Phlugiolopsis chayuensis Wang, Li & Liu, 2012

Pan, Yangyang, Pang, Siyu & Bian, Xun, 2024, Three new species and one new synonymy in the genus Phlugiolopsis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae), Zootaxa 5474 (2), pp. 139-159 : 155-156

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.2.3

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Phlugiolopsis chayuensis Wang, Li & Liu, 2012


Phlugiolopsis chayuensis Wang, Li & Liu, 2012 View in CoL


Figure 19 View FIGURE 19

Material examined. Holotype: male (SEMCAS), Xiachayu, Chayu , Xizang, August 24–28, 2010, coll. Wenxuan Bi. Paratypes: 1 female (SEMCAS), the other information as holotype; 1 female (SEMCAS), Beiben, Motuo , Xizang, August 15, 2011, coll. by Wenxuan Bi . Other specimens: 1 male and 2 females, Bebeng, Motuo , Xizang, August 2, 2014, coll. by Guanglin Xie; 1 male and 1 female, Bebeng, Motuo , Xizang, August 2, 2014, coll. by Zhijun Zhou; 1 male, Xiachayu, Chayu , Xizang, August 114, 2014, coll. by Guanglin Xie; 1 female, Motuo , Xizang, August 8, 2016, coll. Jiyuan Feng and Guanglin Xie.

Distribution. Xizang (Chayu, Motuo).

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