, Santo Domingo. totype, but Baker (1964: 170) correctly Collector : D. Pease, Aug. 4, 1932. ANSP 160978 as the holotype by original Remarks: ex ANSP. The holotype and additional ignation of Pilsbry (1933: 125). paratypes are ANSP 160995 (Pilsbry, 1933:

126). Further paratypes are in MCZ and the Chondropoma xenicum Pilsbry, 1933: 124 collection of D. Pease (Pilsbry, 1933: 126). pl. 6, figs. 11–12 View Figs .

This taxon may be a Licina Gray, 1847 (Baker, Paratype: AMNH 81527 (1 specimen).

1964: 169). This species­level name is a hom­ Locality : St. 85, approximately 3000 ft,

onym of Chondropoma ernesti clenchi Aguayo, Del Monte’s plantation, in a verdant gully 1932 (now C. (Chondropomedes) ernesti clen­ Salvation, Barahona, Santo Domingo.

chi fide Torre and Bartch, 1938: 363). C. Collector : D. Pease, Aug. 4, 1932. (Chondropomium) clenchi Pilsbry is herein re­ Remarks: ex ANSP. The holotype is placed by Chondropoma (Chondropomium) 160980 (Pilsbry, 1933: 124). Additional compressa, nom. nov., from the Latin ‘‘to press types are ANSP 374385 (formerly together’’ or, more loosely, ‘‘to clench.’’ 160980) (Richardson et al., 1991: 131).


Chondropometes (Chondropometes) torrei ditional paratypes are ANSP 335460 Bartsch, 1937: 130–131, fig. 2 View Figs . 55392, 55393, LACM 1733, MCZ Paratypes: AMNH 197984 (2 specimens). SDNHM 63705, 63706, and USNM Locality : Mogote Canalete, Abra de Bejarano, Si­ (Marincovich, 1975: 170).

erra San Andrés, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Chrysallida gubbiolii Peñas and Rolán, Collector : M. L. Jaume. figs. 58–60.

Remarks: ex Haume via Jacobson Collection. The Paratype: AMNH 294233 (1 specimen). holotype is USNM 428794 (Bartsch, 1937: Locality : 60 m, Luanda, Angola, Atlantic 131). Collector : Unknown.

Chondrothyrium (Plicathyrium) alcaldei Jaume Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The and Fuentes, 1943b: 24–25, pl. 4, fig. 1 View Figs . MNCN 15.05/31744, and additional Paratypes: AMNH 150240 (2 specimens). are in MNHN and the collections of Locality : Barrio de la Sierra, Cienfuegos, Las Vil­ and E. Rolán (Peñas and Rolán, 1998

las, Cuba. Chrysallida jordii Peñas and Rolán, 1998 Collector : O. Alcalde. figs. 46–49.

Remarks: ex Jacobson Collection. The holotype is Paratype: AMNH 294232 (1 specimen).

MP 5477, and additional paratypes are in the Locality : 10–25 m, Miamia, Ghana, collections of O. Alcalde, L. Fuentes, and M. Ocean.

Jaume (Jaume and Fuentes, 1943b: 24). This Collector : Unknown.

species is the type of the subgenus Plicathyr­ Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

ium Jaume and Fuentes, 1943, by original des­ MNCN 15.05/31742, and additional ignation (Jaume and Fuentes, 1943b: 23). are in MNHN and the collections of Chondrothyrium violaceum jaumei Alcalde, and E. Rolán (Peñas and Rolán, 1998 1943: 14, pl. 1, fig. 2 View Figs . Chrysallida manonegra Peñas and Rolán Paratypes: AMNH 150243 (3 specimens). 10–12, figs. 22–30. Locality : Río Chiquito, Cienfuegos, Las Villas, Paratype: AMNH 294232 (1 specimen). Cuba. Locality : Furna, Brava, Cape Verde Collector : O. Alcalde. tugal, Atlantic Ocean.

