Homalium parkeri Baker

Applequist, Wendy L., 2018, A revision of Homalium sect. Odontolobus (Salicaceae) endemic to Madagascar, Candollea 73 (1), pp. 27-48 : 41-42

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15553/c2018v731a4



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scientific name

Homalium parkeri Baker


8. Homalium parkeri Baker View in CoL in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 20: 150. 1883.

Lectotypus (designated by SLEUMER, 1973: 309): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Andrangolaoka, s.d., Parker s.n. ( K [ K000231480 ] image seen) . Syntypus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: forests of Imerina , s.d., Baron 1295 ( K [ K000231479 ] image seen, TAN [ TAN000592 About TAN ] image seen) .

Tree to 20 m tall, 36 cm dbh, or shrub; young twigs glabrous (glabrate). Leaves: petiole 2.5-7(-8) mm long, glabrous (glabrate); blade elliptical to narrowly elliptical (to narrowly obovate, ovate or obovate), (2.8-)4-7.3(-9.3) × 1.3-3.1 (-3.4) cm; base cuneate (moderately convex, attenuate); margins serrate with rounded tooth apices; apex acute (rounded, aberrantly emarginate). Inflorescences spicate, (1.8-) 3-7(-11.5) cm long, minutely pubescent (glabrate); flowers clustered, sessile; bracts broadly to transversely deltoid; bracteoles deltoid, minute, caducous. Flowers 5-7-merous, pale green to yellowish; sepals deltoid (ovate), 0.2-0.4(-0.5) mm long; petals ovate (oblong-ovate), 0.7-1.5 mm long, glabrous (sparsely pubescent on abaxial surface), apex acute to rounded; filaments 0.3-0.6 mm long; upper surface of ovary shortpubescent, usually densely; styles (2-)3(-4), 0.2-0.5 mm long.

Vernacular names. – “Hazombato” (Anonymous 19, Hong-Wa et al. 392, Lehavana et al. 487, Service Forestier 16807, 19957, 28755); “Hazombatofotsy” (Louvel 43); “Hazombatomainty” (Service Forestier 16010, 16822); “Hazomby” (Service Forestier 595, 1043, 3926, 6006, 10370, 15990); “Hazompoza” (Service Forestier 7592); “Moara” (Réserves Naturelles 9460); “Ramaindafa” [?] (Réserves Naturelles 10472); “Ranga” (Service Forestier 15873).

Distribution, ecology and conservation status. – Homalium parkeri is widespread in humid forests of eastern Madagascar, extending to high-elevation montane moss forest. A preliminary assessment of its conservation status should be “Least Concern” [LC].

