Tipula (Sinotipula) drolma, Yang & Ren & Liu & Yang, 2023

Yang, Qi-cheng, Ren, Jin-long, Liu, Xiao-yan & Yang, Ding, 2023, Four new species of Tipula (Sinotipula) Alexander (Diptera, Tipulidae) from China and a new replacement name in Tipula (Vestiplex) Bezzi, 1924, European Journal of Taxonomy 879 (1), pp. 83-115 : 86-91

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2023.879.2163

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scientific name

Tipula (Sinotipula) drolma

sp. nov.

Tipula (Sinotipula) drolma sp. nov.


Figs 1–13 View Figs 1–4 View Figs 5–6 View Figs 7–13

Chinese name



Prescutum almost wholly reddish brown; pleuron with a reddish brown stripe extended from head to uppeR paRt of anateRgite. PosteRioR maRgin of teRgite 9 flattish, with a paiR of Robust fingeR-like pRotRusions curved downward; adminiculum medially with a pair of slender protrusions; caudal end of outer gonostylus with an extended hook-like protrusion.


The species is named after the name of White Tara in Tibetan Buddhism, which represents rescue and longevity. ‘Drolma’ is the Latin transliteration of a Tibetan phrase, and the Chinese name is ‘ƦDZḆ’. Corresponding to its related species, ‘ T. (S.) krishna ’, krishna in Hinduism represents protection and love, and its Chinese name is ‘DzŦ’; the literal meaning of the Chinese names corresponds to the color of their gonostylus.

Material examined

Holotype CHINA • ♂; Xizang, Yadong County, Qing Dynasty Customs Site ; 27°25′11″ N, 88°55′51″ E; 3041 m a.s.l.; 1 Aug. 2020; Qicheng Yang leg.; light trap; CAU. GoogleMaps

Paratypes CHINA • 1 ♂ (wings with bReakage); Xizang, Yadong County, Qing Dynasty Customs Site ; 27°25′20″ N, 88°55′13″ E; 3137 m a.s.l.; 4 Aug. 2020; Yucheng Zheng leg.; light tRap; CAU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; CAU GoogleMaps .



MEASUREMENTS. Body length 23.5–24.2 mm, wing length 29.0–30.0 mm, antenna length 4.0– 4.6 mm (n = 2).

HEAD ( Figs 1, 3 View Figs 1–4 ). Mainly reddish brown velvety. Occiput brown with reddish brown mid-longitudinal stripe extended to frontal tubercle. Rostrum and nasus reddish brown. Setae on head black. Frontal tubercle, vertex and narrow dorsal parts of rostrum and nasus with white pruinescence, pruinescence of veRtex distinct. Antennal scape bRown, pedicel and flagellaR segments daRk yellow, except flagellaR segment 11 black, flagellaR segments 3–10 slightly daRk at base. PRoboscis Reddish bRown, black at outeR margin. Palpal segment 1 pale brown, segments 2 and 3 yellow, and segment 4 black.

THORAX ( Figs 1, 3 View Figs 1–4 ). Mainly pale brown to reddish brown velvety. Pronotum yellow with reddish brown mid-longitudinal and lateral stripes extended to head and mesothorax. Prescutum almost wholly reddish brown, with four vague olive-grey stripes, median stripes broadened anteriorly and gradually narrowed posteriorly. Scutum brown, with four vague olive-grey spots. Scutellum brown. Mediotergite brown with uneven white pruinescence, posterior margin with two yellow parts separated by brown part. Membrane between prescutum and pleuron yellow, consistent with pronotum. Pleuron mainly dark yellow with a reddish brown stripe extended from head to upper part of anatergite. Junction of anepisternum and katepisternum with a large brown spot with white pruinescence. Upper margin and anterior part of katatergite and lower part of anepimeron with white pruinescence, pruinescence brown at lower margin and posterior margin. Meron and metapleuron with irregular brown spot and slight pruinescence. Setae on thorax brown. Legs with coxae brownish yellow, femora and tibiae pale brown, tarsi brownish black, claw with a black tooth. Setae on legs dark brown. Wing variegated grey with numerous small pale and dark grey areas; veins and cell Sc bright yellow; pterostigma pale brown; petiole of cell m 1 distinctly shorter than discal cell ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–4 ). Halter with stem pale yellow, knob brownish yellow.

ABDOMEN ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–4 ). Mainly brownish yellow. Abdominal tergites each with two black lateral stripes. Abdominal segment 1 pale yellow, segments 4–7 reddish. Setae on abdomen golden.

HYPOPYGIUM ( Figs 2 View Figs 1–4 , 7–13 View Figs 7–13 ). Mainly reddish brown, except tergite 9 yellowish brown, large and hemispherical. Gonocoxite and sternite 9 virtually fused, except ventral surface of sternite 9 with vague sutuRe. PosteRioR maRgin of gonocoxite slightly extended, petaloid. PosteRioR maRgin of teRgite 9 flattish, with a paiR of Robust fingeR-like pRotRusions cuRved downwaRd, ventRally with a Ridged pRotRusion. SteRnite 9 with two long golden tufts near caudal margin; posterior margin of sternite 9 with a pair of nearly oval pRotRusions and a paiR of small fingeR-like pRotRusions at middle. Adminiculum slim, medially with a pair of slender protrusions. Both gonostyli reddish brown, embedded ( Figs 12–13 View Figs 7–13 ). Outer gonostylus with a large U-shaped depression on top, caudal end with a long hook-like protrusion ( Fig. 11 View Figs 7–13 ). Inner gonostylus slanted, basally with a long, sharp protrusion; lower site of lower beak with a beak-like protrusion ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–13 ).


MEASUREMENTS. Body length 24.0 mm, wing length 31.6 mm, antenna length 4.8 mm (n = 1).

Body color slightly darker than in male. Antenna redder than in male. Brown and black parts of legs paler than in male. Claw without tooth. Wing same as in male, except angle of bifurcation of cell m 1 slightly greater. Black stripes of abdominal tergites narrow and pale. Other characteristics as in male ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–6 ).

OVIPOSITOR. Short. Posterior margin of tergite 9 with two obtuse protrusions laterally. Infra-anal plate tRiangulaR. Fused valculae slightly uptuRned. SteRnite 8 with a paiR of flattened semiciRculaR elevations laterally. Hypovalve short, curved outward ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–6 ).


China (Xizang).


The new species is similar to T. (S.) krishna AlexandeR, 1962 fRom Sikkim, India, but the latteR diffeRs in the following characters: both gonostyli heavily sclerotized and blackened, the outer gonstylus medially with an acute tooth, cell r 4 without white spot at posterior margin ( Alexander 1962).


China Agricultural University

















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