Remarks: ex Jacobson Collection. The holotype is Collector : Unknown.

MP 5483, and additional paratypes are in the Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The collections of O. Alcalde, L. Fuentes, and M. MNCN 15.05/31740, and additional

Jaume (Alcalde, 1943: 14). are in MNHN, USNM, and the Chondrothyrium violaceum serranum Torre and A. Peñas and E. Rolán (Peñas and Rolán 10). Bartsch, 1938: 398–399, pl. 28, fig. 14 View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 150478 (5 specimens). Chrysodomus pribiloffensis Dall, 1919 : Locality : Naranga Dulce, La Sierra, southeast of Paratype: AMNH 225199 (1 specimen). Cienfuegos, Cuba. Locality : Sta. 3554, 62 fathoms, off the Collector : Unknown. Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska, United Remarks: ex Jacobson Collection. The holotype is cific Ocean.

USNM 367833 (Torre and Bartsch, 1938: 399). Collector : U.S. Fish Commission Steamer batross,’’ Oct. 26, 1990.

Choristes coani Marincovich, 1975: 169–170 View in CoL , Remarks: ex USNM. The holotype is

figs. 2 View Figs , 6–7 View Figs . 225603 (Dall, 1919: 323); it was later Paratypes: AMNH 181739a (1 specimen), by Dall (1925: 10, pl. 7, fig. 4 View Figs ) with the 181739b (1 specimen). number cited as USNM 224085 .

Locality : Sample OTB 132, 2830 m, 44°35.3′N,

125°34.5′W to 44°37′N, 125°36.4′W, off central Circumscapula iota C. Cate, 1979: 110 , Oregon, United States, Pacific Ocean. Paratypes: AMNH 204636 (5 specimens Collector : Department of Oceanography, Oregon Locality: 18–21 m, approx. 111°00′N,

State University, on R/V ‘‘Yaquina,’’ March 16, San Carlos Bay, Guaymas, Mexico 1970. Ocean.


Remarks: ex Cate Collection #3652. The holotype given by Clarke (1960: 3) as ‘‘210.’’

is LACM 1839 (C. Cate, 1979: 110). 213693 is the holotype by monotypy.

and Old (1969: 30) incorrectly cited the Clathrodrillia (Carinodrillia) bicarinata Shasky , number as ‘‘35126.’’

1961: 21, pl. 4, fig. 10 View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 221884 (5 specimens). Cochlespira elongata Simone, 1999: 105 Locality : 45–90 fathoms, 24°32′N, 110°26′W, be­ figs. 1–2, 5 View Figs , 7, 9 View Figs , 11 View Figs –22, 27.

tween Isla Partida and Espiritu Santo Island, Paratype: AMNH 292174 (1 specimen,

Baja California Sur, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. Locality : Sta. 5361, 320 m, 24°42 Collector : Ariel Expedition, Aug. 30, 1960. 44°30′05̎W, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean.

Remarks: ex DuShane Collection. The holotype is Collector : R/V ‘‘Prof. W. Besnard,’’ July 6,

SU 8622, and additional paratypes are in the Remarks: ex MZUSP 28121. The holotype collections of J. Burch, G. Campbell, H. King, MZUSP 28110, and additional paratypes M. Rogers, T Schowalter, D. Shasky, and G. MNRJ 7161, MORG 32290, MZUSP Sphon (Shasky, 1961: 21). This taxon is placed 28118, 28121, and USNM 886325 (

in the genus Compsodrillia Woodring, 1928 1999: 105).

(Abbott, 1974: 277).

