Paraminilimosina similis, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 402-404

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Paraminilimosina similis

sp. nov.

Paraminilimosina similis View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 94–99)

Holotype ( HNHM): male, TANZANIA: Morogororegion , MikumiNationalPark, Mikumi Tented Camp – Netting over excrement of elephant, Feb 1, 1987, leg. S. Mahunka – T. Pócs – A. Zicsi, No. 8.

Paratypes ( HNHM): 1 male (abdomenwithgenitaliainaplasticmicrovialwithglycerol) 4 females : samelabelsasfortheholotype; 1 male: Nigeria [BauchiState]: Yankari (on label incorrectly Yangui ) Reserve, Wikki – Aug. 15, 1978, leg. A. Demeter, No. 22 [buffalo dung from previous night] .

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.15 (holotype), 1.15–1.45 (paratypes); winglength 1.19 (holotype), 1.18–1.38 (paratypes); wingwidth 0.51 (holotype), 0.51–0.56 (paratypes).

Description. Male. Head, scutum, scutellum, abdomenandlegslightbrown. Alarge triangularprotuberancepresentbetweenantennalbases, facialplatestronglyconcavein profile; mouthedgestronglyupturned, mouthcavityextremelylarge. Anteriorhalfof frons, scapeandpediceldirtyyelloworochre. Twofronto-orbitals, ocellar, outerandinnerverticalpairsstrong, outerandinneroccipitalssimilar, postocellarpairnearlyparal- lel, comparativelylong (0.06 mm); fourtofiveshortinterfrontalpairs. Genalsetadistinct (somewhatlongerthan 0.04 mm), butperistomalandposteriorgenalsetaelonger, 0.05– 0.06 mm. Vibrissa 0.16 mm, longitudinal axis of eye 0.25 mm, genal width below eye 0.06 mm. Antennalscapemuchbroaderthanlong, witha 0.04 mmlongmedialseta; pedicel setaeverylong, e.g., dorsalseta 0.08–0.085 mm. Firstflagellomereslightlyconical, arista 0.095 –0.105 mmlong. Onlyoneposteriorpairofdorsocentrals. Prescutellaracrostichal distinct, 0.10–0.11 mm; thoracicsetaesparse, butlongsetulae, includingacrostichals; one postpronotal, 2 notopleurals (posteriorpaironacallus, maybenamedaspresutural), l largesupra- alarandpost-alar (posterior) separable, othernotlongerthansetulae. Infemalesalateralpresuturalalsodeveloped. Oneratherlongkatepisternalseta. Sub-basal seta of costa short, 0.10 mm. Inter-crossvein section of M 1+2, 0.15 mm, M-M cross vein 0.08 mm. Second / third costal sections 0.29 / 0.40 mm, ratio 0.72. R 4+5 slightly upcurved, C dis- tinctly extending beyond tip of R 4+5. M 3+4 continued on a section of 0.15 mm distally to MM. Alulanarrow, elongated. Midtibiawithanormalventro-apicalseta; antero-dorsalsatba- sal third and 11/15, a more dorsal (dorsal) at 13/15, no mid ventral seta. Anterior preapical setadistinct. Otherwisenopeculiaritiesonlegs.

Abdominalsternites 2–3 (Figs 93–94) withpeculiarmodifications: inlateralview, itformsalargeroundknob-likeprocesswithasmallerswellingbasally; inventralview, more intricate. Sternite 5 (Fig. 95) almost as long as wide, its medio-caudal part (Fig. 96) Figs 94–99. Paraminilimosinasimilis sp. n., malepostabdomenandgenitalia. 94 = preabdominal structures, lateral view, 95 = same, ventral view, 96 = sternite 5, ventral view, 97 = caudalpartofsternite 5 inhighermagnification, ventralview, 98 = surstylus, inbroadest (sublateral) view, 99 = postgonite, lateralview (contours: atbroadest). Scalebar: 0.2 mmfor

Figs 94–96, 0.1 mm for Figs 97–99

composedofapairofbluntlobes, withnumerousbluntblackpegs. Surstylus (Fig. 97) muchlongerthanhighbasalpartwithlongsetae, apicalpartbearssetaemostlyonmesial surface, setaecoveredwheninlateralview. Postgonite (Fig. 98) rathersimple, bare, its broadestextensioninsublateralview.

Female: unknown.

Etymology. Thespecificepithet (Latin: ‘similis’ = like, resembling) referstothechar- acteristicsofthisnewspeciesresemblingtotheformerlydescribedOrientalspeciesinthe genus.

Comments. P. similis sp. n. isparticularlysimilarto P. miraculisterna L. Papp, 2008 ( Thailand). Theblackpegsmedio-caudallyonsternite 5 issmaller and more numerous in the new species. The surstylus is very different, with largelydifferentmodificationsofthepregenitalsternites (cf. PAPP 2008 a: figs 16 misnumbered as fig. 15 and 17). The body colour is similar to that of P. miraculisterna. Theratiobetweensecondandthirdcostalsectionsis 0.72, larger than in the Oriental species of the genus. The abdominal sternites 2–3 in P. similis , sp. n. are intricate, but it is even more complex in P. miraculisterna (see PAPP 2008 a: fig. 17).

PAPP (2008 a: 57) referred to the specimens described here as an Afrotropical species other than the two Oriental species described there and an additional new species from India.


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