Entomosterna kovariki Wappes and Santos-Silva, 2020

Wappes, James E. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2020, New species of Trachyderini from Mexico and Central America (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2020 (822), pp. 1-11 : 2-5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5353675

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scientific name

Entomosterna kovariki Wappes and Santos-Silva

sp. nov.

Entomosterna kovariki Wappes and Santos-Silva View in CoL , new species

( Fig. 1–5 View Figures 1–9 )

Description. Holotype female. Frons, postclypeus, mandibles, area behind upper eye lobes, genae, and antennae black; vertex mostly black, except dark reddish-brown area close to prothorax; area behind lower eye lobes black close to eye, dark reddish-brown close to prothorax; ventral surface of head reddish-brown laterally, gradually yellowish toward central area, except narrow brown anterior area; basal segments of mouthparts reddish-brown, and yellowish-brown on distal segments except mostly black palpi. Prothorax yellow with narrow orangish anterior and posterior margins, and area surrounding procoxal cavities. Mesoventrite yellow centrally, black on sides of central region, reddish-brown laterally and narrow anterior margin. Mesanepisternum black with reddishbrown margins; mesepimeron dark brown; metanepisternum black. Metaventrite black laterally, center yellowish for much of basal half, reddish-brown on center of posterior half, with dark brown infusion centrally near middle (extension from black area). Scutellum black. Elytra mostly black, except narrow dark reddish-brown macula on each side of scutellum. Procoxae mostly orangish, with blackish area close to trochanter; mesocoxae orangish anteriorly, black on remaining surface; metacoxae mostly black, except posterior region brown. Femora, tibiae, and tarsi black. Abdominal ventrites I–IV yellow, with apex orangish; abdominal ventrite V orangish basally, remaining surface black.

Head. Frons tumid centrally; finely, densely punctate, except smooth central plate close to postclypeus (this plate slightly more elevated than remaining central area); with abundant dark brown pubescence (partially more yellowish-brown depending on light intensity), not obscuring integument, except glabrous central plate; with a few long, erect dark brown setae laterally. Area between antennal tubercles and beginning of upper eye lobes finely punctate (punctures distinctly coarser and sparser than on frons), with central area smooth; area between upper eye lobes finely, and behind beginning of upper eye lobes densely punctate (punctures distinctly coarser than on frons), with central region smooth; remaining surface of vertex finely, abundantly punctate, abundantly punctate near eyes, smoother close to prothorax (punctures mostly transverse); punctate area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with dense, bristly dark brown pubescence, with nearly glabrous sides between these areas, glabrous on smooth area; area with punctures mostly transverse with short, sparse, bristly yellowish-brown setae, and smooth area close to prothorax glabrous; area between antennal tubercles and close to upper eye lobes with a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae. Remaining surface of area behind upper eye lobes and behind lower eye lobes finely, sparsely punctate; with short, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae close to inferior area of lower eye lobes. Genae finely, sparsely punctate, with apex smooth; with short, sparse, nearly erect yellowish-brown setae, setae lacking in glabrous smooth area. Median groove distinct from clypeus to area between antennal tubercles. Antennal tubercles finely, sparsely punctate (punctures coarser than on frons), except apex smooth; with sparse, bristly brownish setae. Postclypeus carinate, finely, shallowly punctate on wide central area, smooth laterally; with short, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae, with a few long, erect setae of same color interspersed, glabrous laterally. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on posterior half, oblique on anterior half; finely, densely punctate on coplanar area, nearly smooth on oblique area; with long, erect golden setae directed forward on coplanar area (longer laterally), oblique area glabrous, except short fringe of yellowish setae near apex of central region. Gulamentum somewhat striate punctate on sides of posterior 2/3, smooth centrally on posterior 2/3; anterior third finely rugose-punctate; posterior 2/3 glabrous, with long, erect yellowish-brown setae on anterior third. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.60 times length of scape (0.53 times distance between outer margins of eyes); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes equal to length of scape (0.57 times distance between outer margins of eyes). Antennae 1.45 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex slightly after middle of antennomere XI. Scape finely, abundantly punctate, apex of dorsal surface smooth, and nearly smooth on sides of apex; with short, abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, erect dark setae interspersed. Pedicel and antennomeres III–VI with dark pubescence not obscuring integument, with fringe of short, erect black setae ventrally (gradually sparser toward VI); remaining antennomeres with shorter, denser, dark pubescence, and a few short, erect dark setae on apex of ventral surface (erect setae absent on XI, and a few short setae present about middle of some antennomeres). Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.51; pedicel = 0.10; IV = 0.67; V = 0.67; VI = 0.64; VII = 0.62; VIII = 0.58; IX = 0.53; X = 0.46; XI = 0.63.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long (including lateral tubercles); sides with distinct tubercle centrally. Pronotum gibbous on each side of posterior half; finely, sparsely punctate on anterior 3/4 (punctures gradually sparser toward apex of this region), smooth on posterior quarter; with long, erect dark seta emerging from each puncture, absent on gibbosities, and nearly absent on center of posterior quarter. Sides of prothorax finely, sparsely punctate on anterior third, nearly smooth on remaining surface; with short, erect, sparse, pale yellow setae on anterior third, remaining surface glabrous. Prosternum minutely, abundantly striate-punctate; with long, erect, abundant yellowish-white setae. Prosternal process longitudinally tumid centrally; apex tab-shaped on each side; narrowest area about 0.4 times width of procoxal cavity. Mesoventrite finely, somewhat striate-punctate centrally, finely, moderately abundantly punctate laterally; with sparse grayish-white pubescence centrally, denser laterally, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Mesoventral process tumid, with apex tab-shaped; narrowest area 0.55 times width of mesocoxal cavity. Mesanepisternum, mesepimeron and metanepisternum finely, abundantly punctate (punctures slightly coarser on metanepisternum); with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Metaventrite with abundant, short, both decumbent and bristly yellowish-brown setae laterally, and long, erect setae of same color toward central region. Scutellum with dark pubescence not obscuring integument. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate throughout; with moderately long, erect dark seta emerging from each puncture; apex almost truncate, with rounded angles. Legs. Profemora subfusiform, finely, sparsely punctate, with short, decumbent yellowish setae dorsally and laterally, a little longer and bristly on apex of dorsal surface, with long, erect, abundant setae of same color ventrally, gradually shorter toward apex. Mesofemora subpedunculate, arched on basal third; longitudinally carinate on sides of posterior half; finely, abundantly punctate (punctures coarser than on profemora), except posterior half of ventral surface smooth; with sparse, golden pubescence dorsally and laterally, and long, erect setae of same color on punctate area of ventral surface, impunctate area glabrous. Metafemora slightly arched on anterior quarter; longitudinally carinate on sides of posterior 2/3; finely, abundantly punctate throughout (punctures slightly deeper than on mesofemora); with yellowish-white pubescence on anterior quarter, black, bristly on remaining surface, except short and erect setae ventrally on posterior 3/4. Protibiae finely, sparsely punctate; with a few short yellowish-brown setae dorsally, distinctly longer, bristly, denser ventrally, especially from basal third. Meso- and metatibiae finely, abundantly punctate; with abundant, decumbent black setae not obscuring integument, and short, erect, abundant dark setae ventrally. Metatarsomere I distinctly longer than II+III, about 0.4 times length of metatibiae; metatarsomere II 0.45 times length of I; metatarsomere V 0.67 times length of I.