Cochliolepis reductus Rolán and Rubio , Cleopatra cara Pilsbry and Bequaert, 1927: 294 , 181–186, fig. 7 View Figs .

text fig. 53. Paratype: AMNH 294235 (1 specimen). Holotype: AMNH 72102 (LOST). Locality : Bahía de Santo Antonio, Isle de Paratypes: AMNH 72103 (3 specimens). pe, Republic of São Tomé and Principe, Locality : 00°30′N, 25°15′E, Stanleyville (= Ki­ tic Ocean.

sangani), Belgian Congo (= Zaire = Demo­ Collector : Unknown.

cratic Republic of the Congo), Africa. Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype Collector : H. Lang and J. Chapin, March 1915. MNCN 15.05/1113, and additional Remarks: Pilsbry and Bequaert (1927: 294) did are in BMNH and the collections of F.

not specify the number of specimens they ex­ des, E. Rolán, and F. Rubio (Rolán and amined. Additional paratypes are MCZ 41015 1990: 183).

(15 specimens; 9 ex AMNH 72103). AMNH

72102 was recorded as lost in July 1945. This Columbella mercatoria ‘‘var.’’ elongata taxon is provisionally placed in the genus Pseu­ 1959: 65.

dogibbula Dautzenberg, 1890 (Brown, 1980: Lectotype: AMNH 195429.

83). Paralectotype: AMNH 294360 (1 specimen

Locality : Lime Tree Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Cleopatra langi Pilbsry and Bequaert, 1927: 293 – Islands, Atlantic Ocean.

294, text figs. 51a–d, 52. Collector : Unknown.

Holotype: AMNH 72099. Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #720 (Paratypes: AMNH 72100 (1 specimen), 72101 (1 195429) and Schwartz Collection (specimen). 294360). Although Usticke (1959: 65) Locality : 00°30′N, 25°15′E, Stanleyville (= Ki­ this taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ he first listed it (sangani), Belgian Congo (= Zaire = Demo­ vi) as ‘‘ Columbella mercatoria elongata cratic Republic of the Congo), Africa. der the heading ‘‘new species and subspecies Collector : H. Lang and J. Chapin, March 1915. We consider this taxon to have been Remarks: Additional paratypes are MCZ 41016 (2 ically described. Because Usticke (1959 specimens). not figure or designate a holotype, we Cocculina superba Clarke, 1960: 3 , 2 unnumbered select the specimen figured by Usticke (

figs. pl. 2, fig. 720) as lectotype to fix the Holotype: AMNH 213693. of this poorly defined taxon. The repository Locality : Sta. V­15–126, 3334 fathoms, 47°57.5′S, additional paralectotypes is unknown; their 48°03′W, Argentine Basin, approximately 800 istence is indicated by Usticke’s (1959: 65 mi east of Deseado, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean. en size range for the taxon of 15–20 mm Collector : R/V ‘‘Vema,’’ March 28, 1959. Usticke (1959: 65) also called this taxon Remarks: ex LGO. The station was erroneously rene mercatoria elongata, ’’ for reasons


known. This taxon is a synonym of C. merca­ MCNM 15.05–1100, and additional toria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Faber, 1988: 79). are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN,

the collections of F. Fernandes, A.

Columbella socorroensis Shasky, 1970: 194 View in CoL , fig. Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990:


Paratype: AMNH 179308 (1 specimen). Conus asiaticus da Motta, 1985 Locality : 2 m, 18°42′45̎N, 110°56′50̎W, Braith­ unnumbered fig.

waite Bay, Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Is­ Paratype: AMNH 213525 (1 specimen).

lands, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. Locality : Nha Trang, Vietnam, Pacific

Collector : D. Shasky, Aug. 11, 1965. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Shasky Collection. The holotype is Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213525 LACM 1418, and additional paratypes are in Motta’s (1985d: 25) paratype #2. The

CASIZ, SDNHM, USNM, and the collection of is MHNG 984.599, and the additional types are MHNG 984.600 and in the D. Shasky (Shasky, 1970: 194). of A. da Motta (da Motta, 1985d: 25 Comitas ilariae Bozzetti, 1991: 26–27 , figs. 1–3 View Figs . Conus auratinus da Motta, 1982: 2–3 , Paratype: AMNH 239708 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 213501 (1 specimen). Locality : 100–150 m, Bohol, Philippines, Pacific Locality : Fakarava Island, Tuamoto

Ocean. French Polynesia, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : Fishermen, Feb. 1990. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Bozzetti Collection (paratype C). Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213501

The holotype is in MNHN, and additional par­ Motta’s (1982: 3) paratype #1. The

atypes are in the collections of L. Bozzetti, M. MHNG 982.118, and the additional

Ferrario, K. Nicolay, and M. Prati (Bozzetti, in the collection of A. da Motta (

1991: 28). 1982: 3).

