Meleonoma lanceolata, Wang & Zhu, 2020

Wang, Shuxia & Zhu, Xiaoju, 2020, Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of fifteen new species, Zootaxa 4838 (3), pp. 331-357 : 346-347

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scientific name

Meleonoma lanceolata

sp. nov.

Meleonoma lanceolata sp. nov.

( Figs. 14 View FIGURES 13−18 , 30 View FIGURES 29−34 , 40 View FIGURES 39−43 )

Type material. China, Zhejiang: Holotype ♂, Xiguan (30.36°N, 119.48°E), Mt. Tianmu , 566 m, 18.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin GoogleMaps et al., slide No. LiSR15095. Paratypes (77♂ 35♀): Zhejiang: 2♂ 3♀, same data as holotype, slide No. LiSR15048 ♀; 2♂, Mt. Tianmu , 350 m, 15.VIII.1999, leg. HH Li GoogleMaps ; 2♂ 4♀, 7−9.VII.2014, 1♂, 15.VIII.2014, Qianjiangyuan, Mt. Tianmu , 866 m, leg. AH Yin et al.; 6♀, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu , 1000 m, 28–29.VII.2011, leg. N Chen & LL Yang ; 6♀, 12–14.VII.2014, 3♀, 9–11.VIII.2014, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu , 789 m, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♀, 6.VII.2014, 1♂, 18.VIII.2014, Lao’an, Mt. Tianmu , 555 m, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♂, Shunxi, Lin’an , 420 m, 12.VIII.2007, leg. Q Jin ; 1♂ 1♀, Qianqingtang, Qingliangfeng, Lin’an , 1059 m, 28.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♂, Wuyanling , Taishun County, 250 m, 4.VIII.2005, leg. YL Xiao ; 3♂, Wuyanling , Taishun County, 790 m, 2.VIII.2007, leg. Q Jin ; 1♂, Mt. Jiulong , 400 m, 4.VIII.2011, leg. LL Yang & N Chen ; 1♀, Yanping, Mt. Jiulong , 530 m, 4.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 1♀, Zhangkengkou, Mt. Jiulong , 623 m, 5.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 2♂, 25.VII.2014, 1♂, 29.VIII.2014, Jiufu Village, Mt. Longtang, 520 m, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♂, Longxushan Village, Mt. Longxu , 778 m, 20.VIII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al.; 2♀, Pinggang, Mt. Longxu , 754 m, 20.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al.; 2♂, National Forest Park, Mt. Siming, Ningbo City , 822 m, 31.VII–1.VIII.2016, leg. QY Wang et al.; 3♂, Fuze Village , Chun’an County, 144 m, 1–3.VIII.2018, leg. S Yu et al.; 4♂, Datou Village, Quzhou City , 707 m, 6–8.VIII.2018, leg. S Yu et al.; 4♂, Laofoyan Village, Xianxialing, Jiangshan City , 465 m, 10–12.VIII.2018, leg. S Yu et al.; 2♂, Mt. Gutian , Kaihua County, 416 m, 15.VIII.2018, leg. S Yu et al.; 1♂, Wangdongyang Wetland, Jingning County , 1174 m, 18.VIII.2018, leg. S Yu et al.; 1♂, Linkeng Village , Yongjia County, 387 m, 24.VIII.2016, leg. QY Wang et al.; Chongqing: 1♀, Baiyunzhuhai, Mt. Jinyun, 550 m, 17.VII.2011, leg. XC Du ; 3♂, Tudiyan, Mt. Simian , 1200 m, 9.VIII.2011, leg. GQ He & LF Song ; 1♂, Wangxiangtai, Mt. Simian , 900 m, 18.VII.2012, leg. YH Sun & AH Yin ; 1♂, Beipo, Mt. Jinfo , 800 m, 23.VIII.2014, leg. XF Yang ; Fujian: 2♂ 1♀, Guadun, Mt. Wuyi, 1100 m, 31.VII.2008, leg. WC Li et al., slide No. LiSR15055 ♂ ; Guangxi: 1♀, Mt. Mao’er , 1016 m, 25.VII.2015, leg. MJ Qi & SN Zhao ; 1♂, Gaozhai Village, Mt. Mao’er, Guilin City , 1063 m, 27.VII.2015, leg. KL Liu & JX Zhao ; 2♂, Huaping , 950 m, 6.VIII.2006, leg. WC Li ; 4♂, Mt. Daming, Nanning City , 1200 m, 6–7.VIII. 2011, leg. SL Hao & YH Sun , slide No. YAH15027 View Materials ; 1♂, Mt. Dayao , Jinxiu County, 1364 m, 19.VII.2015, leg. MJ Qi & SN Zhao ; Guizhou: 1♂, Xiannvdong , Daozhen County, 600 m, 17.VIII.2004, leg. YL Xiao ; 1♂, Kuankuoshui , Suiyang County, 17.VIII.2010, leg. LL Yang ; 1♂, Mt. Leigong, Fangxiang Town, 910 m, 4.VIII.2018, leg. ML Zheng et al .; Hainan: 1♂, Yinggeling , 30.IX.2010, leg. BB Hu ; Henan: 1♂, Mt. Baiyun, Song County, 1400 m, 15.VIII.2008, leg. HH Li ; Hubei: 2♀, Taohuachong , Yingshan County, 635 m, 24–25. VI.2014, leg. W Guan & MQ Yang ; 2♀, Taohuachong , Yingshan County, 590 m, 25–27. VI.2014, leg. JY Luo & Y Fei ; 1♂, Qingtaiguan Forest Farm , Luotian County, 570 m, 3.VII.2014, leg. W Guan & MQ Yang ; Jiangxi: 1♂, Mt. Feng, Ganzhou City , 27.VIII.2006, leg. JS Xu & MS Liu ; Liaoning: 1♂, Mt. Qian, Anshan City, 245 m, 6.VIII.2016, leg. MJ Qi et al.; Shaanxi: 1♂, Donghetai , 1400 m, 25.VII.2018, leg. YY Li ; Shandong: 2♂, Mt. Kunyu, Yantai City , 21.VII.2009, leg. Q Jin ; 13♂, Beijiushui, Mt. Lao, Qingdao City , 1.VIII.2009, leg. Q Jin ; Sichuan: 2♂, Mt. Jiulong, Mianzhu City, 810 m, 31.VII.2016, leg. Y Fei.

