Solomonius malaitaensis, Published, 2007

WALL, MICHAEL A., 2007, A revision of the Solomonius-group of the stinkbug tribe Halyini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), Zootaxa 1539 (1), pp. 1-84 : 70-71

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scientific name

Solomonius malaitaensis

sp. nov.

Solomonius malaitaensis sp. nov.

( Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 , 31 View FIGURE 31 D-F, 33F, 36F, 38)

Holotypes. Male. SOLOMON ISLANDS: Malaita, Auki, [8° 46' S, 160° 42’ E], coll. W. Mann. Deposited in American Museum of Natural History GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Straminous with metallic green and bronze maculations. Labium reaching fifth abdominal sternite (fourth visible). Profemora with ventral series of tubercles. Ventral rim of pygophore with narrowly bilobed process. Medial penile plates slightly swollen distally and 2x longer than broad. Eighth gonocoxae of female symmetrically convex.

Description. Body 2X longer than broad ( Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 ). Head broader than long; juga shorter than tylus. Pronotum with anterior margin concave; anterolateral angle produced laterally as small tubercle; anterolateral margins subentire (some vague crenulations anteriorly), slightly carinate; lateral angles produced into an acute angle; posterior margin slightly concave. Scutellum with lateral margins becoming briefly parallel prior to apex. Bucculae with anteroventral angle rounded. Labium reaching abdominal fifth sternite (fourth visible); ratios of labial segments 1:1.7:1.7:1. Peritreme less than 1/2 as long as distance from ostiole of metathoracic scent gland to lateral margin of metapleuron. Episternal ridge located 5/7 of distance between ostiole of metathoracic scent gland and lateral margin of metapleuron. Third through fifth abdominal sternites (second through fourth visible) sulcate. Profemora with ventral row of small stout tubercles; dorsal surface unarmed. Meso- and metafemora unarmed.

Color. Ground color straminous with metallic green and bronze maculations. Antennal segments I–III castaneous; segments IV–V with distal half castaneous. Pronotum with anterior portion bronze, posterior margin marked with four dark triangular maculations. Scutellar bulge bronze metallic; anterolateral excavations black; median longitudinal ridge straminous. Forewing with mottling of ground color and darker maculations; membrane testaceous. Labium straminous to testaceous, apical portion of labial segment IV castaneous. Legs of ground color; tubercles or profemora testaceous; distal portion of tibiae darker than remainder; tarsi distally and ventrally dark. Venter of abdomen with lateral markings forming a wide continuous castaneous band; medial area straminous medially.

Male. Pygophore with relatively lightly sclerotized dorsolateral areas associated with bases of dorsolateral lobes ( Fig. 31D–F View FIGURE 31 ). Ventral rim with median narrowly bilobed process ( Fig. 31D View FIGURE 31 ). Anterior flange of dorsolateral lobes auriculate; concavity oriented posteriorly ( Fig. 31E–F View FIGURE 31 ); posterior lobes rounded, directed entad; posteroventral lobes narrowly acute, directed anterolaterally ( Fig. 31D, F View FIGURE 31 ). Medial penile plates 2X longer than broad, curving and slightly swollen distally ( Fig. 33F View FIGURE 33 ).

Female. Laterotergites of eighth segment broad, laterally with small subtriangular lobes. Gonocoxa of eighth segment with convex posterior margin. Gonocoxa of ninth segment narrow; posterior margin slightly emarginate. Laterotergites of ninth segment rounded apically ( Fig. 36F View FIGURE 36 ). Secondary thickening of vagina intima stout, subquadrate, hemispherical, pore to ductus recepticali opening between lobes.

Measurements. Males (n=5): body length 15.7 SD 0.1 (15.5–15.9), anterior pronotal width 3.7 SD 0.1 (3.4–3.8), humeral width 8.0 SD 0.1 (7.8–8.1), scutellar length 5.4 SD 0.1 (5.2–5.7), medial length of sixth sternite (fifth visible) 0.9 SD 0.1 (0.8–1.0), medial length of seventh sternite (sixth visible) 2.8 SD 0.1 (2.7– 3.0). Females (n=5): body length 17.0 SD 0.1 (16.8–17.1), anterior pronotal width 4.3 SD 0.4 (3.8–5.0), humeral width 8.4 SD 0.1 (8.2–8.7), scutellar length 5.9 SD 0.1 (5.6–6.1), medial length of sixth sternite (fifth visible) 1.4 SD <0.1 (1.3–1.5), medial length of seventh sternite (sixth visible) 2.1 SD <0.1 (2.1–2.3). Appendages in Table 5.

Etymology. Malaita (in the Solomon Islands) plus the Latin suffix – ensis (“belonging to”).

Paratypes. SOLOMON ISLANDS: Malaita, Araki , [8° 31' S, 160° 10’ E], 24 September 1963, coll. M. McQuillan - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Auki , [8° 46' S, 160° 42’ E], coll. W. Mann - 8 ♀♀, 6 ♂♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 21–22 September 1957, coll. J.L. Gressitt - 4 ♀♀ ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 10 April 1964, coll. M. McQuillan - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Baunani , [9° 8' S, 160° 51’ E], 6 September 1964, coll. E. Brown - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Dala , [8° 35' S, 160° 40’ E], 5 June 1964, coll. R. Straatman - 1 ♀ ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; E. of Kwalo (E, of Auki ), elev. 350 m, [8° 46' S, 160° 42’ E], 29 September 1957, coll. J.L. Gressitt - 1 ♂ ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; Hulo , [9° 5' S, 160° 50’ E], 2 June 1965, coll. E. Brown - 1 ♂ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Nuna Lava , 25km NE Dala, elev. 200 m, [8° 35' S, 160° 40’ E], coll. R. Straatman - 1 ♀, 1 ♂ ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 16 July 1964, coll. J. Sedlacek - 1 ♂ ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; Rai’ako , [8° 51' S, 160° 48’ E], 27 May 1955, coll. E. Brown - 1 ♀, 1 ♂ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Su’u , [9° 7' S, 160° 56’ E], coll. W. Mann - 1 ♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 10 September 1928, coll. R. Paine - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 15 August 1934, coll. H. Pagden - 1 ♂ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 1 July 1965, coll. E. Brown - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Tangtalau , elev. 150–200 m, 23–26 September 1957, coll. J.L. Gressitt - 4 ♀♀, 7 ♂♂ ( BPBM) ; Ulawa, [9° 46' S, 161° 57’ E], 27 April 1965, coll. E. Brown - 1 ♀ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Eastern Malaita and Ulawa ( Fig. 38 View FIGURE 38 )


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