Compsodrilla olssoni McLean and Poorman , Conus bajanensis Usticke, 1968: 28–29 ,

1971: 103, fig. 32. 1020.

Paratype: AMNH 164609 (1 specimen). Holotype: AMNH 195451.

Locality : 8–10 fathoms, 02°8′20̎S, 81°00′15̎W, Locality : South of Barbados, Atlantic

Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean. Collector : ‘‘Bajan shrimpers.’’

Collector : R/V ‘‘ Velero III ,’’ Feb. 9, 1934. Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1020 Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1519, and ad­ (1968: 28–29) had only a single ditional paratypes are LACM 1520 and in this species, and AMNH 195451 is

ANSP, CASIZ, and USNM (McLean and Poor­ the holotype by monotypy. This taxon man, 1971: 103). ther a subspecies of C. armiger Crosse (Coomans et al., 1982: 7) or a valid Conus alconnelli da Motta, 1986b: 5 , figs. 2a–b View Figs . (Vink, 1988: 10–11).

Paratype: AMNH 222018 (1 specimen). Conus bertarolae Costa and Simone,

Locality : 78 fathoms, off Park Rynie, South Af­ figs. 1 View Figs –20.

rica, Indian Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 294224 (1 specimen). Collector : A. Connell, Aug. 1981. Locality : 1–2 m, sea mount off Alcobaqa Remarks: The holotype is MHNG 986.543, and State, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean.

additional paratypes are in the collection of A. Collector : A. Bodart.

da Motta (da Motta, 1986b: 6). This taxon is a Remarks: The holotype is MORG 39.007 synonym of C. martensi E. A. Smith, 1884 ditional paratypes are in ANSP,

(Röckel et al., 1995: 173). MNHN, MNRJ, MZSP, USNM, the

Conus antoniomonteiroi Rolán, 1990: 47–48 View in CoL , pl. Collection, and the collection of J. Coltro

1, fig. 16 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 16 View Figs ; pl. 3, fig. e; pl. 6, fig. ta and Simone, 1998: 4).

e; pl. 8, fig. e. Conus biraghii congruens Korn and

Paratype: AMNH 245404 (1 specimen). Massilia, 1993: 33–35, figs. 3 View Figs [p. 32] Locality : 1 m, Parda, Sal Island, Cape Verde Is­ 33], 3rd fig. from left [p. 34], 6 [p.

lands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. 39], 3 [p. 40].


Collector : Fishermen, Dec. 1992. Conus (Dauciconus) boui da Motta, 1988 Remarks: The holotype is SMNS ZI 8843, and figs. a–c.

additional paratypes are in ZMA and the col­ Paratype: AMNH 236975 (1 specimen).

lections of M. Angioy, G. Biraghi, W. Korn, L. Locality : 25 m, off coast of St. Pierre,

Luisi, G. Raybaudi Massilia, and D. Röckel Atlantic Ocean.

(Korn and Raybaudi Massilia, 1993: 35). This Collector : P. Bou.

taxon is a synonym of C. biraghii (Raybaudi Remarks: The holotype is MHNG 988.105 Massilia, 1992) (Röckel et al., 1995: 50). additional paratypes are in MNHN and the lection of A. da Motta (da Motta, 1988: Conus bitleri da Motta, 1984a: 24 , figs. 1a–b View Figs . Conus bozzettii Lauer, 1991: 33–34 , figs. 1 View Figs Paratypes: AMNH 213504 (1 specimen), 213572 11–12.

