Kermia daedalea (Garrett, 1873)

Kilburn, Richard Neil, 2009, Genus Kermia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea: Conidae: Raphitominae) in South African waters, with observations on the identities of related extralimital species, African Invertebrates 50 (2), pp. 217-217 : 233-234

publication ID 10.5733/afin.050.0201


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Kermia daedalea (Garrett, 1873)


Kermia daedalea (Garrett, 1873) View in CoL View at ENA

Figs 50–54 View Figs 50–54

Clathurella daedalea: Garrett 1873:219 , pl. 2, fig.33; Tryon 1884: 294, pl.19, fig.66. Type locality:Viti Is [= Fiji]. Clathurella phaedra Hervier, 1897 a: 141 ; 1897 c: 96, pl. 2, fig. 3. Type locality: Lifou.

Philbertia phaedra (Hervier) : Oyama & Takemura 1957: Philbertia (2), figs 13, 14.

Type material: C. daedalea : 3 syntypes from Viti [ Fiji] Is in ANSP; of these, ANSP 15821 ( Figs 50, 51 View Figs 50–54 ) resembles the type figure and is here designated as lectotype; it is evidently a specimen of the species later described as C. phaedra ; ANSP 15820 comprises two syntypes, one a chalky example of C. phaedra , the other a specimen of Kermia felina (Reeve, 1843) . C. phaedra : originally 6 syntypes in SML; one presumed syntype (labelled “ paratype ”, although it does not agree well with the type figure) now in MNHN ( Figs 53, 54 View Figs 50–54 ); another possible syntype AMSA C.7081 (not seen).

Regional locality data: SOUTH AFRICA: KwaZulu-Natal: 1–4 km S of Kosi Bay, ca - 20 m (D. Herbert & R. Broker; NMSA S2580 About NMSA ) ; between Bhanga Neck and Kosi Bay , - 13 m (D. Herbert; NMSA S3006 About NMSA ) ; Leadsman Shoal, Raggie Reef , - 8–14 m, mixed algal and coral reef (D. Herbert & Natal Parks Board; NMSA E5397 About NMSA ) ; off Durban Bluff , - 20–22 m, reclamation sand (R. Kilburn & R. Fregona; NMSA B5471 About NMSA ) ; Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , - 10 m, sand and reef debris (D. Herbert; NMSA S8227 About NMSA ) and off Umkomaas , - 25–28 m (D. Herbert; NMSA S9894 About NMSA ) .

Distribution: New Caledonia to the Gulf of Suez and south to southern KZN.

Remarks: The status of K. daedalea remains to be finally resolved and it may prove to be an extreme variant of K. producta , from which it appears to differ only in its coarser sculpture and sharper lip denticles.


KwaZulu-Natal Museum













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