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to M. malacobyrsa ( Meyrick, 1921) . It can be recognized in the male genitalia by the distal 2/3 of the aedeagus with two elongate sclerites, and in the female genitalia by the antrum narrowly incised anteromedially and the ductus bursae with two elliptical plates anteriorly. In M. malacobyrsa , the aedeagus has three elongate sclerotized sclerites in distal 2/3, and the antrum is not incised anteriorly and the ductus bursae is absent of sclerotized plates in the female genitalia ( Clarke 1963: 165, Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Description. Adult ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 13−18 ). Forewing length 7.5−9.0 mm.

Head with frons yellow; vertex blackish brown, yellow along dorsal margin of eye. Labial palpus yellow, with scattered blackish brown scales on outside of first and second segments, with a logitudinal blackish brown line extending from base to end on ventral surface of second segment; third segment about 2/3 length of second segment. Antenna blackish brown dorsally, yellow ventrally.

Thorax and tegula deep yellowish brown, mixed with blackish brown. Forewing with costal margin arched, apex rounded; yellow to ochreous, mixed with blackish brown scales, denser between fold and dorsum; median fascia blackish brown, extending from middle of costal margin oblique to tornus, widened anteriorly; subterminal fascia black, arched; discal and plical spots black, large, ovate; black dots running from about distal 1/4 of costal margin along termen to tornus; fringe yellow, yellowish brown around tornus. Hindwing and fringe greyish brown. Legs yellow; on ventral surface, foreleg blackish brown except tibia mixed with orange, midleg blackish brown except tibia orange apically, tarsi of fore- and midlegs with basal two tarsomeres orange at apex, hind tarsus greyish brown, yellow at apex of each tarsomere.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 29−34 ). Uncus lanceolate, basal 2/3 parallel, distal 1/3 narrowed to pointed apex, with a single long seta at basal 1/4 laterally. Tegumen with widest part about same length of uncus. Valva narrow basally, widened to basal 2/3, thereafter slightly narrowed to rounded apex; ventral margin straight in basal 2/5, arched in distal 3/5, with a small process at basal 2/5; in some individuals, valva stouter, widened from base to before middle, thereafter slightly narrowed to rounded apex ( Fig. 30a View FIGURES 29−34 ); costa with basal 2/3 heavily sclerotized, distal 1/3 gradually narrowed, reaching before end of valva terminally, concave basally; transtilla roundly dilated, with tuft of long setae. Sacculus short and broad, about 1/3 length of valva; apex concave inwardly, forming two lobes: dorsal lobe stout, curved ventrad, rounded at apex; ventral lobe narrow, triangular, pointed at apex. Saccus wide at base, slightly narrowed to rounded apex. Juxta U-shaped. Aedeagus almost as long as valva, basal 1/3 narrow, nearly uniform, distal 2/3 with two sclerotized elongate sclerites: dorsal sclerite slender, rodlike, enlarged in C-shape distally; ventral sclerite widened medially, narrowed distally, serrate dorsomedially and ventrobasally; with two clusters of small spines in membrane.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 39−43 ). Papillae anales rectangular, setose. Apophyses anteriores about half length of apophyses posteriores. Eighth sternal plate spiculate, concave at middle on posterior margin. Lamella antevaginalis sub-trapezoidal, deeply concave at middle on anterior margin. Antrum sclerotized, sub-rectangular, deeply incised to anterior 1/3 from middle of anterior margin. Ductus bursae membranous, globularly expanded, with two elliptical plates; ductus seminalis arising from transition of ductus bursae and corpus bursae. Corpus bursae rounded; signum placed at bottom, elongately elliptical, with a row of teeth, apical tooth largest.

Distribution. China (Chongqing, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Zhejiang).

Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species is derived from the Latin lanceolatus, referring to the shape of the uncus.


Musee de Lectoure


Buffalo Bill Museum


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