(1 specimen), 213655 (1 specimen), 223496 (1 Paratype: AMNH 252830 (1 specimen). specimen). Locality : 150–200 m, off Cape Ras Hafun Locality : Baliungan Island, Tawi Tawi Group, malia, Indian Ocean.

Philippines, Pacific Ocean. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : ‘‘Native divers.’’ Remarks: ex Bozzetti Collection (paratype Remarks: ex A. da Motta (AMNH 213504) and The holotype is in MNHN, and additional

W. Bitler (AMNH 213572, 213655, 223496). atypes are in MNHN, NM, and the

AMNH 213504 is da Motta’s (1984a: 24) par­ of L. Bozzetti and J. Lauer (Lauer, 1991 atype #9; AMNH 213572 is da Motta’s (1984a: Conus cailliaudii Jay, 1848: 169 , pl. 10, figs 24) paratype #3; AMNH 213655 is da Motta’s Syntype (s): None in AMNH.

(1984a: 24) paratype #5; AMNH 223496 is da Locality : ’’?’’ (Jay, 1848: 169).

Motta’s (1984a: 24) paratype #1. The holotype Collector : Unknown.

is MHNG 983.574, and the additional 6 para­ Remarks: As part of the Jay Collection,

types are in the collection of A. da Motta (da specimen(s) should have been deposited Motta, 1984a: 24). This taxon is a synonym of AMNH. However, there are no type C. cordigera Sowerby II, 1866 (Röckel et al., (Jay, 1850: #10449) of this species in the 1995: 187). lections of AMNH; their repository known. This taxon is a synonym of C.

Conus boavistensis Rolán and Fernandes in cosus Gmelin, 1791 (Walls, 1979: 927). Rolán, 1990: 23–25, pl. 1, fig. 17 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 17 View Figs ; Conus caribbaeus ‘‘var.’’ circumpunctatus pl. 4, fig. k; pl. 7, fig. i. Usticke, 1968: 15, pl. 2, fig. 1002.

Paratype: AMNH 245396 (1 specimen). Lectotype: AMNH 195446.

Locality : 1 m, Bahia Teodora, Boavista Island, Locality : Anguilla, Atlantic Ocean.

Cape Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : E. Rolán. Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1002. Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is (1971: 18) stated that one specimen MCNM 15.05–1089, and additional paratypes AMNH 195446) was the holotype. Because are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN, ZMA, and ticke (1968: 15) did not designate a the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro, D. Usticke’s (1971) action constituted a

Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 24). designation. Usticke (1968: 15) referred taxon as a variety, although he (1968: 15 Conus bondarevi Röckel and Raybaudi, 1992 : the term ‘‘n[ew] s[ub] sp[ecies]’’ after the 25–26, unnumbered fig. on p. 25, figs. 1–5 View Figs , 9 View Figs . cies name and used the name subspecifically Paratype: AMNH 226452 (1 specimen). the plate caption. We consider this taxon Locality : 150 m, off northern coast of Somalia, subspecific and Usticke’s (1971) Indian Ocean. lectotype selection to be valid. Coomans Collector : Unknown. (1985: 230) also selected AMNH 195446 Remarks: The holotype is in SMNS, and addi­ lectotype, but Usticke’s (1971) designation tional paratypes are in MHNG and the collec­ priority. Usticke (1969: 22) erroneously


existence is indicated by Usticke’s (1968: 15) described and Usticke’s (1971) inadvertent given size range for the taxon of 32–35 mm totype selection to be valid. Coomans length. This taxon is a color form of C. daucus (1985: 279–280) also selected AMNH

Hwass, 1792 (Coomans et al., 1985: 230). as lectotype, but Usticke’s designation ority. Usticke (1969: 22) erroneously

Conus centurio ‘‘form’’ caribaensis Usticke, subspecies as new from that paper.

1968: 13, pl. 2, fig. 998.

