Bryobrothera tambuyukonensis, H. Akiyama & Suleiman, 2015

Akiyama, Hiroyuki & Suleiman, Monica, 2015, A new species, Bryobrothera tambuyukonensis (Daltoniaceae, Bryopsida), from Sabah, Borneo Island, Phytotaxa 192 (1), pp. 13-23 : 21

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.192.1.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bryobrothera tambuyukonensis


Keys to Bryobrothera tambuyukonensis and related species

1. Inner cortical cells of stems large and thin-walled and outer ones small and thick-walled. Gemmae on reduced axillary branches. Axillary hairs 5–10-celled, with a hardly differentiated basal cell (rarely with single, slightly pigmented basal cell). Central and South America, and Africa ( Tanzania and Madagascar) ............................................................................. Adelothecium bogotense View in CoL

- Cortical cells of stems small and thick-walled throughout. Gemmae on reduced axillary branches absent (except for rhizoidiform ones reported from Bryobrothera View in CoL ). Axillary hairs less than 6-celled, with 1–2 ± pigmented basal cells.........................................2.

2. Leaves broadly elliptical to obovate or spathulate-obovate, 0.3–0.6 mm long• Rhizoidiform gemmae in leaf axils. Pseudoparaphyllia filamentous, 3-celled. Philippines, Indonesia (Seram), Australia, Solomon Island, New Caledonia, Fiji............................... ........................................................................................................................................................................ Bryobrothera crenulata View in CoL

- Leaves narrowly ovate to lanceolate, usually more than 2 mm long. Gemmae absent. Pseudoparaphyllia linear-lanceolate. Only known from North Borneo................................................................................................................................................................3.

3. Leaf apex acute, not mucronate. Lamina distinctly undulate in dry and wet conditions. Laminal cells smooth. Leaf margin denticulate above........................................................................................................................................... Bryobrothera tambuyukonensis

- Leaf apex obtuse, mucronate. Lamina plane, never undulate. Laminal cells minutely verrucose. Leaf margin almost entire............ ............................................................................................................................................................................ Benitotania elimbata View in CoL

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