Selected material examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Ambohitantely RS , 1620 m, 18°11’52.5’’S 47°17’03’’E, 7.III.2004, fl., Almeda et al. 8645 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Angavokely ( Carion ), V.1956, fl., Bosser 9575 ( P) ; PK 138 de la route Tananarive-Majunga , 8.VII.1971, post-fl., Cremers 1636 ( MO) ; W Imerina , Andrangolaoka , III.1881, fl. & fr., Hildebrandt 4102 ( P [2 sheets]) ; Firarazana, forêt de Manjato , 18°06’19’’S 47°14’43’’E, 1447 m, 6.VII.2005, fl., Hong-Wa et al. 392 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; 7 km E of Anjozorobe, 18°22’S 48°00’E, 1350 m, 2.IV.1988, fl., Lowry & Randrianasolo 4419 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Ambatolaona, 1700 m, VII.1914, fl., Perrier de la Bâthie 6720 ( P) ; Tsinjoarivo, Ambatotsipihina , 22.XI.1949, fl., Service Forestier 1043 ( P) ; Antsahambavy, Manjakandriana , 14.V.1956, fl., Service Forestier 15873 ( P) ; Ambohidraondriana, Ankazobe , 3.V.1956, fl., Service Forestier 15990 ( P) ; Ambatondradama au N d’Ambohimanga , 30.IV.1957, fl., Service Forestier 18027 ( P) ; Tsiazompaniry, forêt d’Ambohimangakely , 6.IV.1961, fl., Service Forestier 19894 ( P) ; Ibity massif W , Vohipisaka , 20°09’42’’S 46°58’54’’E, 1423 m, 29.II.2004, fl., Skema et al. 22 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; SW Andranofeno Sud village , 18°04’59’’S 47°10’26’’E, 1407 m, 5.IV.2004, fl., Skema et al. 54 ( MO) GoogleMaps . Prov. Antsiranana: Manongarivo RS , 14°05’S 48°23’E, 1470-1570 m, 14-15.IV.1992, fl., Malcomber et al. 1495 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; SW edge of Anjanaharibe-Sud Reserve , 14°48’15’’S 49°26’45’’E, 1000-1100 m, 6.VIII.1997, fr., McPherson 17257 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Anjanaharibe-Sud , 14°47’45’’S 49°27’54’’E, 1161 m, 22.V.1995, fl., Ravelonarivo & Rabesonina 811 ( G, K, MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Andranomilolo, 13 km à l’W du village d’Andranopositra, 14°19’16’’S 49°17’56’’E, 1462 m, 10.XI.2006, fl., Ravelonarivo et al.2015 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Befingotra, Andranotsarabe , 14°45’11’’S 49°28’49’’E, 762 m, 21.IV.1997, fl., Razafindramora et al. 26 ( MO) GoogleMaps . Prov. Fianarantsoa: Andringitra , 26.II.1938, fl., Herb. Jard. Bot. 3141 ( P [2 sheets]) ; Ranomafana, W side of Namorona riv. , 21°16’S 47°21’E, 1080 m, 6.III.1992, fl., Malcomber et al. 1317 ( MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Ambalamanakana, 30 km S d’Ambositra sur RN 7, 20°44’06’’S 47°11’37’’E, 1650 m, 26.III.1996, fl, Rakotomalaza et al. 678 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Ranomafana , parcelle n° 3 , 21°15’30’’S 47°25’E, 900-1100 m, 14.VI.1994, fr., J. Randrianasolo et al. 65 ( MO) GoogleMaps . Prov. Mahajanga: Ambalotsangana, forêt de Makira , 15°31’S 49°05’’E, 1169 m, s.d., fl., Lehavana et al.487 ( MO, P) . Prov.Toamasina: Fkt. Ampita[m]be, Ambatovy , Ampanatovana forest , 18°51’17’’S 48°19’07’’E, 1085 m, 9.VI.2008, fl., Antilahimena et al. 6277 ( G, MO) GoogleMaps ; Andapanomby, près de la riv. Ampandisanana , Makira NW , 15°21’17’’S 49°06’25’’E, 25.IV.2007, fr., Bernard & Birkinshaw 456 ( G, MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Fkt. Ambohibato, forêt de Rianan’i Galy , 18°39’32’’S 47°57’56’’E, 1291 m, 10.IV.2005, fl., Raharijaona et al. 72 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Mantadia PN , Andranomanamponga , 18°50’23’’S 48°26’31’’E, 1110 m, 19.III.2013, fl., Ramahenina et al. 224 ( G, MO, P) GoogleMaps ; Zahamena PN , campement Analalentitra , 17°32’47’’S 48°44’21’’E, 1235-1400 m, 29.IX.2001, fr., Randrianjanaka et al. 629 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Fkt. Ampitambe, Ambatovy, forêt d’Analamay , 18°49’07’’S 48°19’26’’E, 1138 m, 5.IX.2011, fl., Ravelonarivo 3950 ( G, MO) GoogleMaps ; Ambatondrazaka , Manaka Est, 27.VII.1960, fl., Réserves Naturelles 10472 ( P) ; Bekiritsika [?], Lakato , 8.X.1953, fl., Service Forestier 7592 ( P [2 sheets]) ; Perinet, km 7 Antaniditra, 5.V.1954, fl., Service Forestier 10370 ( P) ; W du massif de l’Ampahana , à l’E de Fierenana , 950-1300 m, 10-16.III.1969, fl., Service Forestier 28755 ( MO, P) .


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