Astenus (Eurysunius) kociani, Assing, 2015

Assing, Volker, 2015, A new myrmecophilous species of Eurysunius from Turkey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1113-1118 : 1114-1117

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scientific name

Astenus (Eurysunius) kociani

sp. nov.

Astenus (Eurysunius) kociani View in CoL nov.sp. ( Figs 1-12 View Figs 1-8 View Figs 9-12 )

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype Ƌ: "Turcia cent., Gümüskent, 20.IV.1992, Kapler lgt., 5/1992 / Holotypus Ƌ Astenus kociani sp.n. det. V. Assing 2015" (author´s collection).

E t y m o l o g y: The species is dedicated to Matúš Kocian (Prague), specialist of Tachyporinae , also in appreciation of the generous gift of the holotype.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 4.6 mm; length of forebody 2.2 mm. Coloration: head and pronotum blackish; elytra dark yellowish-brown, with the region near the scutellum infuscate; abdomen blackish, with the posterior margins of segments VI-VIII reddishbrown; legs with the femora blackish-brown, the tibiae brown, and the tarsi pale-brown; antennae reddish-brown, with antennomeres III-IX somewhat darker brown.

Head ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1-8 ) transverse, 1.18 times as broad as long; lateral margins behind eyes subparallel; median dorsal portion noticeably elevated; punctation umbilicate and very dense, but shallow ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1-8 ). Eyes moderately small, nearly as long as postocular region in dorsal view. Antenna ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1-8 ) 1.15 mm long; antennomeres IV-X distinctly oblong.

Pronotum ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1-8 ) 1.2 times as broad as long and approximately as broad as head, posteriorly with oblong median impression; lateral margins in posterior two-thirds weakly concave in dorsal view, each with three long black setae, one in anterior angle, one at anterior third, and one in posterior angle, these setae approximately three-fourths as long as lateral margins; punctation seemingly (at lower magnifications) non-umbilicate, with the glossy interstices as broad as, or slightly broader than the punctures, at higher magnification with a network of microstriae ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1-8 ).

Elytra ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1-8 ) approximately 0.65 times as long as pronotum; punctation distinctly granulose and moderately dense ( Fig. 9 View Figs 9-12 ). Hind wings completely reduced.

Abdomen slightly broader than elytra and with very glossy interstices; punctation of tergites III-V very dense and somewhat granulose, that of tergites VI-VII less dense and not distinctly granulose ( Fig. 10 View Figs 9-12 ); posterior margin of tergite VII with very narrow rudiment of a palisade fringe ( Fig. 10 View Figs 9-12 ).

Ƌ: sternite VIII shaped as in Fig. 11 View Figs 9-12 , posterior incision in the middle very narrow and acute ( Fig. 12 View Figs 9-12 ); aedeagus 0.7 mm long and shaped as in Figs 5-8. View Figs 1-8

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: The new species differs from all other myrmecophilous Eurysunius species recorded from Turkey, except A. sexsetosus ASSING, 2002 from Kayseri, by the presence of three (rather than two) long setae on either of the lateral margins of the pronotum. Based on the similarly derived punctation of the pronotum (seemingly non-umbilicate, interstices with network of microstriae) and the similarly derived chaetotaxy of the pronotum (lateral margins each with three long setae), A. kociani is evidently closely related to A. sexsetosus , from which it is distinguished by the darker legs and antennae ( A. sexsetosus : yellowish brown), the shape of the head ( A. sexsetosus : head broader than pronotum and lateral margins diverging behind eyes), the smaller eyes ( A. sexsetosus : eyes distinctly shorter than postocular region), and by the shape of the aedeagus ( A. sexsetosus : more strongly curved in lateral view, stouter and apically less acute in ventral view). For illustrations of A. sexsetosus and other myrmecophilous Eurysunius species see ASSING (2002, 2007, 2010, 2011), for photographs of the doubtful A. sandiklicus and four other recently described species from western Anatolia see ANLAŞ (2014, 2015).

D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d n a t u r a l h i s t o r y: The type locality is situated in Nevşehir province in central Anatolia. The holotype was collected from the nest of an unidentified Tetramorium species, as can be inferred from the Tetramorium worker glued next to the holotype.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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