Abdomen. Ventrites I–IV with sparse, both short and long, pale yellow setae (slightly more abundant laterally), ventrite V with short, pale yellow setae, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed, especially laterally. Ratio of ventrites, based on V: I (including abdominal process), 2.8; II = 1.32; III = 1.27; IV = 1.22.

Chromatic variation, paratype female (LGBC). Elytra reddish-brown on dorsal basal third and side of basal fifth, except sutural region and part of humeral region: ventral surface of mesothorax, and base of metanepisternum reddish-brown.

Male. Head black, except posterocentral area of gulamentum orangish; prothorax orangish, slightly brownish on posterior margin; ventral surface of meso- and metathorax black, except orangish posterior 2/3 of mesoventrite, and central area of metaventrite (orangish area of metaventrite widened on anterior third); legs with color as in female; abdominal ventrite V orangish. Antennae 1.95 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere VIII. Pronotal punctures slightly coarser than in female.

Dimensions in mm (holotype female/ paratype male). Total length, 16.40/14.75; prothoracic length, 3.20/2.85; anterior prothoracic width, 2.30/2.10; posterior prothoracic width, 3.40/2.75; maximum prothoracic width, 4.00/3.15; humeral width, 3.90/3.30; elytral length, 11.10/9.70. The LGBC specimens were not measured.

Type material. Holotype female from BELIZE, ORANGE WALK: Rio Bravo Conservation Area, vic. La Milpa Field Station , 8–13.VII.1996, W.B. Warner, J. Shuey, P. Kovarik and C. W. O’Brien col. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) . Paratypes 1 male, same data as holotype, except 9–13.IX.1996, P.W. Kovarik col. ( ACMT). STANN CREEK: 37 km W Dangriga, Middlesex Village, Trees, 186 m, 1 male, 20.VI–1.VII.2016, Jeff Smith col. ( LGBC): 16 km W. Dangriga, 83 m, sweeping vegetation, 1 female, 4–13.VII.2019, L. G. Bezark col. ( LGBC).

Etymology. Named for Ohio coleopterist, Peter Kovarik, one of the collectors of the types who so kindly provided specimens of this new species to the authors.

Remarks. Entomosterna kovariki is similar to E. ruficollis Chemsak and Hovore, 2010 , but differs as follows: antennae in female slightly surpassing elytral apex; antennae in male distinctly shorter (reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere VIII); pronotum very finely and sparsely punctate on anterior half, nearly smooth on posterior half, especially on posterior third; metatarsomeres I, II and V distinctly shorter. In E. ruficollis , the antennae in female distinctly surpass the elytral apex, and are even longer in male (reaching elytral apex about apex of antennomere V), pronotum is moderately coarse, dense, deep punctate, and metatarsomeres I, II and V are distinctly longer. It differs from E. cruentata Chevrolat, 1862 ( Fig. 6–9 View Figures 1–9 ) by the elytra feebly longitudinally carinate (distinctly carinate in E. cruentata ).


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













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