Lectotype: AMNH 195445. itory of additional paralectotypes (if

Locality : Krause’s Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Is­ known; their existence is indicated by lands, Atlantic Ocean. (1968: 12) given size range for the taxon

Collector : Unknown. 40 mm length. This taxon is a synonym

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #998. We herein centurio Born, 1778 (Coomans et select Usticke’s (1968: pl. 2, fig. 998) figured 280).

specimen as lectotype to fix the identity of this poorly defined taxon. Although Usticke (1969) Conus cernohorskyi da Motta, 1983: 2

referred to this taxon as a form, he (1968: 13) 13.

used the term ‘‘n[ew] s[ub] sp[ecies]’’ after the Paratype: AMNH 213493 (1 specimen).

species name and used the name subspecifically Locality : Near Borogon, Samar Oriental in the plate caption. We consider this taxon to pines, Pacific Ocean.

have been subspecifically described and our Collector : ‘‘Native divers.’’

lectotype selection to be valid. Usticke (1969: Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213493

22) erroneously listed this subspecies as new Motta’s (1983: 2) paratype #6. The from that paper. Coomans et al. (1983: 90–91) MHNG 983.110, and the additional stated that this taxon could not be subspecific pes are MHNG 983.111–983.113 and because ‘‘it is sympatric with the nominal collection of A. da Motta (da Motta,

form.’’ This biologically based rationale has no This taxon is a synonym of C. magnus implications for the validity of the taxon name us, 1758 (Röckel et al., 1995: 121).

from a nomenclatural perspective and cannot be used to invalidate the name. The repository of Conus ciderryi da Motta, 1985a: 4–5 ,

the paralectotypes is unknown; their existence 3a–b.

is indicated by Usticke’s (1968: 13) given size Paratype: AMNH 213498 (1 specimen).

range for the taxon of 30–40 mm length. This Locality : Strait of Taiwan, Taiwan, Pacific taxon is a synonym of C. centurio Born, 1778 Collector : Unknown.

(Coomans et al., 1983: 91). Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213498 Motta’s (1985a: 4) paratype #2. The

Conus centurio ‘‘form’ ’ cruzensis Usticke, 1968 : is MHNG 984.636, and the additional

12–13, pl. 2, figs. 997[a], 997[b].

Lectotype: AMNH 195444. types are in the collection of A. da

Paralectotype: AMNH 189729a (1 specimen). Motta, 1985a: 4).

Locality : Ham Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Conus crosseanus Bernardi, 1861: 168

Atlantic Ocean.

Collector : Unknown. 6, figs. ‘‘3–4’’ [in text; actually figs. Paralectotype: AMNH 46865 (1 specimen Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #997. Usticke Locality : New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean

(1971: 18) stated that one specimen (now

AMNH 195444) was the holotype. Because Us­ Collector : Unknown.

ticke (1968: 12–13) did not designate a holo­ Remarks: ex Mr. Thomas of Brest via type, Usticke’s (1971) action constituted a lec­ Collection (see Coomans et al., 1985:

totype designation. Usticke (1968, 1969, 1971) lectotype (BMNH) was selected and never referred to this taxon other than as a form Coomans et al. (1985: 277, fig. 561)

of C. centurio Born, 1778 , in the text, although 46865 is the specimen figured by he (1968: 12) used the term ‘‘n[ew] s[ub] (1861: pl. 6, fig. 5 View Figs ) and Coomans et

sp[ecies]’’ after the species name and used the fig. 562). This taxon is a synonym of















Cerithium magnum Jay, 1836


Conus antoniomonteiroi Rolán, 1990: 47–48

Rolan 1990: 47 - 48

Chicoreus fosterorum

Houart 1989: 60

Choristes coani

Marincovich 1975: 169 - 170

Cerodrillia girardi

Lyons 1972: 3 - 4

Columbella socorroensis

Shasky 1970: 194

Cheilea equestris striata

Usticke 1959: 47
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